"When you guys are shooting the promotional video, go borrow the remote control of the bionic shark in the lake."

"There is a lot of open space near the water slide, so set the bionic shark's route map to this area."

"Let tourists see the simulated shark underwater."

"I will buy a few more bionic sharks right away, and they will probably be delivered tomorrow. The water slide will be open again on Saturday, so everyone should try to make the promotional video in the next two days."

Yang Fan told the members of the publicity department about his idea.

There are only two bionic sharks in the amusement park now, one of which is in the wave pool. And there is only one in Li Lake, so he plans to exchange four or five more in the system mall.

"Well! Okay, Director Yang. Let's do this. Today we will shoot the above-water part of the slide. When the bionic shark is delivered tomorrow, we will shoot the underwater part."

"I think it's okay. Everyone, get busy. I'll go back first."

"Goodbye, Director Yang!"



Yang Fan did not return to the director's office, but chose to go home directly.

After returning home, he had dinner, rested for a while, and then opened the system mall.

"System, I want to exchange a few bionic sharks! Help me turn to that page!"


The system mall turned to the page where the bionic sharks were. In addition to the bionic sharks, there are many other types of bionic creatures on this page, but the appearance of these bionic creatures is a bit too fake.

"System, I want to exchange five bionic sharks."

[Exchange successful, 50,000 points have been deducted from the tourist's points]


"Ten thousand points per one?"

[Yes! Bionic sharks are high-tech products, and the market price is very expensive.


"Okay, okay, yeah! I want to exchange for another mermaid!"

Yang Fan suddenly found a bionic mermaid in the lower right corner of this page of the system mall.

Although this mermaid is a typical black-haired, yellow-skinned Oriental image, which is very different from the impression of blonde and blue-eyed mermaids, the lower body of the mermaid is actually the lower body of a fish!

[Host, are you sure you want to exchange for a bionic mermaid? There are other mermaids on the next page. Are you sure you don't want to take a look? ]

"Huh? There are others, then wait a minute, I want to take a look!"

Yang Fan hurriedly turned to the next page of the system mall. Sure enough, the next page started with some magical marine creatures.

In addition to mermaids, there are also Eastern legendary creatures such as Dragon King, Siren, and Fishman, as well as Western magical creatures.

Although compared with bionic sharks and bionic octopuses, the workmanship is slightly inferior.

But if you don't look closely, it's definitely enough.

Moreover, he only wants to exchange a mermaid for the time being. First, he wants to add a little fun to Li Lake, and second, he wants to see the tourists' reactions to it.

As for Western magical creatures such as sirens, Yang Fan thinks it is more appropriate to put them in the magic park.

On this page, in addition to black-haired and yellow-skinned mermaids, there are also blonde mermaids, black-skinned dreadlock mermaids, etc.

"Is this black dreadlock mermaid serious?"

"System, give me this blonde mermaid!"

Yang Fan picked the mermaid he thought was the most beautiful.


[Exchange successful, deduct 15,000 points from tourists]


In this way, Yang Fan successfully exchanged five bionic sharks and a bionic mermaid. They will be delivered to the designated location by the system transport team on the morning of the next day.

On the other hand, the Propaganda Department, led by Assistant Minister Li Xue, is recording a promotional video for the water slide.

The route of the only bionic shark in Li Lake has been set to swim around the underwater part of the water slide.

"I was just curious about what the jet behind the hovercraft is for, and now I finally understand!"

Li Xue stared at the hovercraft for a while and suddenly spoke.

At first, before the water slide started, no one paid much attention to the existence of the jet, but four people lifted the hovercraft to the platform together.

Then one person got on the hovercraft, and the person behind gently pushed it, and the hovercraft slid down the slope from top to bottom, and finally fell into the water and splashed water, a bit like whitewater rafting.

But after Yang Fan started the water park, the height of the platform had reached more than 30 meters.

Although people can go to the platform by stairs or elevators, it is obviously impossible to bring the hovercraft with them.

Li Xue glanced at the spiral track and finally understood.

"For us, two people will take the elevator to the platform first." She said to the group who were looking at the hovercraft in bewilderment.The door staff said.

Although the two employees did not understand what she meant, they took the elevator and boarded the platform of the water slide.

Li Xue personally sat on the hovercraft parked in the track below the platform and habitually fastened her seat belt.

She found a red button on the handrail, so she pressed it gently with her thumb.


Gas suddenly spurted out from the back of the hovercraft. Although it only spurted once, it also made the hovercraft move forward a distance.



Li Xue pressed it several times in succession.

As expected, the hovercraft slowly moved along the spiral track, not fast.

About a minute later, the hovercraft had arrived on the platform.

"Sure enough! Come and see! This jet is used to move the hovercraft forward. In other words, the hovercraft is driven by tourists themselves, not carried up by staff!"

After discovering the correct way to drive the hovercraft, Li Xue said excitedly.

"It's true!" The two people on the platform were also very excited.

"Come and take a photo for me, I'll post it on WeChat Moments!"

Li Xue handed the phone to one of the members.

"Sister Xue~! Are you okay~?"

The members on the ground were a little worried, so they shouted to the platform.

"I'm fine~!"

Li Xue turned around and shouted to the ground.

As a result, because the button was just under her palm, she exerted force and directly grasped the handrail, and the hovercraft also sprayed gas.


The hovercraft dived down the steep slope at a high speed.

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