What a waste, what a waste!

Jiang Ming wanted to beat his feet and scream, but he was in an ambulance, so he could only grit his teeth and get through it.

"Forget it...it's not a big deal."

He mouthed words silently to comfort himself.

But this scene looked different in the eyes of the nurses.

"Look, look, what's going on with that man?"

"I don't know, it should be unique to my relatives when they were rescued.

"But, I just heard from the director that it was a skin injury, nothing serious."

When Jiang Ming heard this, he felt even more distressed for his own healing glue.

So a big bottle, it was all gone.

If there were any mistakes, just bury him.

"Although the patient does not have any internal injuries, he only has some external injuries."

"But the patient was hit on the head, so he had a mild concussion."

"Temporary amnesia may occur during this period, so please take more care of the patient's family."

The specialist director in charge of this little brother said this.

Jiang Ming: "...I was careless."

But as the old saying goes, "A good man will go to the end and send Buddha to the West."

He still wanted to find out where this stick-man guy offended his elder brother.

It will be easier for him to take a detour in the future.

The dismemberment of the five horses was done while he was awake.

I have never seen Jiang Ming live so big.

Such a ruthless character is not Heisehui, and he himself doesn't believe it.

The young man on the bed slowly woke up, and the first thing he saw was Jiang Ming with a worried look on his face.

"Who are you?"

This startled Jiang Ming. He quickly took two steps back and then asked seriously:

"Have you lost your memory?"

The young man shook his head, "I didn't."

In this way, Jiang Ming felt relieved and explained:

"I was the one who saved you last night."

The young man kept trembling as soon as he heard the word "last night", as if something terrible was being recalled by him.

Jiang Ming knew that there must be someone behind all this.

So he quietly reached over and asked quietly:

"Since you said you have no amnesia, let me, the savior, ask you, what is your name?"

As a result, the little brother started talking in an orderly manner.

"My name is Xie Zhongning, a native of Hangzhou."

"My father is Xie Feng, my mother is Yu Mei, and I have a brother named Xie Ziqin."

"The night before the accident, I was... drinking my brother's engagement wedding."

After Xie Zhongning finished speaking, he pursed his lips and remained silent no matter how Jiang Ming asked.

Jiang Ming saw with keen vision that Xie Zhongning spoke in a very serious tone after talking about "my brother's engagement wedding".

So he asked tentatively: "Can you and your brother get along?"

This seemingly nonsensical question was immediately answered by Xie Zhongning in an excited tone.

"We had a very good relationship before, but after that woman came, he targeted me again and again!"

Jiang Ming nodded, "The woman you are talking about is your sister-in-law, right?"

Engagement party, woman.

It was obvious who the finger was pointed at.

Xie Zhongning glanced at Jiang Ming first, and then nodded heavily.

"She used to be my classmate, very quiet and beautiful."

"I chased her for a year before I caught her, but I didn't expect that she left me immediately after she fell in love with my brother's money.

"But I still can't figure out why she, who used to be like a hibiscus flower, turned into such a vicious woman.

Jiang Ming spread his hands to express that he had no knowledge, and then comforted Xie Zhongning and said:

"It's early morning. If you lie down now, you can still get some sleep."

"I will contact your parents during the day and ask them to take you back."

Xie Zhongning was originally ready to sleep after listening to his words, but because of the following sentence, he became very excited and tightly grabbed Jiang Ming's sleeve and said:

"No, you must not go, my brother will kill me!"

Jiang Ming instantly transformed into a melon-eating crowd [pulled a stick and asked:

"Tell me what's going on."

I thought it was someone from the Heise Society, but I didn't expect that this was a big show for a wealthy family.

If it wasn't what he expected, it would probably be some kind of brothers fighting over property, with the eldest brother gaining both fame and fortune.

Xie Zhongning closed his eyes in despair, lying on the bed and seriously recalled what happened at that time...


Jiang Ming understood it in a daze after hearing the clues mixed with his nonsense.

In other words, this Xie Zhongning and his brother Xie Ziqin are half-brothers.

Because Xie Ziqin was the son of his father's first wife, and Xie Zhongning was the son of the so-called "mistress", his father's attitude towards the two brothers was completely different.

0Please ask for flowers......

But fortunately, my brother, who has been running the company for his father, is very busy, but he has always cared for his younger brother since he was a child.

So the relationship between the two brothers is not bad.

But everything started from the day the girl abandoned her younger brother and turned to his arms. The relationship between the two became worse and worse.

In addition, the "sister-in-law" is not a good person. While turning a deaf ear in front of his brother, he also starts to plot against his brother and make him look embarrassed in front of his brother.

As a result, the elder brother hates the younger brother more and more.

Until the day of the engagement, my brother thought they were over.

I was in a bad mood, so I drank a lot of wine, which made me heartbroken.


However, my younger brother hangs out in bars all year round and is not very drunk.

The last glass I drank was wine handed over by my sister-in-law.

If he rejects the engaged bride in public, the younger brother thinks that the older brother will definitely be unhappy, so he suppresses the hatred in his heart and drinks it in one gulp.

Who would have thought that a few hours later, he would be cut into a human stick by others.

When Jiang Ming heard the complete plot, he couldn't help but shout "fuck".

Such a bloody thing, all because of one woman?

He suddenly felt afraid. If he fell in love with such a woman, how many disasters would he have to do before he would be willing to do so?

"Oh, I should have told my brother in advance, that woman wouldn't believe it."

After Xie Zhongning said this, he fell asleep tiredly.

Jiang Ming was speechless for a while.

"It's probably useless if you tell him, because your brother looks innocent, but he's actually the BOSS.

Jiang Ming said this to himself, because he didn't know that if Xie Zhongning told him after he woke up, he would definitely spurn him.

Too dependent on my brother.

That's the problem.

However, he doesn't like solving crimes.

If it really needs to be broken, go find some professionals.

Jiang Ming thought of someone.

But now is not the time to find that person.

So he first checked the name Xie Zhongning online.

It seems that he has heard of Xie Zhongning, but since he knows so many people, it is inevitable that he will be a little unfamiliar with it. .

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