City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 99 : Login! Login!

Chapter 99 : Login! Login!

In the port of Gaza, there are chaotic scenes everywhere.

Although the regiment's air strikes only targeted communication base stations, electrical installations, military installations and the air defense forces of the National Army, as well as some tanks and armored vehicles in the city.

However, the military discipline of the National Army was not good in the first place. After being attacked by a large-scale European air attack by the Legion, many soldiers in the Gaza port were scattered. Loot the surrounding shops.

The streets of Gaza Port have long been devoid of ordinary people, and only some rioters are left looting shops, or directly smashing and smashing the houses on both sides of the road, and then rushing in to loot.

If you meet some women, you will go up and insult them, and the whole Gaza will become a world-hell.

At this time, in the government building in Gaza, Khalid had been hiding in an underground safe house because of the gap in the past few days. Therefore, although this air strike also bombed Khalid's home and government building, Khalid did not suffer any harm.

But now the power facilities outside have been blown up, and the communication base station has also been blown up. The telephone line in his hand is basically connected to any troops. Only some surrounding security forces can be mobilized, but the total force is only two or three thousand people. size.

There are at least 10,000 troops stationed in the entire Gaza port, but now they have been disrupted by the air strikes of the legion. The soldiers cannot find generals, and there will be no soldiers. Even the troops that Khalid can command are only around the government building. some of the guards.

Fortunately, he still has some satellite phones in hand, so he can learn about the situation outside.

But when he heard that the Yingguo warships were starting to withdraw from this sea area, Khalid couldn't help widening his eyes and gritted his teeth: "Damn Yingguo! I knew they couldn't be trusted! How long has it been! The war has just begun. Outbreak! They just abandoned us! Broke the original promise! 35

Although it has long been guessed that the Eagle Countryman may directly abandon him at some critical times, such as turning to support the Serbian country to continue to interfere in their civil war and the like.

But it was only two air strikes by the Legion before the Legion's fleet arrived off the coast of Gaza Port, and the Eagle's warship ran away.

Obviously, the strength of the legion has surpassed his knowledge, and even the eagle countrymen of the world police chose to abandon them and run away.

This obviously proves that the strength of the legion has become so strong that it is enough to lead the eagle countrymen to be afraid. Regional forces like Khalid are simply not worth the more price the eagle countrymen invest in.

It is a pity that those arms have just arrived at the port and have not been distributed yet, otherwise they will not face the air attack of the legion, and there will be no resistance at all.

"President, why don't you evacuate Gaza!" A staff officer suggested cautiously: "The sentinels reported that there were a large number of warships flying the flag of the Legion outside the port, as well as many transport planes and landing ships."

Khalid took off his glasses tremblingly and looked at the map on the table.

The port of Gaza is built on the coastline, and his government building is built on the only hillside in the whole city, from which you can have an overview of the entire Gaza city and the coastline of the port.

However, the large-scale appearance of the Legion's fleet in the port undoubtedly marks the imminent launch of the Legion's landing!

Khalid was almost in despair, the enemy was too powerful, both the air force and the fleet, and he was simply not something that a local force like him could resist.

But if you give up like this, Khalid will absolutely refuse!

After finally getting out of the war, Khalid was undoubtedly a ruthless man.

Faced with the current situation, he directly ordered: "Order, Gaza enters the national mobilization! All Gazans, take up arms! Resist the aggression of the Legion! Surround Gaza to the death!

Khalid wanted to deal with the Legion the same way he dealt with the Eagles more than 20 years ago.

That is to mobilize the entire city's population, whether adults or children, to make them into soldiers, distribute weapons to them, and let low-level soldiers and officers lead them to fight against the enemy.

Back then, the Gaza warlord Aidide used this method to fight with an airborne team of the Eagles and hit the world-famous Black Hawk Down.

However, with the support of the people and the gap in intelligence, Irdeto took a long time to prepare before he caught the Eagle Country Ranger Squad by surprise.

Later, in the actions against the Kingdom of Babylon, and in several subsequent wars, the people of the Eagle Kingdom learned the painful experience of the fall of the Black Eagle, not only did the information well, but also adopted non-contact warfare, that is to say Several rounds of air strikes and bombings have paralyzed your military facilities, communication facilities, and electric power facilities before sending the army to land.

0.....For flowers..0

And now, the army's attack method is also like this.

Therefore, when Khalid's order had just spread around, and before it had reached the whole of Gaza, the Legion's landing fleet had already arrived at the port.

The first landing ships were more than a dozen landing ships. They charged at the beach next to a pier and rushed directly to the beach.

The front hatches opened, and the grizzly tanks and armored vehicles drove out of the landing ships. Dozens of Marines armed with assault rifles followed the grizzly tanks and armored vehicles in full force and began to expand the landing beachhead.


In the rear, some amphibious tanks drove out of the cargo hold of the large transport ship and waded to the beachhead.

After the transportation task was completed, the landing ships and transport ships began to retreat, and the latter group of landing ships and transport ships continued to keep up.

In less than an hour, the beachhead was occupied by an infantry battalion and an armored battalion of Marines, who then continued to expand the beachhead to the left and right, and attacked the port.

The National Army stationed in the port had already been attacked by air, and only a few troops remained at the port.

When the Legion's Marines advanced to their positions, just a few shells from the Grizzly tanks scare the surviving Nationals into a run.

The Marine Corps took the opportunity to continue to expand the occupation area.

With the landing of battalions one after another, the Marine Corps also basically completed the task of occupying the port area and began to attack the interior of the city.

In the occupied port area, several piers have been cleared, and large transport ships have docked on the pier. Tanks, armored vehicles and supplies have been continuously transported to the pier.

In the city, the Marine Corps of the Legion began to use the squad as a combat unit, clearing the enemy from street to street to complete the occupation task.

There are fewer fighter jets hovering in the sky, but more armed helicopters and transport helicopters are constantly coming and going to the front line of the war to provide air support.

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