Triangular eyes, garlic nose, butt and chin, why is this guy so ugly?

Jiang Ming was confused for a moment, then simply ignored it and wanted to rush forward and solve it with one punch.

But I didn't expect that the triangle-eyed man actually took out a knife!

Visual inspection seems to be a common Swiss Army knife on the market.

The saber blade actually glowed with a little silver light under the moonlight!

"Oh, you are so sharp."

Jiang Ming squinted his eyes. He originally wanted to ask Ying to come out and solve the problem, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

"I haven't exercised in a long time."

Facing the man's short knife, Jiang Ming quickly took a step aside. After seeing the triangular eye stabbing him, he took the hand holding the knife with his left hand, and then broke it hard, and the hand with the triangular eye was dislocated on the spot. .

Of course Jiang Ming wanted to fight, but looking at the man in the corner, he seemed to be in trouble, so he had to fight quickly.

The knife fell to the ground with a clang, and Jiang Ming's heart dropped as he lifted himself up.

Without the sword, it's just fists and kicks. Jiang Ming's Bajiquan has been prepared for a long time.

I saw that his strong dark energy was attacking the weak points of Triangle Eyes, hitting him so hard that he couldn't even get up.

Another smaller kidnapper wanted to sneak attack Jiang Ming, but before he could say anything, Ying slashed his throat with a knife.

He also made a neck-wiping gesture that he had done to those retired bodyguards before.

If he hadn't still remembered that show-off, he wouldn't have known what this stiff yet somewhat funny action was.

"Hey! Get up."

Seeing that all dangers had been eliminated, Jiang Ming threw two finger-thick hemp ropes to Ying and asked him to kidnap the two kidnappers in reverse.

Of course, it is not to be handed over to the mastermind behind the scenes. It would be too bad to let the tiger go back to the mountain like this.

So he decided to hand it over to the police and interrogate him personally.

Why do you want to go out for a walk at night when you are so ugly? Do you want to scare people to death?

Haha, he was also joking to liven up the atmosphere.

Because the person lying on the ground, except for the face that can be identified as a boy, is all bloody and bloody!

It can't be said to be bloody.

Because the boy's hands and feet were cut off with a sharp weapon, he was directly cut into a "human stick" and then wrapped in cloth, leaving only his head exposed.

The cloth was all dyed blood red, making him shudder when he saw it.

"Oh my God...what kind of hatred or grudge is this?"

He couldn't believe that the person in front of him was still alive.

Because he thought of another possibility.

————Those two kidnappers were actually here to dump the body!

Then what will happen to me as a person who appears at the scene?

crime suspect!

There is no doubt that this person must be saved and revived.

In this way, big things can be turned into small things.

If a person is saved, he can still be a great hero and a living god.

If a person is not saved, he immediately becomes a criminal suspect.

It is not an exaggeration to say that such a difference exists in heaven and on earth.

In order to prevent this man from dying, Jiang Ming began to untie the man's cloth on the spot.

During this period, he also asked Ying to tell Xue Wenxi and call the 120 ambulance.

Although he believes in the introduction of systematic healing glue, it is really outrageous that such a stick can save people!

Just in case, he gave the order first.

When the cloth is taken apart, it turns out to be a human stick.

Fortunately, the man was knocked unconscious not long after he was chopped down, and his hands and feet were neatly placed here.

So there’s no need for any outrageous plot like growing baby hands (see Deadpool for details).

He first took out the healing glue from the system space, and then put all the limbs out.

Then he immediately started sprinkling it with healing glue.

And you can chat with the system while spraying glue.

"System, do you think the healing glue can still cure someone like this?"

"The host can trust this system."

The system was weird. After saying this, he left. No matter how he called Jiang Ming, he couldn't come out.

"Oh, let me go, this girl is still here and there."

Jiang Ming can't stand it anymore. Didn't you see that there are still two living lives here?

Ruthless system.

But after complaining, you still have to do the work that needs to be done.

He first took the black cloth he had taken from Ying and tore it into strips.

Then after applying the healing glue, I had to blow it a few times before I dared to wrap it with black cloth.

Don't you need bones to recover from those fractures? Yue has nothing, so he can only do whatever he wants.

However, when he wrapped around the last one, he found that the healing glue was much stronger than the last time.

Glue must have certain glue properties, but healing glue has gone through many levels of the system and has an enhanced version, so it must be very good.

I saw a burst of milky white glue converging from the originally disconnected interface, and then slowly sewing it together like a fine needle.

And strangely enough, others sew very fast at the beginning and then slow down.

And this glue seems to have changed due to human characteristics, and it becomes very slow to sew at first, but every fine needle is a top priority.

Slowly speeding up later is to give the human body a chance to adapt to them.

The man seemed to be about the same age as him, but he couldn't bear the pain at all. As soon as he saw his miserable body, he was frightened and fainted again.

Jiang Ming held his forehead and almost wanted to run away.

But the doctor will arrive soon. If he escapes, things may become even more unclear.

And I can't explain my own healing glue, so I can only use it in dark alleys.

If this kind of bone-healing thing was done under the watchful eyes of surveillance, it would be a supernatural incident.

If the majority of netizens discover it, it will be like finding an earth-shattering melon.

"Forget it, I don't want to be on the news."

simple is the best.

Jiang Ming waited for a few more minutes and heard the sound of the ambulance with his keen ears.

Looking at the seemingly harmless person in front of him, Jiang Ming carefully wrapped his own clothes and sent them out.

During this period, he had to pretend to be in a hurry to let the doctors know that he was here to save people.

Instead of magic.

Those doctors would not be surprised to see Jiang Ming, because their professional ethics have prompted them to develop the good habit of saving people first and asking questions about the country.

Jiang Ming was happy and sad at the same time as the professionals spoke a lot of professional terms to this man.

Fortunately, the healing glue is really working, and at least this guy still has a chance to live.

Sadly, the healing glue restored all his limbs to their original appearance within just half an hour!

Why is this sad?

Because the system told him that the person in front of him could actually use less healing glue. .

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