City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 96: Operation Code 'Tauren,

Chapter 96: Operation Code 'Tauren,

No matter what country the netizens are, in fact, most of them go with the mentality of watching the excitement when it comes to things outside their own countries.

Of course, there are also a small number of free people who are encouraged to give advice on the Internet under the slogan of maintaining world peace, and some even take action to support the party they think is good.

But such people are in the minority after all, and there may also be a chain of interests behind them.

Most people are still busy with their daily life, and occasionally they are free from work, or only after get off work will they be concerned about some world situations on the Internet.

For example, now, with Liu Xiao and Pei Yining dispatched with the Legion Navy, they reported the confrontation time between the two destroyers of the Legion Navy and the Sakura Country, and the Eagle Country Navy ship that came later.

Because of the sudden incident, most of the netizens in various countries mainly watched the excitement, especially the incident where the two guided missile destroyers of the Sakura Country were surrounded by the army's wolves-like warships.

And while the netizens of Sakura Country retorted, they strongly condemned the actions of the Legion Navy as a provocative act against the Great Sakura Empire!

Then I went back to the domestic network and said that the officers of the Navy Self-Defense Force were weak, and they simply disbanded the Navy Self-Defense Force.

Immediately after 08, captive navies from various countries began to dispatch, attacking the behavior of the Legion's naval fleet, and exaggerating the threat of the Legion.

The military and intelligence agencies of various countries were greatly surprised by the sudden appearance of the Legion Navy fleet.

Because the navy is not equipped with personnel like the army and air force, it can be cultivated through closed training.

The Navy's warships represent a strong industrial base, while the Navy's training represents a huge amount of time and military literacy.

Not to mention that the corps navy exposed this time actually possesses such a powerful weapon of the country as a large aircraft carrier!

This kind of war tycoon that gathers the strength of a country, from design to manufacture to launch is calculated in years or even ten years.

Moreover, the daily training and maintenance after the service, the collocation and training of carrier-based aircraft, and the training of the combat capability of the fleet, all require a huge sea area and time to carry out.

But the Legion was like an open-minded guy, nothing was normal.

The army appeared inexplicably, the air force appeared in the shadows, and now even the navy has come out.

If countries in the world suspected that the Legion was a new younger brother cultivated by the Hairy Bear Country, then with the exposure of the Legion Navy, all countries in the world had to cautiously re-analyze the background of the Legion.

Because first of all, Mao Xiong does not own such a large aircraft carrier, and it is even more impossible to provide such strategic equipment to any country or force.

But when he thought of the equipment of the legion, there were eagle sauce, Western countries, and Maoxiong, the intelligence agencies and military of various countries became big, and an impossible thing came to mind.

Is the Hydra in a sci-fi blockbuster real?

Otherwise, how to explain that the legion has active equipment from various countries and even equipment that has been tested but abandoned.

Only a large and mysterious organization covering all countries in the world like Hydra in a sci-fi blockbuster can do it.

If it weren't for the fact that the equipment of the legion was still at the same level as everyone else, and not too much, the countries could not help but wonder if the legion came from Wakanda.

So, starting from the exposure of the Legion Navy fleet, the military and intelligence agencies of various countries began to conduct a strict and secret review of the interior, hoping to find some clues.

In the eastern waters of the Suo Kingdom, the Legion Navy Fleet and the Eagle Country escort fleet still maintained a confrontation.

The Legion did not provoke any more conflict, and just followed the actions of the Eagle Nation's escort fleet, which made the Eagle Nation military, especially Lieutenant General Scott of the Fifth Fleet, couldn't help thinking that they had grasped the weakness of the Legion.

From Lieutenant General Scott to Chief of Staff Deere, they all believed that the Legion did not dare to directly conflict with the Eagle Country at sea due to the strength of the Eagle Country.

Otherwise, the northern coastline of the country will become as dangerous as the coastline of the Persian Empire, and the Eagle Nation fleet will be stationed there to carry out economic blockade and sanctions on the country.

As with the hairy bear and the Persian Empire.

What they didn't know was that, on the First Fleet of the Legion Navy, when watching the Eagle Nation warship and the Cherry Blossom Nation warship escorting ten ships to get closer and closer to the southern Gaza port, the corners of their mouths showed a successful smile.

"Has the 1st Marine Corps Brigade in Bell Harbor not finished boarding yet?" Chen Ce looked at the time on his watch and frowned.

At this point, two hours have passed since he issued the order to board the ship.

"Report Commander, most of the Marine Corps has completed the landing, only the last batch of logistics troops are left!" A Red Police Navy officer reported.

"Well." After hearing the detailed report, Chen Ce nodded and ordered an Assault-class destroyer and two Dolphin-class frigates to escort him.

The Eighth Army Brigade, originally stationed in Kuban Province, was transferred to the Navy. After supplementing some amphibious tanks and amphibious armored vehicles, it formed the First Marine Corps Brigade, and its strength was also increased to over 8,800.

Two days later, after several days of sailing, the temporary escort fleet of Eagle Country and Cherry Blossom Country has escorted ten ships loaded with various weapons and equipment to the southern waters of Suo Country.

It is only about 100 kilometers away from the port of Gaza in the south of the country.

The Legion's naval fleet is still following them in the sea about 30 kilometers behind.

But neither the Eagle Country officers nor the Sakura Country officers thought that the Legion would dare to attack them.

So after contacting the Khalid forces in Gaza, they went straight to the port of Gaza.

A small warship with only a few hundred tons quickly approached with several patrol boats of about one hundred tons. This is Khalid's naval force.

When they learned that there was a Legion Navy fleet behind the 600 fleet, they also panicked, but looked at the Eagle Kingdom Navy cruiser and the two destroyers of the Sakura Kingdom next to them, and they also thought that the other party would not be there. There will be chaos here, at least until the Eagle Nation warship leaves, there will be no chaos.

As a result, the cruiser St. George's Point of the Eagle Country and the two guided missile destroyers of the Sakura Country were docked off the coast of Gaza Port.

The ten ships they escorted entered the Gaza port and stopped at a special pier.

Khalid had already arranged manpower and warehouses at the port, and as soon as these ships docked, thousands of dock workers started to get busy.

Because the country is poor, even the port area has only a few cranes, which cannot meet the needs of ten ships to unload at the same time. Therefore, only three ships unload the goods first, and the other ships are waiting at the dock.

"Commander! The spies in Gaza Port reported that ten ships have docked and are unloading!" A staff officer said excitedly in the command room of the First Fleet of the Red Police Corps.

"Order all ships to sound the first-level battle alarm! Prepare for battle! This operation! Code name 'Tauren'!"

Chen Ce was also so excited that he clenched his fists tightly, and finally tricked them in. Next, it was a face-to-face NTR.

In front of the Eagle Nation's fleet, take down the port of Gaza!

Otherwise, why do you think Lao Tzu's fleet is following you all the way!

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