City: I Am Building A Red Police Base In Africa!

Chapter 81 Live Launch, Submarine Launched Missile

at a cabinet meeting in Washington.

Hawks and doves began to quarrel.

The hawks and doves here do not mean that one side favors war and the other favors peace.

In fact, both sides advocate war, but one is more radical and the other is more rational.

The hawk's claim is to be tough.

The three armies of the navy and the army were mobilized, and allies were invited to participate in this war to carry out a comprehensive encirclement and suppression of the Kyushu Company.

This time, even if it takes a certain price, the Kyushu Company will be wiped out.

After destroying the Kyushu Company, the technology behind them belongs to them.

And after absorbing these technologies, the national strength of the Bald Eagle Country will be improved by technology.

There is also a very crucial point. Now the domestic economy has begun to decline gradually, and contradictions have emerged.

They desperately need a war to divert their attention, which is what they have done over the years.

However, unlike before, this time the opponent was a little stronger.

And the doves have the same idea.

But they did not want the war to expand, but to control the war within the territory of Nubia.

In this way, no matter how the two sides play here, it will end better in the end.

After all, the Kyushu Company is about to start the Trinity nuclear test, and they have to be vigilant about this.

Once in accordance with the practice of hawks to play.

If you push the other side in a hurry, what should you do if "280" starts a nuclear war?

The opponent's Pandora ballistic missiles are not vegetarian.

Not only does it cover their entire territory, but it is also a nuclear missile that is difficult to intercept.

That's what worries them the most.

However, the hawks directly determined that the other party did not dare to do so.

This is the point of contention between the two sides.

The two chambers are also arguing over this matter.

But that all changed when the military-industrial complex began to work.

The hawks are starting to gain the upper hand.

Clearly the military-industrial complex is desperate for a big war so they can make crazy money.

And they are still quite greedy for Kyushu's technology.

In the end, the two chambers passed a resolution, they decided to increase troops in Nubia to curb the expansion of Kyushu Corporation in Africa.

As for whether the war will expand or not, we will have to look at the nuclear test for two days before making a decision.

With the passage of the bill, Eagle sauce's sea, land and air forces began to move.

On the same day, a squadron of F-22 Raptors entered the military airfield on the island of Bahrain.

It is only 2,000 kilometers away from the territory of Somalia. If you refuel in the air, you can fly back and forth.

And it's safer to live here.

If the other side keeps not escalating the war, they will not attack here.

At the same time, the aircraft carrier Roosevelt of the Fifth Fleet took a group of younger brothers to the Gulf of Aden.

And the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Lincoln also rushed over from the Atlantic Ocean.

The secrets of the war once again spread in the northeastern corner of Africa, and the surrounding countries also began to get nervous.

For fear that after these two big brothers fight, they will accidentally hurt them.

Lin Xuan scoffed at Eagle sauce's big move.

"Thunder, little rain."

It's not unreasonable for Lin Xuan to say so.

Don't look at the eagle sauce's movements are quite big, and the momentum is also quite full.

But the ground troops sent are only tens of thousands of people at most.

The main force still comes from the air.

But there is no pressure at all for the Red Police Corps in this regard.

Perhaps Eagle sauce's air force will become the soul of the world's first sixth-generation fighter.

Modern warfare is no longer limited to a certain point, and once it starts, it will be comprehensive.

For example, air dominance, electromagnetics, information, and networks are all battlefields.

Three days went by quickly, but for many people, it felt very slow.

When the time came to the early morning three days later, many people's alarm clocks began to sound.

This one can watch the live broadcast of the Trinity nuclear test, how could the melon eaters miss it.

Maybe you can only watch this once in your life.

In particular, the people who eat melons in Xia are particularly interested.

Kyushu has a high reputation in Xia Kingdom, and many people also have a good impression of this company.

The reason is actually very simple.

Whoever opposes Yingjiang is a good person in the mouth of Xia Guo netizens.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend, the truth is nothing less than that.

With the opening of the live broadcast room, netizens were surprised to find that this time it was actually a split-screen live broadcast, and it was four split screens at a time.

If you are interested in any area, you can use this split-screen live broadcast as the main interface with one click.

Generally speaking, it is very friendly to netizens.

These four split screens naturally correspond to the three launch links and the nuclear test site.

First of all, the one on the floor is still everyone's old friend, in terms of appearance.

This time, the V4 ballistic missile is not much different from the previous one, but the interior is completely different.

The ballistic missile of the second-level V4 is much stronger than the first-level.

In particular, the range and orbit change have been strengthened to varying degrees.

The second image is of a runway at an air base, and doesn't show the air base in full.

