The number of reservations in one minute will directly exceed 10,000.

You must know that staring is not a matter of filling in information casually, but a deposit of 5,000 yuan.

If the owner unilaterally breaks the contract, the 5,000 yuan will not be available.

Therefore, the number of people who break the contract with this predetermined number is basically very few.

Breaking 10,000 in a minute is something that many auto giants cannot do when they release new cars.

Then Kyushu, who just held a press conference, actually did it.

And in the global shortage of cores and the tension of various raw materials.

How did they do unlimited delivery within three months.

Even a century-old company like them can't make such a guarantee, and it is normal to delay the delivery of the car.

According to their method, only one month of delay is needed, and the car owner not only frees the car, but also loses money.

How confident is this.

Lin Xuan's confidence certainly comes from the base's armored factory.

In an armored factory in the first-level state, the tank is the same as the dumpling, let alone a small electric car.

An armored factory in full operation can produce 100,000 vehicles per month.

If it is in the second state, it can produce 300,000 vehicles per month.

It only needs to arrange three second-level armored factories and one first-level armored factory, and the monthly output can reach one million vehicles.

He has been watching the Jiuzhou Automobile Conference all the time, and the background data is in front of him.

He saw with his own eyes how the number of orders in the background skyrocketed.

From 10,475 orders in one minute, it became more than 40,000 orders in five minutes, and an hour later, the number of orders exceeded 300,000.

It is expected to break through 500,000 all day and it is easy.

Lin Xuan was also a little stunned when he saw this number.

This purchasing power is also a little too strong, and it has not yet started to deliver.

There are no reviews on the market yet.

As a result, the 280 orders for the whole day will exceed 500,000.

This is at least 220,000 cars.

Statistics based on background data.

67% of people chose to buy the most basic Kyushu S1 electric car.

Although it is the most basic version, the various configurations are quite complete.

Like the L5 automatic driving function, it is also matched with the whole system.

But even so, if it is calculated according to the order volume of 500,000 throughout the day.

The total amount ordered by more than 300,000 is nearly 70 billion.

After deducting various taxes, transportation costs, publicity costs, etc., the gross profit is about 40%.

That is about 28 billion pure profit.

This is the total order amount for the most basic configuration.

There are also 170,000 people who choose the middle and high level and the top match, and the average is about 280,000.

A total of 47 billion RMB, profit 19 billion.

That is to say, the order volume of 500,000 on this day brought Lin Xuan a profit of 470 or more.

Although the subsequent monthly orders will gradually decrease, by the second and third months, there may be only tens of thousands of orders per month.

But this profit is also very considerable.

Sure enough, technology is the core productivity.

In Lin Xuan's view, the reason why Kyushu S1 can be welcomed by the market.

It has a great relationship with graphene batteries and autonomous driving technology.

It is these high technologies that give the market great confidence.

It will let them take the money to buy it without hesitation.

This Kyushu car can be regarded as taking root in the Xiaguo market.

And at this price range, it is in direct competition with Tesla.

Under the crushing of all aspects, how can Tesla compete with Kyushu Motors?

It's only a matter of time before being kicked out of the market.

However, Lin Xuan underestimated the market's reaction.

The next day when the major stock markets just opened.

The new energy vehicle sector directly fell off a cliff across the board.

Among them, Tesla cars are included.

As soon as the market opened, Tesla's stock price plummeted by 10%.

If it is not for the existence of the circuit breaker mechanism, if it is necessary to suspend trading for an hour, I am afraid that it will continue to fall sharply.

The emergence of graphene batteries and L5 autonomous driving technology.

Tesla doesn't have any advantage in this regard.

That's why investors are panic-sold.

When an hour has passed.

Tesla's stock fell 10 percent again, within 2 seconds of the lifting of the ban.

At this time, even investors who still have a little confidence in Tesla have already felt panic.

This drop has once again triggered the circuit breaker mechanism in the second phase.

Tesla shares were banned from trading for two hours.

But when two hours passed, Tesla's stock plummeted within five seconds.

The third circuit breaker mechanism is directly triggered.

In less than four hours after the opening bell, Tesla's stock was down 30%.

That's for Tesla, which has a market cap of $7,400.

A drop of 30% means that $220 billion has been evaporated.

If the circuit breaker mechanism is not triggered, I am afraid it will be more than this number.

Even the leading Tesla is so miserable, and other new energy sources are not much better.

