City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 82: War Plan and Invitation

Chapter 82: War Plan and Invitation

After calculating the strength of the troops in his hand, Wang Yao decided to vote for his mother! Completely unite the country within this year!

If the Eagle Country and the Serbian Country want to intervene, he doesn't mind confronting them directly!

The entire Red Police Corps serves Wang Yao. Now that Wang Yao has determined the strategic direction, the next step is the war meeting.

It was still the same, the senior generals under Wang Yao gathered together, and those who were too far away would use video conferencing.

On the big screen in the middle of the meeting, Xue Beichen was holding a teaching stick, pointed at the map and said, "If we launch an attack on Khalid's National Army in the south in advance, then the Eagle Country will definitely urge the Western Suo Country to fight Our logistics strike."

With that said, Xue Beichen's teaching stick ordered at Hod Lai City and Tog Valle.

These two cities are important cities in the northern region adjacent to the Eastern Desert Province of Serbia, and they are also important nodes for Serbia to send troops to intervene in the northern region.

As can be seen from the road conditions on the map, there are only five roads connecting Serbia to Somalia, two of which are in the northern region, one is in the Akado Plateau in the central region of Somalia, and the remaining two are in the southern region of Bele. Devon and Dolo City.

"Even when we are heading south, we may encounter the Serbian army at any time attacking from the Eastern Desert Province and attacking us from the side." Xue Beichen used a teaching stick to focus on several nodes in the Akado Plateau.

From the northern area to the south, there are only two roads to take, one is the coastal road, but both are small roads, and it is difficult for the armored troops to pass.

The other is the national highway, which traverses the plateau and the Gobi. It was a national highway built when Somalia was not in civil strife. It runs through the entire southern and northern regions of Somalia and is the 'spine' that connects the entire country.

"So, to sum up the above, in this unification war against the southern region, the staff's opinion is that the logistics will go to sea." After speaking, Xue Beichen's teaching staff drew a line on the coastline.

There is already a red police sub-base in Bell Harbor, and from Bell Harbor, you can go to any seaside port in Dasuo country.

Even the naval commander Chen Ce directly suggested that the navy should attack and conduct a landing operation at the port of Gaza, the capital of the Somalia, to take down the rear of the National Army in one fell swoop!

This reminded Wang Yao that his navy fleet had never been shown, and all countries thought that his corps had no naval power.

Maybe Khalid in the south thinks the same way.

"The staff should have a detailed plan to go south, right?" Wang Yao looked at Xue Beichen.

The latter nodded with a smile, and then said: "The plan of the Red Police Staff is that four combined brigades and three garrison brigades will form a southward force to advance directly along the national road. After Khalid in the south learned of the situation, The main force will definitely be mobilized to go north as soon as possible, and the scheduled battlefield will be in Beledweyne, where the terrain is dangerous and is the key point of defense for the Southern National Army."

"When the two armies confront each other, our naval fleet can directly transport a synthetic brigade to the port of Gaza to get a cut! 35

"Once the Gaza Port is taken, Beledwen's army of more than 100,000 people will be a turtle in a urn!"

"If the Serbian army crosses the border during the war, we still have three combined brigades in the rear, which can keep the enemy at the border at any time, and then send air forces to attack Dejaran, Harar, and even airborne these two cities. Cut off the logistics of the invading army!"

As Xue Beichen's teaching stick moved on the big screen, a war plan was completely displayed in front of everyone.

This is also thanks to the fact that parts of the Eastern Desert Province, which borders Serbia and Somalia, are deserts. Serbia has only two or three roads to attack the northern region, and their logistics can only rely on cities along the main road for transportation.

Once a logistics node city is captured, the frontline army will become the turtle in the urn.

This is one of the advantages of desert areas, supply lines on both sides are along the main road, unless you have a large air force or coastline and a fleet that can guarantee escort.

To put it bluntly, the battle plan formulated by the Red Police staff is very simple, that is, relying on the well-equipped, when the head-to-head confrontation will give you a bottom-up salary.

The same is true when fighting Berbera. Even if you have the right place, I will fly directly over and attack Berbera by airborne, cutting your logistics line, and the tens of thousands of troops on your front line are all turtles in the urn.

The same is true for the war against the southern part of the country. The two armies faced off on the front line. I sent the navy to send a synthetic brigade to steal your home.

Your home is gone, and the hundreds of thousands of troops on the front line must not be in chaos.

At this time, unless there is external interference, or a powerful figure gathers the military's heart, or waits to be destroyed by the group.

And in this plan, only four combined brigades and three garrison brigades were used for the southward movement. The main force of the Red Police Corps was close to 30,000, and the garrison was 20,000. The total was only about 50,000. Even if the Navy transported a combined brigade to land in Gaza Hong Kong, there are 70,000 troops behind me.

Whether it's a sneak attack from the Cypriot country, or if the Eagle country wants to engage in some more armed intervention, they can deal with it calmly.

In short, the worst-case scenario has been calculated.

6." Just follow the plan. After Wang Yao read it several times and determined that the plan took into account all kinds of unexpected situations, the decision was made by him.

"Yes!" Including Xue Beichen, the officers participating in the meeting stood at attention and saluted Wang Yao.

War! Coming soon!

After the meeting, the generals of all parties began their busy preparations, especially Xue Beichen, chief of the general staff, who was responsible for the dispatch and logistics of all troops, and the staff of his staff were also very busy.

Wang Yao and Eva sent an invitation letter after the meeting.

Invitation to the Middle East Defense Exhibition.

The sender is United Emirates Village.

This defense exhibition is the largest defense exhibition in the Middle East and one of the top international defense exhibitions in the world.

It is a weapons and defense exhibition, held every two years, because it is located in Abu Dhabi City, United Arab Emirates, (Li Nuohao) is also called Abu Dhabi International Defense Exhibition.

You must know that the United Arab Emirates is a big local tyrant, or in other words, the Middle East, most of which are rich people, but their military industry is relatively weak, and most of the equipment is purchased.

Therefore, this kind of defense exhibition also attracts the participation of military enterprises from all over the world. Most of the military equipment and defense systems participating in the exhibition are top foreign trade goods from various countries. It deliberately released its own advanced products.

It is definitely impossible to sell, just show it to everyone, if you are interested in our new toys, you can wait for our foreign trade funds.

Wang Yao looked at the invitation letter and was eager to try it.

In his hands, he has advanced equipment from all over the world, as well as advanced weapons and equipment produced by the red police system and even various black technologies.

Otherwise, push the technology tree of this world?.

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