But from the width and length of this runway, it can be seen that the size of this air base is probably very large.

The third and fourth pictures are similar.

It's just that one is just a simple sea surface, and the other has a not-so-small-scale island reef.

It is far away from inhabited islands, and it is still on the high seas, so it is listed as a nuclear test site.

While waiting, netizens from all over the world began to conduct "friendly" exchanges on the barrage, and there were also many abusers and detractors.

High-level officials from various countries also gathered together and waited quietly.

I don't know how long it took, but the picture finally changed.

The first thing to change is the first picture.

The launch tube of the V4 ICBM launcher began to stand up under the push of a hydraulic rod.

At the same time, the six robotic arms of the vehicle also began to stretch, and finally took root firmly on the ground.

After seeing this scene, everyone was refreshed.

"It's finally starting.


"Fire! Launch!

The live broadcast room is also very intimate with real-time subtitles.


The thick smoke immediately filled the entire launch site and raised a large amount of smoke and dust.

A huge V4 intercontinental ballistic missile drilled out of the launch tube and roared vertically toward the sky.

When the altitude reaches more than 100 meters, the booster engine at the tail starts.

Pushing the V4 intercontinental missile to accelerate into the air.

But after a while, it disappeared from everyone's eyes.

When the V4 ICBM completely disappeared from the screen, the split screen switched to a certain screen in the ground command center.

The above shows some publicly available data on the current V4 ICBM.

Such as current speed, altitude, etc.

But this is an eye-opener for netizens.

However, in fact, netizens have seen a lot of this scene, and it is not really touched by it.

Because they know the big heavyweights haven't come on yet, it's just an appetizer..

Too much shock can be numb.

Mainly, of course, most people have already watched it once last time, so it loses that freshness.

Netizens watched with the mentality of watching the excitement.

But some people are not.

The people in Washington didn't lift their brows when they saw the V4 ICBM.

This thing is enough to bring disaster to the entire Bald Eagle Country.

far more advanced than their Minuteman series of missiles

Even the Satan of the Bear Country is inferior to it.

"What a troublesome opponent.

I don't know who said such a sentence, but the conference room quickly fell silent.

For any country that wants to develop ICBMs, they are very unhappy.

Only when there is a chance they are bound to interfere more.

As for the White Elephant Kingdom's Fire series, there is no need to interfere with this stuff.

As soon as Xia Guo was around, it was impossible for them to become their opponents.

Second, the surrounding areas are all their allies, and their Agni missiles pose no threat to the Bald Eagle.

But if other countries dare to develop, they will surely be struck by their thunder.

For example, a very obedient young son, a country where he lived a good life.

They only dare to develop secretly, or in the name of civilian rockets.

Although there is little difference between civilian rocket and ballistic missile technology, at least they dare not openly disobey them.

Soon the picture began to change again, this time it was the second picture.

When the camera started zooming in on the sea, everyone knew that one of the big plays was coming.

Intercontinental ballistic missiles can actually be produced by any country with a certain space capability.

But the submarine-launched intercontinental ballistic missile thing is different.

The technical difficulty is not one level at all.

There are currently only five countries with submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

They are the Bald Eagle, the Bear Kingdom, the Xia Kingdom, the Gallic Chicken and the White Elephant Kingdom.

However, Baixiangguo's K15 submarine-launched missile only has a range of 700 kilometers... so this thing can actually be excluded.

So only four countries have submarine-launched ICBMs.

It can be seen from here how difficult it is for the submarine-launched 0.2-ballistic missile.

When everyone concentrates on watching the rising and falling sea.

A huge cylindrical missile broke through the shackles of the sea with a bang, setting off huge waves around it.

"Boom boom boom...

The tail of the Gonggong submarine-launched ballistic missile ejected by the high pressure began to eject violent flames.

Pushing the missile whistling away quickly.

"It's true? They actually have submarine-launched ballistic missiles."

When they saw the Gonggong submarine-launched missile come out of the water, many people exclaimed.

The concealment of nuclear submarines is extremely strong, and Blue Star is the largest area of ​​the ocean.

This also means that submarines can go to any sea area in the world to launch missiles.

It is even more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack to find a submarine with strong mute ability in such a large area of ​​ocean.

If the range of this submarine-launched ballistic missile is very long, it is basically difficult to intercept.

Just when everyone thought that the launch session was over, waiting for a more heavyweight big guy to appear.

However, he found that the second sea surface did not move, and was still 'looking' at the sea surface.

Everyone's heart can't be moved when they see it.

After a while, in the shocked eyes of everyone, a behemoth rushed out of the sea......

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