City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 95: International News Headlines

Chapter 95: International News Headlines

On the destroyer Sakura Country Gaobo, I watched the arrival of the Eagle Country Navy Ticonderoga-class nuclear-powered cruiser not far away, and began to negotiate with the Legion on the public channel, asking the Legion to release the two Sakura Country destroyers. How excited.

Morita Tetsuya, Yamamura Hiroya and other officers of the Sakura National Maritime Self-Defense Force were both excited and relieved, and many people cheered.

Still my father loves me, and my father finally came to save me.

After all, after being a son for decades, most of the days are used to having such a father, just like the Stockholm syndrome.

Even Morita Tetsuya and Yamamura Hiroya couldn't admit that when facing the army's huge naval fleet, they were too weak, and they felt more secure with Yingguo's father.

So "600" when a large destroyer of the legion opened a hole, Morita Tetsuya and Yamamura Hiroya immediately ordered the fleet to break through.

After a trembling operation, the destroyer Takaba and the destroyer Makiba came out of the encirclement of the Legion fleet one after another, which made them excited and immediately went to meet their father in the Eagle Kingdom.

The two Sakura country guided missile destroyers were like good sons, obediently following behind the Eagle Country cruiser, forming a new fleet formation.

But at this time, they found that the corps' naval fleet did not leave, but continued to follow at a constant speed about 30 kilometers south of the temporary joint fleet of Ying Nation and Sakura Nation, and the two fleets were parallel.

The captain of the cruiser Cape St. George frowned and ordered a telegram to be sent to the Legion's naval fleet.

However, the reply I got is true, is this a public water area, and it is the outer waters of the Suogu Ocean. The naval fleet of the Legion has the right to travel here, and you have no right to interfere.

Looking at the huge fleet on the opposite side, and the fifth-generation carrier-based aircraft taking off from time to time on two large aircraft carriers, the captain of the cruiser Cape St. George could only swallow his breath and command the fleet to rush to the fleet, while heading to the port of Bahrain. The Eagle Country Naval Base sent a report message.

"Lieutenant General Scott, the corps' naval fleet is still following our warships in the waters of about 30 kilometers, maintaining a constant speed and seems to be following the same way." In the Eagle Country Naval Base in Bahrain Port, Chief of Staff Dill said to Scott reported the latest situation.

"Then let them follow!" Scott looked at the image of the Legion Navy fleet following the cruiser St. George's Point captured by military satellites on the big screen, and sneered: "Just let them see how we are in front of us. They were the ones who drove the ships full of arms into the port of Gaza."

The mission of the cruiser Cape St. George was to escort ten ships full of munitions to the port of Gaza, the southern capital of Somalia, to support Khalid's National Army.

This sea area originally belonged to the coastline around the country of Somalia, and there were many pirates. Only with the escort of the cruiser Cape St. George could avoid the pirates and rush to the southern port of Gaza as soon as possible.

And with the escort of the cruiser St. George's Point, even the legion, it is impossible to directly attack the merchant ships escorted by the Eagle Nation Navy warships, even if they know that these merchant ships are fully loaded with weapons to support their enemies.

Otherwise, it would be tantamount to firing at the Eagle Nation's navy.

Therefore, after receiving the order of the Fifth Fleet Command, the cruiser Cape St. George ignored the regiment's naval fleet that followed, and took two large destroyers to find the merchant fleet that had already started sailing south.

The cruiser Cape St. George and the two small-day destroyers were lined up, separated by about ten kilometers, and escorted on the west side of the merchant fleet, which was facing the coastline.

And the First Navy Fleet of the Legion also closely followed the fleet about 30 kilometers behind, maintaining a constant speed, not falling behind, and not closing the distance.

On the No. 1 aircraft carrier of the First Fleet of the Legion Navy, Liu Xiao and Pei Yining are cooperating with several Red Police Corps to check the content of their shooting.

After confirming that there is no problem, they are allowed to use the satellite network to transmit the captured images back to the country.

Soon, the interview footage they filmed appeared on major international media and was broadcast wildly.

On an international news website, the headline news of "The Legion and the Eagle Nation's Navy Confrontation" was published, and the headline picture was an aircraft carrier fleet taken from high altitude. The huge aircraft carrier fleet attracted people's curiosity. go in.

At the beginning of the picture, Liu Xiao and Pei Yining were riding on the Nighthawk helicopter, standing at the door of the cabin, while introducing the purpose of their trip, while taking the picture below.

I saw that the sea was dominated by two large aircraft carriers and three large cruisers, surrounded by dozens of aircraft carrier fleets of various warships chasing two Sakura destroyers with plaster flags.

And in the picture, the names of the two Sakura destroyers and some basic data of tonnage and so on are marked.

Then I saw ten large destroyers and frigates flying the flag of the Legion swarming up like a pack of wolves.

Judging from the close confrontation between the warships of the two sides, the large destroyers of the legion are all big guys with more than 10,000 tons, and even the frigates next to them are not much smaller than the destroyers of the Sakura Kingdom.

Netizens from all over the world watched with excitement at such a tense confrontation. They were both looking forward to it and worried about what to do if the two sides fought.

It wasn't until a few hours after the screen jumped that a cruiser of the Eagle Country's Cape St. George arrived, and the Legion's large destroyer let go, and let the two destroyers of the Sakura Country go to Dad.

Seeing this, netizens from all over the world have ridiculed the cherry blossom country.

But the standoff isn't over yet.

After the Eagle Country cruiser left with two Sakura Country destroyers, the Legion's large aircraft carrier fleet followed.

The two sides maintained a distance of about 30 kilometers, entered the Tianzhu waters from the Gulf of Aden waters, and then the Eagle Nation Fleet picked up a fleet of merchant ships, and accompanied these merchant ships with two large destroyers to escort these merchant ships to the south.

"According to the information we got from the Legion, the destination of these 2.0 large merchant ships was the Gaza port in the south of Somalia, and the ships were loaded with all kinds of weapons and equipment provided by the Eagle Country to the Khalid People's Army of Somalia. The value is no less than 10 billion US dollars!" "At the end of the screen, Liu Xiao stood on the deck of the legion's large aircraft carrier, with the carrier version of the Black Hawk fighter as the background, reporting.

Pei Yining on the side added: "According to the information provided by the legion, these merchant ships all departed from the port of Bahrain, and most of the weapons are second-hand weapons, which were used to attack the Kingdom of Babylon. It can be said that these are a group of blood-stained ships. Weapons, which are now used by Eagle Nation to provide civil wars to other countries, shows that Eagle Nation is the biggest threat to world peace and stability!"

For a time, netizens from all over the world paid attention to the civil war in Somalia.

After all, one side is the recently rising legion force with global nuclear strike capability, while the other side is the world's number one power, Eagle sauce.

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