"It's finally done! But I waited so long!"

Yang Fan used the pendulum upgrade coupon a week ago. He thought it would be the same as the carousel, and he could upgrade it in one day.

But after using it, the system told him that it would take 7 days to upgrade.

There are two main reasons:

First, the carousel is a very special amusement facility obtained from the novice gift pack.

Whether it is built or upgraded, it takes very little time.

Second, the pendulum is much larger than the carousel and is a large amusement facility.

So when upgrading, it naturally takes more time than the carousel.

The icon of the system chat group also began to flash.

Yang Fan opened the chat group, and it turned out that the pendulum had joined.

Double-wheeled pendulum: Guys, I'm back again, haha!

Destiny Choice: Welcome!

Soaring in the Sky: Welcome!

Ring of Hell: Welcome!

Double-wheeled pendulum: Can you copy and paste more obviously? The word "回" in "回" is wrong!

Double-layer carousel: Welcome back! Group status +1

Double-wheeled pendulum: …

Yang Fan: Welcome! @Double-wheeled pendulum

Double-wheeled pendulum: Master!

After chatting with the double-wheeled pendulum and other amusement facilities for a while, Yang Fan looked up and looked out the window.

It was past six in the evening, the rain had stopped, and it was not completely dark yet.

"System, I want to check the information of the double-wheeled pendulum!"

Facility name: Double-wheeled pendulum

Facility status: Started

Power system: Normal

Capacity: 30+30

Thrill index: 40

Detailed data: The height of tower A is 30 meters, the height of tower B is also 30 meters; the height of pendulum A is 50 meters, the height of pendulum B is also 50 meters; the A ring can carry 30 people, and the B ring can also carry 30 people

"Looking at this detailed data reminds me of a sentence! 'There are two trees in front of my house, one is a jujube tree, and the other is also a jujube tree...'."


"Forget it, I want to experience it. I remember that last time, I fainted. After such a long period of training, there will definitely be no problem this time."

Yang Fan said to the system confidently, and at the same time told the double-wheeled pendulum in the chat group that he was about to go there to experience it.

He cleaned up his desk, left the director's office, locked the door, and went to the area where the double-wheeled pendulum was located.

Arriving at the destination, Yang Fan finally understood the meaning of "double wheels".

The upgraded pendulum is no different in height and size from before, but the roulette has changed a lot.

The original pendulum only had a suspended cockpit on one tower, and the other tower had only one main shaft. At special moments, the cockpit could be replaced, that is, the roulette was exchanged.

The current double-wheeled pendulum has a roulette on both main shafts of the two towers.

The difference is that the roulette of tower A has a larger diameter, while the roulette of tower B is a circle smaller.

Yang Fan walked forward and observed it carefully.

It was found that the inner diameter of the roulette with a larger diameter had thirty transparent hemispherical cockpits, and each hemispherical cockpit had about half of it embedded in the inner diameter of the roulette.

The roulette with a smaller diameter has thirty hemispherical cockpits on the outer diameter, embedded in the outer diameter of the roulette.

There is a certain interval between the cockpits, and this interval has a groove.

Even if another cockpit is inserted, there is still a certain amount of safety space between the cockpits.

"I think I understand."

Yang Fan looked at the two roulettes, and when he put the two roulettes together in his mind, he suddenly thought of the stainless steel bearings that he often played with when he was a child.

He randomly chose a cockpit embedded in the outer diameter, sat down, and looked back at the connection between the cockpit and the roulette.

"It is indeed similar to the bite-together of the track, which means that the cockpit can slide!"

Yang Fan said to himself, and his mind became more certain of his thoughts.

"It feels so advanced, there are lights in the cockpit. System, I buckled the safety device."


With a "boom", the pendulum began to shake. Since the cockpit he was in was on the outer diameter, he could see outside.

He saw that the other roulette also shook, and for the time being it was no different from an ordinary pendulum.

As the two roulettes swung higher and higher, the distance between them became closer and closer.

When the swing reached about 90 degrees, Yang Fan was extremely sober at this time. He wanted to verify his guess.

When the swing reached 90 degrees, he really heard a "click".

The small wheel he was on was separated from its main axis, was switched to another main axis, and his cockpit was stuck between the two cockpits of another wheel.

At this moment, the seat automatically turned 180 degrees to ensure that the head was always facing the main axis.

"I think I fainted at this time last time!" Yang Fan thought to himself.

The last time Yang Fan fainted was when the wheel was changing its axis, and there was a 180-degree up and down swap.

But this time, he did not faint, which shows that the training in the past six months has been effective.

There are grooves between the cockpits of the two wheels, and the cockpit itself is also embedded in the grooves.

When a groove and a cockpit are aligned together, they form a spherical space together.

The cockpit where Yang Fan is located is just in this space. As the surroundings darken, the lights above his head light up.

If there are people outside at this time, they can see that it really looks like a bearing.

Because the two turntables rotate in different directions, the cockpit is also rotating.

At this time, people in the cockpit can experience three states of motion: the swing of the big pendulum, the rotation of the roulette wheel, and the rotation of the cockpit.

Although the rotation speed is not fast, it is enough. If it is faster, the people inside will feel uncomfortable.

If it is too fast, someone will vomit in the cockpit, and it will be very troublesome to clean up.

Five minutes later, the double-wheeled big pendulum gradually stopped.

"It seems that only the small roulette wheel can be replaced on the big roulette wheel. The big roulette wheel will not change the axis. In this way, the feelings experienced by the people on the two roulette wheels are different. Obviously, the small roulette wheel is much more thrilling than the big roulette wheel."

"That's good. The audience group will be much larger than before."

"Wait two days, when the weather is good, there will be candidates who have finished the college entrance examination to relax. Let the publicity department make a promotional video tomorrow and recommend it to the candidates who have just finished the college entrance examination."

Yang Fan walked down the big pendulum and thought to himself.

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