City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 63: International Observation Mission 【Subscribe!】

Chapter 63: International Observer Mission

After the senior military generals of the Eagle Country made remarks on the situation in the north of the country, all countries also paid attention to the newly rising mysterious force in the north of the country.

The advanced equipment and combat power it possesses are not weaker than that of a medium-sized country, and after the agents from various countries enter the northern area of ​​Somalia to conduct investigations, they often lose contact and traces, and only one agent stronghold in Port Berbera can still be used.

This made all the countries in the world worried. After Eagle sauce pointed his head to Mao Xiong, they used various words to try to get some information from Mao Xiong's mouth.

However, Mao Xiong didn't know anything about this. He was busy beating up the Cossacks and fighting economic wars with NATO countries. How could he have the intention to go to East Africa thousands of miles away to stir up trouble.

In response to Mao Xiong's complete denial at the international conference, Eagle sauce produced another piece of evidence, that is, the fifth-generation fighters equipped by the legion, the black fighters suspected of being the Golden Eagle fighters.

Taking the photo that Eagle sauce took out, the black swan-like paint and the unique design of the forward-swept wings made Mao Xiong surprised.

However, after reacting, Mao Xiong quickly denied it, and said that if the Su-47 Golden Eagle fighter completes the test flight, then he will definitely give priority to the equipment himself, and there is no need to give the fifth-generation fighter to others.

The countries of the world, including Eagle-chan, thought about it, and it seems to be 587.

This is a fifth-generation fighter, not a T-72 main battle tank. Even Eagle sauce's F-35 is only allowed to be sold to allied countries and good countries after it meets its own needs.

However, since no one admits that this mysterious force called the 'Legion' in the northern region of Suogu is supported by himself, Yingjiang is prepared to be rude.

Before the official start, Eagle sauce started to build momentum.

Represented by the domestic military and arms companies in Eagle sauce, they began to frantically build momentum in front of the Western media.

The first is the usual tricks, slandering the northern region of Somalia, this force called the Legion possessing weapons of mass destruction, and attacking civilians and children during the war, calling on international humanitarian organizations to intervene in the investigation.

At the same time, at the international joint meeting, he called for the dispatch of peacekeeping troops to the northern region of Somalia to maintain regional stability.

"That's the way it is." Lin Yunhui, Tang's ambassador to Chittagong, said very seriously: "We need to meet with the leaders of your organization, and discuss humanitarian relief operations and the presence of an international conference observation team. .35

This time, Lin Yunhui, as a representative sent to the international joint meeting, mainly conveyed some news to the legion (aica) and conducted some communication.

Any affairs in the world are not done directly by Yingjiang.

For example, when a certain area is caught in war, the International Federation Council will give priority to dispatching observation teams and investigation teams to station, and then mediate between the warring parties according to local conditions, and dispatch peacekeeping troops if necessary to supervise the truce.

Of course, these are required to inform the warring parties, even if he is a rebel.

At this time, many brave diplomats are needed, because it is difficult to guarantee the life and safety of diplomatic envoys because they do not know the attitude of the other side towards big countries.

Lin Yunhui's appearance here is mainly because of his previous cooperation with the Legion, and the decision he made after learning part of the situation from the seafarers who docked at Berbera Port.

However, after entering Berbera Port, Lin Yunhui saw a city with a stable order, and his favor for the Legion also increased significantly.

It can stabilize the city in a short period of time after the war, and open the port trade to the outside world, which shows that this organization is not an extremist organization.

"Ambassador Lin, please wait a moment." Rhode nodded, motioned to Lin Yunhui to wait a moment, and asked the adjutant to bring him a cup of tea, then walked into the small room beside the living room.

Lin Yunhui took the teacup and thanked him. After taking a sip, he put it aside and waited quietly.

After a while, Rhode came back with a cell phone.

"Ambassador Lin, the commander-in-chief wants to talk to you in person." Rhode held the phone in both hands and handed it to Lin Yunhui.

Lin Yunhui was a little surprised that the other party agreed to communicate so quickly, and after picking up the phone, he said solemnly: "Hello, I'm Lin Yunhui, the ambassador of Tang Guo to Chittagong.

"Hello, Ambassador Lin, I've admired your name for a long time." The voice over the phone was very young, and even Lin Yunhui felt that the accent was a bit familiar, like an accent from somewhere in Tang.

"You already know about the proposal of the International Joint Conference, right?" Lin Yunhui asked.

"Well, I already know." The young man over the phone said: "We don't mind opening up to the outside world. To be honest, this is also beneficial to our development, but some Western politicians are always thinking about doing things, such as Asia There are white hats on the Syrian side, so the people of the international joint meeting must always move within the field of vision of our guards and cannot leave alone."

Lin Yunhui quietly listened to the requests made by the other party, which were all within a reasonable range.

After all, it is nothing new for the white hats on the Syrian side to use the flag of humanitarianism and to frame the Syrian government forces. It is also good for the other side to have this vigilance.

"Okay, thank you very much for your understanding. Then I will stay in Berbera Port and assist you in your external communication until the investigation of this international joint conference is over." Lin Yunhui said.

"Then I will trouble Ambassador Lin. I also have a surprise to show to the member states of the International Joint Conference." The young man on the phone smiled.

"Hope it's a good surprise." Lin Yunhui said with a jump in his heart.

"Don't worry, it's a surprise that allows countries to understand each other," said the other side of the phone.

The call between the two officially ended, Lin Yunhui put down the phone, handed it over to Gord, and thanked him.

"It seems that Ambassador Lin and the commander-in-chief communicated very well." Gord, who has been by the side, witnessed this exchange, and was a little relieved.

In this way, with the opening to the outside world and the beginning of trade cooperation with other countries, the northern region will be able to get on the right track and gradually get out of poverty. Having been an official for most of his life and witnessing the chaotic Rhodes in the country, he naturally hopes that peace will come. , even under the rule of the Legion.

"Your commander-in-chief seems to be very young." Lin Yunhui said thoughtfully.

"Haha, yes, I didn't expect the commander-in-chief to be so young." Rhode smiled and avoided Lin Yunhui's topic.

Since the other party didn't want to say more, Lin Yunhui didn't force it, and then he returned to the place where he stayed.

This is an inner city street two streets next to the government building in Port Berbera. Lin Yunhui and his entourage have obtained a villa as a temporary embassy, ​​surrounded by soldiers from the Red Police Corps who are responsible for security patrols.

After returning to the temporary embassy, ​​Lin Yunhui first reported the situation of the exchange to China by satellite phone.

After obtaining permission, he reported the communication with the new ruler of the northern region of Somalia to the Chittagong office of the International Joint Conference.

After learning that the other side allowed the investigation team and humanitarian organizations to enter, the international joint conference began to discuss sending those people to go from those ports.

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