City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 62: When Eagle Sauce Says You Have Weapons of Mass Destruction 【Subscription】

Chapter 62: When Eagle Sauce Says You Have Weapons of Mass Destruction

"Our Fifth Fleet came from the Persian Gulf. When we passed through the Gulf of Aden, we heard about the recent chaos in the northern part of the country and were very concerned about the situation in the northern part of the country." The live broadcast of ABC Radio, an Eagle Country On the deck of the USS Truman, a makeshift interview area was crowded with Western journalists.

Surrounded by the sailors on the aircraft carrier, they are on guard. In fact, they just don't let these reporters run around. The planes on the aircraft carrier's runway are just decorations, because their first round of military operations has ended, and the pilots and sailors are on the periphery. Watching these reporters while drinking Coke.

As for when the next round of military operations will start, we have to wait for the order of the Polygon.

Surrounded by this group of reporters, Lieutenant Admiral Scott, the commander of the Fifth Fleet of the Eagle Country Navy, who was standing on the high platform, wore a pair of sunglasses, imitated his idol, and continued to talk to the reporters below.

"We have reason to suspect that this newly emerging armed force in the northern region of Somalia possesses weapons of mass destruction." Lieutenant General Scott said very seriously.

"Why do you suspect that the armed forces in the northern region of Somalia have weapons of mass destruction?" a white reporter raised his hand and asked.

In fact, most of the reporters here are white. Of course, for the sake of correctness, there are also some black reporters, but they are all from major news media, which means that their news will only be released after the review of major chaebols.

Lieutenant General Scott said in a very positive tone: "If there were no weapons of mass destruction, how could this armed force complete the war against the Northern Autonomous Region in less than half a month, completely What about overthrowing the Northern Autonomous Region?"

"You may not be quite aware that the Northern Autonomous Region is a relatively stable local force in the northern part of the country. Although no country has yet recognized their independence, they have their own government, their own army, and a large number of them, as well as the terrain. Advantage"

"But under such an advantage, the newly rising mysterious armed forces did not occupy the military superiority, but they easily defeated an old-fashioned force that had been entrenched in the northern region for 30 years. There is definitely a problem!

Listening to Lieutenant General Scott's vows, some reporters showed their original expressions one after another, and then made some beautiful processing of General Scott's words and wrote them into the manuscript.

But in reality, even Lieutenant General Scott himself was babbling.

He didn't know the specific situation in the northern part of Suoguo at all, and he didn't know how the Red Police Corps won the northern autonomous region, but it didn't matter, he was just fooling around.

As long as the country is incited to carry out military operations against the northern region of the country, it will be another round of military carnivals.

It is a pity that there are neither large oil fields nor wheat grains in Somalia, only the neighbors and livestock. It is not as convenient as Syria, and they directly use armored vehicles to transport oil and wheat.

How can it be called stealing about the Eagle sauce?

In the Red Police Base, after watching the ABC interview, Wang Yao directly switched to another TV station.

"Huh, I didn't expect Lieutenant General Scott to be a MacArthur fan." Xue Beichen mocked.

"It's quite similar." Wang Yao also smiled.

From Lieutenant General Scott's words, it is not difficult to hear his ambition to conduct military operations in the northern region of the country.

It may be because the two F-35 fighter jets that expelled their fleet before put the Fifth Fleet to shame, or it may be that he simply wants to find something to do and get a liter of military merit.

After all, he has been stuck as a lieutenant general for several years now, and he is just a little bit short of the general.

This is also the reason why he traveled thousands of miles and brought the Fifth Fleet to join the military operations against Syria. This guy needs military merit.

"As we all know, when Yingjiang says you have weapons of mass destruction--" Wang Yao laughed and said a world famous saying: "You better really have weapons of mass destruction.""

Otherwise, it will be the fate of a second country.

Such as which country is slandered by washing powder.

Who is the one who slandered other countries with weapons of mass destruction at international conferences with washing powder?

A few days ago, there was news that many refugees and the people of the Eagle Country demanded that he apologize for the act of slandering other countries with washing powder and waging war.

Yet does he have a little trouble of conscience?


People live in a mansion and drive a sports car, which is not something ordinary people can match.

"Look for a chance to show our ICBMs in front of the world, otherwise we will always be harassed by the Eagle Country, and we won't have much time to develop well." Wang Yao rubbed his forehead and opened the world map, thinking about the Where is the test launch of a nuclear-armed ICBM?

Wang Yao has already unified the north. Next, he has to develop on the side, and then find an opportunity to go south to destroy the government army, other guerrillas and local warlords in the south, and completely end the civil strife.

In this way, he has a ruling area with a population of more than 10 million, and there are many forests and grasslands in the south, as well as two large rivers. As long as modern farming is completed in the south, a large number of people can be fed.

In the final analysis, now is not the chance to start a war with the Eagle Nation, he needs to develop with peace of mind, and when his Red Police fleet fills the ocean, hum hum hum.

"`" If you want to try an intercontinental missile, it is recommended that the southeastern Pacific region, this one. "Xue Beichen drew a circle on the world map

Wang Yao looked over and saw that this circle was in an ocean, with South America in the east, Antarctica in the south, Austria in the west, and Honolulu Islands in the north.

"Point Nemo." Wang Yao quickly found some data.

Point Nemo is the most remote area on the surface of the planet from the land. The nearest land is more than 2,600 kilometers away. It is the loneliest area in the world, no one.

If the ICBM is to be tested, (Li Qianzhao) will travel more than 14,000 kilometers from the Red Police Base to Point Nemo.

This distance is enough to prove that the intercontinental missiles of the Red Police Corps can complete a nuclear strike on any part of the world, and there are no people around for more than 2,000 kilometers, so it is also a very suitable place.

Just when Wang Yao was about to nod his head and conduct an ICBM test in this area.

Suddenly there was news on TV.

"Recently, the Sakura Kingdom, which had a good life, once again provoked a dispute over the islands and reefs. They claimed the sovereignty of the hedgehog reef and applied to the Joint Ocean Convention to make the Okinotori reef an island!

"If the application is successful, then Sakura Country will take Okinotori Reef as its territory and get an exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles around it, and then Sakura Country's sea area will be doubled!

"In this regard, countries around the world have expressed their opposition at the Joint Ocean Convention!""

Wang Yao suddenly had an idea in his heart.

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