City: I Am Building A Red Police Base In Africa!

Chapter 80 Trinity, Orbital Bomber

Lin Xuan thought for a while and then understood what Ling Liang meant.

Although it was said before that Kyushu demonstrated the V4 ICBM, it was not equipped with a nuclear warhead.

And the Kyushu company has never disclosed the news in this regard.

Therefore, there has always been a speculation in the outside world that Kyushu may not have a nuclear bomb.

Of course, this is just a guess, - no one rushed to verify.

If the nuclear test is carried out this time, it can also show everyone that Kyushu possesses nuclear weapons.

Another point is very important.

Nuclear tests were conducted before the outbreak of war, also to warn Ying-chan.

It doesn't matter if the two of us fight, but we can't expand the war.

Otherwise it's not good for anyone.

The third point is to carry out nuclear deterrence against neighboring countries, to deter their eager hearts, and not to mix everything up.

"Okay, let's release it in the name of the company, we will conduct a Trinity nuclear test in three days, and broadcast the whole process.

"This time, only a five-megaton nuclear warhead will be loaded, and the rest will be empty bombs.

"As for the venue of the experiment, you can decide."

The equivalent of five million tons is not particularly large, but it is also not small, and the deterrent power is also leveraged.

The trinity refers to the three nuclear strike capabilities of land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched intercontinental ballistic missiles, and strategic bombers.

On land-based missiles, there are currently V4 ballistic missiles with a current maximum range of 30,000 kilometers and a maximum speed of over Mach 50 in the free segment.

It is one of the intercontinental ballistic missiles with the longest range and fastest speed, and is also called uninterceptable missile by various countries.

Even Eagle sauce, who has a global anti-missile system, acknowledges this fact.

This also makes the V4 a destructive weapon beyond Satan.

The submarine-launched ballistic missile is now available, developed on the basis of the V4 missile.

Its internal code is "Gonggong"!

The Gonggong submarine-launched ballistic missile has a maximum range of 22,000 kilometers and a maximum rate of fire of Mach 42 in the space phase.

It has the same strike capability and global coverage as the V4 missile.

The strategic bomber is equipped with an air-launched strategic cruise missile, internally code-named "Golden Crow"!

This air-launched strategic cruise missile has a maximum range of 5,500 kilometers.

It is powered by a variable-cycle engine with a speed range of Mach 0.6 to Mach 2.9.

It can carry a 500,000-ton hydrogen bomb.

With a maximum range of 5,500 kilometers, it can be launched completely outside the airspace of the enemy.

Of course, these three-in-one nuclear strikes are naturally indispensable for two important weapons.

The first is the Akula strategic missile nuclear submarine.

This is a big heavyweight.

It requires a secondary base to unlock, which also shows the power of this nuclear submarine.

What an oceanic black hole is simply not enough to see in front of it.

Because it has been able to fully integrate into the ocean background and achieve a true silent cruise.

After the upgrade, the full-load displacement of the Hurricane-class nuclear attack submarine remained within 20,000 tons, reaching the level of 18,000 tons.

It is also the largest nuclear attack submarine.

The general strategic nuclear submarine also has this tonnage.

The tonnage of the Akuri strategic nuclear submarine has reached a terrifying 30,000 tons.

With as many as 36 vertical launch units, it has an unparalleled strike capability.

And it can also launch hypersonic weapons, with conventional and strategic double-strike capabilities.

The weapon platform that launched the submarine-launched ballistic missile this time is undoubtedly the Akula strategic nuclear submarine costing as much as 1 million.

This is also one of the most expensive weapons in the current Red Police base.

The reason why it is said to be one of the reasons is because there is another sea ship whose cost is almost the same as it.

At present, Lin Xuan has also built a home nursing home.

It's useless to build too many of this stuff, and it's almost the same if you have five or six.

On the contrary, a few more Hurricane-class attack submarines can be built.

Although its cost has reached 300,000, there is no problem in building 20 or 30 ships.

Another heavyweight weapon is Lin Xuan's long-awaited strategic bomber of the century.

It is indeed a heavyweight weapon that can only be produced by upgrading to a secondary base. In terms of performance, this bomber is completely impeccable.

This century strategic bomber does not use a flying-wing layout.

It is a wing-body fusion layout.

This aerodynamic layout is still in a conceptual state.

It has many advantages.

For example, the structural weight is reduced, the internal volume is large, the aerodynamic resistance is small, and the RCS value is greatly reduced.

It is precisely because of the use of the wing-body fusion layout, coupled with plasma stealth.

Let this behemoth achieve full-band stealth function.

That is to say, whether it is meter wave radar, decimeter wave radar or millimeter wave radar, it cannot detect its existence.

