City: I Have A Red Alert Base

Chapter 100: Don't let the Navy steal the limelight

Chapter 100: Don't let the Navy steal the limelight

It was originally a group of warlord armed forces, and they were subjected to continuous air strikes. The garrison in Gaza City has long been disrupted and is walking in various areas.

The electrical equipment was destroyed, the communication base station was destroyed, and the whole of Gaza became a silent equipment, only the sound of gunshots and explosions that sounded from time to time, as well as the helicopters hovering over the city, and the roar of various fighter planes flying over from time to time.

A large electronic warplane hovered over Gaza, providing support for the ground forces with communication signals, so in the city, in addition to satellite communication, only the soldiers of the legion could use the communication equipment.

Marines in platoons, teamed with a Grizzly tank or a multi-purpose infantry fighting vehicle, clear the remnants of enemy troops block by block along the city's streets.

After a brief exchange of fire, most areas were quickly suppressed by the army's "603" force, and they either fled by themselves, or surrendered their weapons, and few stubbornly resisted.

However, as the Marine Corps soldiers of the Legion gradually occupied most of the urban areas and began to attack the presidential palace and government buildings in the core area, they encountered significantly more resistance.

Not only Khalid's National Army Guard is better equipped, but also has a small number of anti-tank weapons such as RPG rocket launchers, and ordinary people mobilized by Khalid are also forced to pick up weapons and move towards the direction of the legion blankly. attack.

Although these people are miserable, the Legion will never be soft-handed. Anyone with a weapon is an enemy!

The elite Marine Corps is the elite, and with the air support of fighter planes and the support of low-altitude armed helicopters, although the enemy is getting harder and harder to fight, it is still being defeated, not only shrinking the defense line inward.

"Commander, we have occupied one-third of Gaza City, and all the coastal port areas. The enemy's resistance is mainly concentrated in the presidential palace and government buildings in the center of the city." , A staff officer is reporting the latest situation to Chen Ce.

On the big screen in the headquarters, the staff members are constantly updating the situation on the front line.

"Move another battalion to the government area, and make sure to capture Khalid alive!" Chen Ce said in a deep voice, looking at the red dots constantly marked on the map.

Each of these red dots represents an engagement.

Under the strong offensive of the Legion Marine Corps, there were few red spots for other adventures, but the area where the presidential palace and government buildings were located increased significantly, and there was obviously organized resistance here, and maybe even Khalid was here.

"Order the B1 and B2 attack aircraft squads to prepare to take off and bomb these two areas!" Chen Ce said again.

"Yes!" The officer immediately went down to convey Chen Ce's order.

As the order was issued, on the two large aircraft carriers, the intruder fighters began to hang on the missiles again, and then quickly took off under the acceleration of electromagnetic catapults.

Two attack aircraft squads, a total of thirty-six intruder attack aircraft full of missiles, rushed to the battlefield.

While the navy launched the landing operation on Gaza,

On the Beledweyne front in the north, the Red Police Corps South Road Cluster also launched a general attack on the National Army.

Fifty-four intruder attack planes came from the Red Police Base and launched air strikes on the defense lines of the National Army. The first to bear the brunt of it were the various air defense systems and anti-tank systems deployed by the National Army, as well as hidden artillery positions.

Under the infiltration of red police spies, the deployment of the National Army troops is completely without any secrets.

The attack of the Air Force attack aircraft quickly destroyed the national army's prevention and control systems and artillery positions.

Khalid has accumulated artillery for more than ten years, more than 20 artillery pieces with a caliber of more than 100 mm and BM-21 hail multiple rocket launchers, and was attacked by the Legion Air Force before firing a few shots.

Those bunkers and camouflage nets are like the emperor's new clothes in the information provided by the Red Alert spies.

After the National Army's artillery and air defense positions and anti-tank positions were almost destroyed by rounds of air raids, Chen Xuance decisively ordered his troops to attack.

The offensive force with three Red Police combat brigades as the main force began to appear.

On the vast Gobi, the rumbling sound resounded throughout the world, and the legion's main battle tanks and grizzly tanks began to attack the positions of the National Army.

The infantrymen who followed closely around the tank perfectly demonstrated what it means to cooperate with the tank.

A steel torrent of hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles pushed directly into the positions of the National Army.

The National Army attempted to fend off the regiment's attack with complex mountainous terrain.

But the regiment's fire coverage made them unable to lift their heads, and when the tanks and infantry had entered within fifty meters of them, the artillery began to extend their shelling.

The tanks and armored vehicles on the front line rushed into the positions of the National Army, followed by the Red Police infantry, relying on the tanks and armored vehicles, and after entering the enemy's position, they covered each other, and slowly launched an offensive formation, starting a one-sided battle. 0.

According to the information returned by the Red Police spy, the air force's follow-up bombings will give priority to bombing the enemy's command system and communication system.

This decapitation tactic is very effective. The enemy has no solid fortifications, only temporarily excavated tunnels and defense systems. Under modern warfare, the target is quickly locked, and then a missile is fired.

The result is that the commander of the enemy front line has a high death rate, the command system collapses rapidly, and the Red Police Corps advances like a pig.

The 100-kilometer-long line of defense has already collapsed, and the soldiers have fled everywhere in a panic.

The war quickly turned to a fever, but it was a one-sided battle.

The Red Police Corps continued to advance, the National Army continued to retreat, and there were scattered National Army soldiers everywhere in the mountains and in the mountain streams.

The defense line of the National Army was torn apart, and the Red Police Corps divided the battlefield into small battlefields in a cross-splitting manner, and then annihilated them.

High in the sky, fighter planes kept going back and forth, providing air support from time to time, and bombing the surviving enemy tanks and bunkers.

At low altitude, it is the world of explosive drones and gunships.

Wherever support is needed, the Nighthawk transport helicopter will transport a group of troops to the ground 2.0 where additional troops are needed.

Even the Nighthawk helicopter will hoist the M777 ultra-light howitzer and deploy the 155mm caliber artillery to the high ground that the front-line troops have just shot down, thereby increasing the range of the surrounding shelling.

Chen Xuance looked at the battle reports that were constantly coming from the front line. The defeat of the enemy army had already begun to take place. More and more national troops were defeated or surrendered. It was only a matter of time before they broke through the Beledweyne line of defense.

The navy is already attacking the port of Gaza. As an army general, Chen Xuance, of course, did not want to watch the navy steal the limelight, so he decisively ordered his troops to launch an attack, hoping to capture Beledwen as soon as possible and open the way to the south.


Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded in the direction of Beledweyne, which was even heard by the frontline headquarters of the Red Police Corps more than ten kilometers away.

Soon, news came from the Signal Corps that the Canyon Road Bridge in Beledweyne had been blown up.

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