And the shares of those traditional auto giants are not small.

Like Mercedes-Benz and BMW, the stock price fell by more than 20%.

This day is a nightmare for the global auto industry.

And all of this is because of the appearance of the Kyushu S1 car.

Its appearance redefines the electric vehicle, and the entire auto industry begins to reshuffle.

Those traditional automakers began to panic.

In the field of new energy vehicles, they have just started.

For today's turmoil in the stock market, Lin Xuan also paid a little attention to it.

During these few days of waiting, Yuri also started to move.

As the saying goes, it is necessary to go to the meeting to inform the soldiers.

And in the early stage, we have to do some propaganda work to attack in the name of justice.

First, Yuri prepared a statement and handed it to Nubia.

In this statement, the war six years ago was described.

They forcibly plundered the Mandela oil field and the surrounding land through war.

Now six years have passed, and your bbac mining is almost the same. It's time to return it.

And Yuri's statement was like a hornet's nest, and Nubia responded very violently.

"The past, present, and future here are all our land, and it has never changed. Saying it is yours is completely nonsense.

That's probably what their feedback means.

As the actual backer of the Mandela Oilfield, Ying-chan started to speak.

"The two sides have signed a contract, this is already Nubian land, and Yuri must abide by this contract.

And Yuri responded again, this is their territory, and it has never changed.

It's just because the weak were plundered in the past.

It's time to take back the territory that belongs to you.

As for the so-called contract, it was signed by the ex, and it has nothing to do with him.

In short, he does not accept the contract.

In the end, Yuri gave Nubia an ultimatum.

If they do not respond within 10 days and do not leave the area within a month, they will take all measures to regain the land they once lost.

The meaning of this is very clear.

If you don't do anything for ten days, they will take military action.

This tough ultimatum directly confused Nubia and Eagle sauce.

Go to war without saying a word?

Don't give me bald eagle face at all?

Your Kyushu is indeed very strong, but isn't it because you let them lose a few times and then float away, thinking that you are invincible in the world?

A so-called ultimatum for them to hand over the huge oilfield of Mandela?

Simply delusional.

So the bald eagle sent the presidential envoy to Nubia on the same day.

Not sure what they said to Nubia.

Nubia responded to Yuri on the same day.

"This is our Nubian territory, and we will use all means to protect the place that belongs to us. Even an inch of land will not be taken from us. 39

However, after Yuri faced this response, there was no sound.

But everyone knew that a war was about to break out.

Yuri's lack of response was the most obvious response.

After all, the ultimatum has already been given, and there is no need to respond.

However, on the second day, there was a heavy news that detonated the world.

The 3rd Battalion, 1st Regiment, 1st Bald Eagle Marine Division, arrived in the Bloin area by transport group and settled in the Mandela Field.

The arrival of this troop is for Nubia a Dinghaishenzhen.

Eagle sauce's troops are stationed directly, see if you dare to fight.

So Nubia began to be arrogant again.

"Six years ago, we were able to defeat you and get back what belongs to us, and now we can defeat you as well and protect what belongs to us."

However, in Lin Xuan's eyes, Nubia's behavior is like a clown jumping a beam.

"A battalion of the First Marine Division entered the Mandela oilfield? Are they preparing for a head-on conflict with us? 99

The Bald Eagle Marine Corps is the fourth largest branch of Eagle sauce, with its own fleet and naval aviation, with a total strength of more than 200,000.

And it's the only force that the president doesn't send directly without going through Congress.

This also shows President Eagle sauce's attitude towards this matter.

The big oil field behind the gold master must be defended.

And Lin Xuan is also determined to win this oil field, and this battle is unavoidable.

Ling Liang said from her deduction point of view: "They didn't want to confront us head-on, but thought that after doing so, we wouldn't dare to attack.

"Just to avoid war.

"And they also want to prove to the outside world through this matter that when we face them, we still dare not make any moves, and the position of the world leader is unshakable.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but chuckle.

“I would have had some scruples if I had done it before, but times have changed.55

"Ling Liang, do you think that if I forcibly recapture this place, it will lead to a large-scale war?"

He is not afraid of war, but of a war that is out of control.

This is not what he wants to see.

Ling Liang shook his head and said: "No, this war will only be controlled on the Nubian border, but in order to be safe, the commander seems to be able to show his strength. 35

"How to show it?

Ling Liang's red lips parted lightly, and softly said three words: "Nuclear test.

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