Even at close range.

Unless someone successfully develops a quantum radar, the stealth technology of this fighter can be cracked.

The century strategic bomber is relatively large, and it is twice as large as the B-2 bomber.

With a maximum take-off weight of 350 tons, it is also the largest and heaviest stealth strategic bomber in the world.

Even the Tu 160 white swan (275 tons), known as the giant in the sky, has to shout big brother in front of it.

It is precisely because of its size that it needs to be equipped with more advanced stealth technology.

The Century Bomber was equipped with a total of eight engines.

Four of them have a variable cycle engine with a thrust of 50 tons, which is almost the limit of a variable cycle engine.

At the same time, it is also equipped with four high-thrust scramjet engines.

The century bomber with eight engines, just ask you terror.

The reason to carry eight engines is because the Century Bomber has two modes.

The four 50-ton variable-cycle engines are primarily used in the atmosphere.

It can fly more than 20,000 kilometers per hour in the atmosphere at Mach 0.9.

If it starts eight engines at the same time, it gives it the ability to blast out of the atmosphere.

This is the second mode of the century bomber, the air and space orbit mode.

It can also be called an aerospace strategic orbital bomber.

It can fly on an orbit of 500 kilometers for space cruise.

It is a flexible and mobile space-based orbital strike weapon.

This is one of the most powerful ace weapons of the current Red Police Corps - the Century Bomber.

The other peacekeeping bomber is also a strategic stealth bomber.

But it is indeed a stealth strategic bomber that can fly at supersonic speeds.

In terms of positioning, the two bombers are not the same and do not conflict.

Since it is going to be displayed this time, it is natural to dispatch a powerful strategic bomber of the century.

It can also let all countries clearly know the strength of Kyushu company.

・・For flowers..

The protagonist of this display is not only nuclear weapons, but also this powerful strategic weapon.

Under such a shock, Yingjiang would never dare to expand the war.

Because he couldn't bear the consequences.

Of course, the aerospace orbit capability cannot be displayed for the time being, which is the trump card of the century bomber.

As long as the century bomber shows up, it is enough to make all countries tremble, and there is no need to use all means.

At 8 p.m. that day, another dynamic was added to the announcement on the Kyushu official website.

[Our company will launch the Trinity nuclear test at 8:00 am three days later, and the test target area is uninhabited islands and reefs in the southern Pacific Ocean.

At that time, our company will dispatch land-based platforms, submarine-launched platforms and air-launched platforms for live demonstrations. Welcome to watch. 】

The news was wildly reprinted in just a few minutes, causing a great sensation in all countries.

High-level meetings from various countries began overnight.

Trinity nuclear test.

This is a tool that only three countries have.

It is also the three most powerful countries on the Blue Star.

This means that the Kyushu company has been on an equal footing with these three countries.


Since then, a sharp sword has once again been hung over the heads of all countries.

And this announcement also revealed several heavyweight information.

As we all know, the trinity is land-based, submarine-launched and air-launched three platforms.

Land-based has been shown before, but submarine and air-launched have never been shown.

Because they all know that Kyushu does not have strategic missile submarines and air-launched strategic bombers that can launch submarine-launched missiles.

But this time the announcement seems to say, I actually have these two things, and now I will show you.

Asia, a country.

"It's interesting, but it's really interesting. Have you found any bright spots?"

"This time is very interesting. The Marine Corps on the front foot Bald Eagle has just entered the Mandela oil field, and they announced the nuclear test in the back foot.

"Everyone, it looks like this battle will be fought, and we must act.

"Oh? Why are you so sure about fighting?

"If the bald eagles can only be driven back by a nuclear test, they are no longer bald eagles. They have retreated too many times before, and they will not retreat this time, unless they want to be the laughing stock of the world."

"This analysis is very reasonable, and they also want to get back on their feet. If they fight here, at least they can vent their anger. 99

"Then what do you say we should do?"

"Of course I watched it, and I sent people to the front to watch it. Every war is a valuable opportunity for us to accumulate experience.

"And at the moment of the world's military transformation, how to go in the future depends on the war."

"The Kyushu and the Bald Eagle are the two strongest forces at the moment. This contest must be evenly matched, and the double and negative must also be done with all means. This is an excellent opportunity to watch the battle."

"That's the truth, then maybe we can prepare a military observation team. 35

There is another country that also has this idea, that is, the bear country.

Looking at this posture, the two sides are ready to fight, this is a good opportunity to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

They also have the same idea as Xia Guo.

Especially this war gave them a lot of shock.

After seeing this announcement, Eagle sauce reacted very strangely.

PS: If you can't find a suitable picture, just put a picture of the structure of the wing-body fusion body for everyone to understand.

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

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