City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 81: Prepare to go south!

Chapter 81: Prepare to go south!

Eagle sauce secretly provided armed assistance to the southern government army and the Serbian country in the dark, and was soon sent to the Red Police base by the Red Police spies who had sneaked into the interior.

Wang Yao even knew the detailed amount of the first batch of aid, where the transaction took place, and who was responsible for the transaction on both sides.

It can be said that after the Red Police spy took the opportunity of the last international observation mission to replace the agents of various countries, at least in the two regions of East Africa and the Middle East, there is no action that can be hidden from Wang Yao.

No, Yingjiang just talked about the aid plan on the front foot, and Wang Yao knew how many bullets the aid plan had on the back foot.

"Commander, it seems that the Eagle Country is going to instigate Khalid's national army in the south to fight us first, and then when our main force is in the south, the Serbian army will attack our army from the north and west. The hinterland." Red Police Base Conference Center, Red Police Chief of Staff Xue Beichen saw through Ying Nation's trick at a glance, and directly drew three arrows on the map.

Since Khalid came to power ten years ago, he has reorganized the government army into the National 08 Army, including the navy and air force, and has maintained a strength of over 30,000 people for a long time.

This force is basically enough to deal with the local warlords and tribal forces in the south, and it is also enough for Khalid to stabilize his territory in the south, but to continue northward, the force is not enough.

First of all, if Khalid tried to go north to unify the country, he would encounter the armed intervention of the country, and not once or twice.

However, the country of Suo was very poor and had no money to arm more troops. This time, the National Army was expanded to 120,000 people because it felt the pressure from the north and seemed to be making a last-ditch effort.

Coupled with the assistance of the Eagle Nation, Khalid's National Army has at least moved forward from the militia guerrilla level.

But only there.

"I was thinking about going to fight Khalid in the second half of the year, but I didn't expect that Khalid was going to fight us before we started." Wang Yao looked at the map, the areas controlled by Khalid were the forests and grasslands in the south, It is the richest place in the country.

Not only has a population of more than 8 million, but it is also a key animal husbandry area. The only two major rivers in the country are located in this area. The north is desert and Gobi. There is no long river. dry.

This is also the basis for Khalid to expand the National Army to 120,000 people.

"Our spies in the south have sent information. Khalid has made a lot of money this time. The 120,000 National Army, good guy, if he can't beat us this time, he can immediately step down." Wang Yao is in charge of intelligence work. Eva handed in some of the latest intelligence.

Although the south is rich, it is only compared to the north. In fact, in order to mobilize the 120,000 national army, Khalid made a lot of promises to the ruling class and local warlords in the south.

Because once he fails and the army from the north goes south, the ruling class and local warlords in the former southern region will definitely be swept away, so this can be regarded as a big alliance in the southern region.

Even in the intelligence, these southern national army and warlords privately shouted the slogan of the anti-legion alliance.

"It's still a hero." The intelligence in Wang Yao's hand made such an evaluation of Khalid himself.

After the rise of the legion, he was able to perceive the crisis, and mobilized the army desperately to prepare for a decisive battle, which shows that this person's strategic vision is still good.

But unfortunately, what he will face is the Legion, which can be said to be one of the most powerful armies in the world.

"Report the situation of the enemy army?" Wang Yao looked at Xue Beichen and directly called Khalid his opponent.

Xue Beichen saw Wang Yao's attention, and knew that the next legion would attack Khalid and completely unite the Suoguo region, so he also seriously opened the tablet in his hand, connected it to the big screen, and began to explain.

"At present, the biggest force in the southern part of the country is Khalid's National Army, with a total of 120,000 troops in the army, 500 in the air force, 2,000 in the navy, and warlords in other places ranging from one to five thousand. Even if they were all united under the banner of Khalid, the total army strength would not exceed 150,000 men."

"Khalid's National Army and the surrounding warlords have been in a state of war for a long time, so their combat effectiveness will be higher than that of the Northern Autonomous Army. Their weapons and equipment are mainly light weapons of the past century, and their armored forces include more than 70 T-72 tanks, T-62 tanks and one hundred and twenty armored vehicles, an unknown number of BM-21 hail multiple rocket launchers, and more than twenty old 100mm caliber artillery pieces, the oldest dating back to World War II."

"The Air Force is mainly composed of MiG-21 fighters and J-6 fighters of the last century, with no more than ten fighters.

"The navy has more than ten patrol boats built by the Ottoman Empire and eight rigid hovercraft built by the Cossack principalities.

Compared with the Northern Autonomous Army, Khalid's National Army may not be very advantageous in terms of army equipment, but Khalid has the last air force and navy of the Suo country. Bought at a great price.

If it weren't for the fact that the neighboring country of Serbia intervened in the Somalia civil war from time to time, Khalid might have relied on these troops to unify the country, or at least unify the north and south of the country.

Originally, the Suoguo Air Force was considered a bit strong in East Africa. The Red Bear gave this boy a lot of good things back then, but with the outbreak of the civil war and the 30-year civil war, the original dozens of planes are now only available. Fewer than ten were left to fly.

What a sad story.

And what about the Red Police Corps?

With the gradual stabilization of the northern region and the development of a large oil field, Wang Yao's daily capital income has exceeded one million, and it is still growing. Daily income can be further improved.

Over the past two months, Wang Yao's Red Police Corps has been mainly engaged in the construction of the 593 Army and Navy.

The Navy's First Fleet has been built and is undergoing integration training.

The Red Police Army has also expanded to the size of eight combined combat brigades, and with the guard battalion stationed around him, the main force of the Red Police Army in Wang Yao's hands has a scale of 57,000 people.

The second-line garrison has also expanded to 50,000, and the local police force is 30,000. Most of the garrison and police force are captured by warlord soldiers and soldiers of the Northern Autonomous Army.

In the beginning, Wang Yao threw the captured soldiers into the construction corps for infrastructure construction, but Xue Beichen reminded him that these people have several years or even a dozen years of combat experience. Training with troops or reserves is also sufficient.

Therefore, after Wang Yao obtained Yuri later, he asked Yuri to detect these soldiers. Some soldiers with heinous crimes and distorted spirits continued to reform through labor, and most of the soldiers were reactivated after there were no problems.

With Red Police officers as the mainstay, using the world's strongest training method, these warlords and soldiers will be trained into qualified soldiers, and they will be filled into the garrison and police force.

As long as Wang Yao gives an order, they can also enter the frontline battle at any time!

In this way, Wang Yao can mobilize more than 130,000 troops, and he is not afraid of being attacked from both sides by the national army in the south of the country and the national defense army in the western country!

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