City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 61: The First Fleet of the Red Police Corps! 【Subscription】

Chapter 61: The First Fleet of the Red Police Corps!

In fact, Wang Yao started the construction of the navy as early as after the settlement of the Northern Autonomous Region.

Due to the single capability of the naval ships in the game, the shipyards of the Red Alert system are all modular production, and you can fill in any modules you want.

For example, destroyers, the second-generation destroyers in the Red Alert system are very simple, with a 155mm naval gun and an Osprey anti-submarine carrier aircraft.

The Assault-class destroyer in the third generation of Red Alert is a kind of amphibious equipment, which can run both at sea and on land, but it also has a single attack method, only one 120mm anti-armor cannon, and the rate of fire is slow, but Attack power is high.

So, Wang Yao integrated them in a systematic modular workshop.

First of all, the standard hull body of a modern warship is adopted. The material of the hull is mainly black hole armor. There is a 155mm high-speed naval gun on the bow, which is fully automatic and loaded. The rate of fire of 80 rounds per minute is enough to carry out any offshore target. Fire coverage.

Equipped with phased array radar system, plane search radar, marine radar, illumination radar, bow sonar, towed array sonar, electronic warfare system, jamming projectile 08 launcher, torpedo countermeasure system, bubble curtain noise suppression system, remote control hunting Thunder vehicle...

Each one comes with a set, let him become a small polyhedron expert.

In terms of weapons, it is equipped with twelve eight-mounted vertical launch systems (four in the front and eight in the back), which can be equipped with 200 missiles of various types, such as SM-2 air defense missiles, Tomahawk cruise missiles, vertical launch rocket-assisted torpedoes, and sea sparrow ESSM. Short-range anti-aircraft missiles, etc.

The sides of the ship are also equipped with two quadruple Harpoon anti-ship missile launchers and two MK-15 Phalanx short-range defense weapon systems.

In addition, there are four 25mm machine guns, four 12.7mm Browning machine guns, and triple 324mmMK-32 torpedo launchers on both sides of the ship.

There is also a helicopter platform at the tail, which can carry an Osprey anti-submarine helicopter.

An Assault-class destroyer assembled in this way has a full-load displacement of more than 15,000 tons.

However, his power system is the core power system of the assault destroyer in the third generation of the Red Alert. It is driven by electricity and can reach a high speed of 45 knots at the fastest.

In this world with a speed of more than 30 knots, such a high-speed large destroyer is the only one.

With destroyers, of course, there are also small frigates. According to the tonnage of the ships and the different tasks, Wang Yao designed three types of small warships.

They are the Dolphin-class frigate with a displacement of 5,000 tons, the Sea Scorpion-class frigate with a displacement of 2,500 tons, and the coastal patrol boat with a displacement of 800 tons.

Then there are cruisers and aircraft carriers.

The Aegis-class cruiser in the second generation of the game is very suitable. With only a small-scale transformation, an Aegis-class cruiser with a displacement of nearly 20,000 tons can be built.

His role is mainly air defense, and the equipped Aegis anti-missile system can intercept ballistic missile-level attacks, not to mention other flying units, and is a knife escort in the aircraft carrier battle group.

The aircraft carriers in the Red Alert system have no official name, and they are all called aircraft carriers.

However, the third-generation aircraft carriers are significantly more powerful than the second-generation aircraft carriers.

The aircraft carrier capacity of the third-generation aircraft carrier is two-thirds more than that of the second-generation aircraft carrier. It can carry 100 various types of aircraft, with a full-load displacement of more than 120,000 tons. It uses nuclear-powered engines and is equipped with various radars and twelve Anti-missile, jammer launcher.

Because they are all Allied equipment, Wang Yao directly named him 'Allied-class aircraft carrier'.

In addition to surface ships, there are also underwater ships.

Not to mention dolphins and giant squid, these two are secret weapons, which are secretly used when people apply eye drops.

In terms of submarines, of course, the use of Typhoon-class attack nuclear submarines.

Its prototype is the Type 941 strategic nuclear submarine, translated as 'Typhoon-class strategic missile nuclear submarine', with a maximum displacement of 46,000 tons at full load. Underwater speed of 27 knots, theoretically sustainable submersible for 120 days!

Its weapons and equipment are also very powerful. In addition to conventional torpedoes and mines, it is also equipped with twenty P-39 missiles, which can fire two missiles at the same time.

Each P-39 missile carries 10 nuclear warheads, which means that a Typhoon-class nuclear submarine carries 200 nuclear warheads.

The P-39 missile can also be launched from under the sea, making it easier to hide, and its maximum range is about 10,000 kilometers.

After such a strategic nuclear submarine enters the ocean, it can launch nuclear strikes against any part of the world from under the sea. It is a well-deserved national weapon, so it is called a "strategic nuclear submarine"!

In Wang Yao's plan, the First Fleet of the Red Police Corps will consist of two aircraft carriers, three Aegis-class cruisers, six Assault-class destroyers, twelve frigates, and twenty-four patrol boats.

The Typhoon-class nuclear submarines will first build five, forming a nuclear submarine brigade, directly under the direct jurisdiction of the First Fleet.

When the production is completed, the First Fleet of the Red Police Corps will have more than 50 ships of various types, with a total tonnage of more than 600,000 tons, and will surpass the Sakura Country Maritime Self-Defense Force, which has a good life, and become the fourth navy in the world. !

At present, Wang Yao has four sub-bases near the sea, and each sub-base has only two naval shipyards. Each shipyard has a construction speed of 1,000 tons per day, and the construction progress of only 8,000 tons a day. Fifteen days to build it!

But it doesn't matter, as Wang Yao's red police bases spread throughout the northern part of the country, more and more mineral resources, oil and natural gas resources have been explored by the super-space mining vehicle, and more and more funds have been recorded in Wang Yao's account.

The next step is to continuously build naval shipyards to increase the speed of naval construction.

In the 583 plan, Wang Yao will also build at least two naval shipyards in each base, so that there is a construction progress of 16,000 tons per day, and the construction task of the First Fleet can be completed in less than 30 days!

At that time, you can collect tolls in the Gulf of Aden!

However, when Wang Yao was seriously operating the construction of the naval shipyard at the Red Police Base, and strived to complete the construction of the First Fleet as soon as possible, a big news detonated internationally.

The Fifth Fleet of the Eagle Country and the Imperial Navy Fleet jointly launched an attack on Syria, on the grounds that there was a large-scale biological and chemical weapon in a seaside port of Syria, so a military strike against Syria was required to destroy the large-scale biological and chemical weapons. arms.

However, Wang Yao's Red Police intelligence department told him that Yingjiang was stealing wheat and oil from Syria again!

All countries in the world are used to it. Wang Yao still remembers that the representatives of Syria and Syria condemned the Western countries led by the Eagle Country for provoking a civil war in Syria at an international conference a few years ago. However, the representatives of the Eagle Country and the Western powers did not listen and went straight .

Of course, these had nothing to do with Wang Yao. The Assyrian country has been in a civil war for more than ten years, and the leek has been cut by the Eagle country, not a day or two, but a year or two.

However, after the commander of the Fifth Fleet of the Eagle State Navy named Scott actually told the media about the military operations against Syria, he also said that he suspected that the newly emerging unknown armed forces in the northern part of the country had weapons of mass destruction, and he also expressed concern about the military operations against Syria. Civilians use chemical and biological weapons.

Wang Yao:???.

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