The process of diving is actually very dangerous. Not only do you need to fasten the seat belt on the hovercraft, but it is also best to wear a life jacket to avoid accidental falling into the water.

Li Xue used to wear a seat belt before, which is a very good habit and worth learning for everyone.

However, this sudden dive also scared her.

She subconsciously closed her eyes and held the safety handrail tightly with both hands.

Her clenched hands just pressed the jet button, which was equivalent to pressing the jet button all the time, causing the hovercraft to keep jetting and the speed was getting faster and faster.

In just a few seconds, the hovercraft slid down from the high platform and rushed into the underwater part along the slide.

As the slope disappeared, Li Xue calmed down and opened her eyes.

"This... This is just like an aquarium!"

She could clearly see the underwater scenery through the transparent pipe, which was very similar to the underwater tunnel of the aquarium and the underwater passage of the main park.

The water of Li Lake is still relatively clear and has high visibility because it has been treated by the water purification system.

However, since the water slide is located close to the shore of Li Lake, there are almost no fish underwater, and there are even very few plants around.

Although the bionic shark is wandering around the water slide at this time, it is not within Li Xue's field of vision.

In addition, the hovercraft is underwater for only a dozen seconds, and it is still a bit uninteresting to watch just one bionic shark.

As the hovercraft returned to the starting point, the members of the publicity department also hurriedly gathered around.

"Sister Xue, are you okay?"

"You scared me to death!"

"Sister Xue, I'm glad you're okay!"

The members helped Li Xue up from the hovercraft while speaking.

Because her clothes were a little wet, she planned to go back to the office to change clothes first.

After Li Xue gave a few instructions to the members and explained the situation of the hovercraft jet, she left the water slide, and the other members who stayed behind continued to record the video.

Soon, the video of the water part of the water slide was recorded, and everyone said goodbye to each other, clocked out and went home.

The next day.

The system transport team had delivered the exchanged bionic sharks and mermaids.

Yang Fan also came to the amusement park early and watched the bionic sharks and mermaids being thrown into the Li Lake.

The bionic sharks still swam around the water slide, while the mermaids were set to swim around the pirate ship.

At the same time, the tourist precautions sign by the Li Lake also clearly stated: "Tourists are prohibited from deliberately destroying and salvaging bionic creatures in the lake. Once discovered, they will face huge compensation."

Note: The price of each simulated shark on the market is around 600,000 yuan, and the price of the bionic whale is as high as more than 2 million yuan.

As the simulated sharks were put into the park, the publicity department members also began to record the underwater part of the water slide after the water park closed.

Everyone drove the hovercraft directly into the underwater pipe, just in time to capture the bionic sharks swimming around.

A harmonious picture of people and sharks dancing together was presented to everyone.

"Everyone has worked hard!"

"Hard work!"

"Go back and start synthesizing the video! Stay up late today!"

"Roll it up! Roll it up!"

After two days of hard shooting, the members of the publicity department also started the next stage of work - making promotional videos.

Promotional videos include video editing and synthesis, copywriting, background music and sound effects, etc.

After the production is completed, it needs to be approved by the director Pan Lili and the marketing department before it can be officially released.

By the end of the year, the online praise rate of each video produced by the publicity department in the past year will determine their year-end bonus.

Therefore, every member of the department is an important part of this "team". Everyone must unite as one and work together to make better videos, so that the year-end bonus will not be too embarrassing.

The year-end bonus of Shendong Amusement Park adopts the "department ranking" distribution model.

First, each department is taken as the basic unit, and a comprehensive score is given based on the usual contribution to the amusement park, the degree of praise, and other aspects, so as to be fair, just, and open, and the ranking is from high to low.

Then, according to the different rankings of the departments, the grassroots employees of the department will receive different amounts of bonuses.

For example, the first-ranked department can get a year-end bonus of 10,000 yuan for each member, and the second-ranked department can get 8,000 yuan.

And the department ranked last can only get a few hundred yuan.

Of course, the ministerial and supervisor levels are not involved, and they have an additional year-end bonus distribution system.

A year ago, the Propaganda Department ranked first among all departments.The third place, after the Engineering Department and the External Relations Department, each member received a year-end bonus of 6,000 yuan.

This year, the Human Resources Department, Logistics Department, Purchasing Department and other departments will all be strong competitors to the Propaganda Department.

Once the promotional video of the water slide was released, it attracted attention from all walks of life.

Since the advent of water bungee jumping, every new amusement facility launched by Shendong Amusement Park has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life.

The water slide in Shendong Amusement Park has also been dubbed "China's Leap of Faith". After its opening, there has been an endless stream of people coming to play every day.

In the last few days of August, it is also the end of summer. It is the last time for everyone to enjoy summer. It is also the last few days of summer vacation for students.

To this end, Shendong Amusement Park also held the "Second School Opening Festival" event very thoughtfully.

Compared with the "First Opening Festival" event a year ago, this one is larger in scale and requires more investment.

Students of all grades can participate in the "Back to School Festival" activities. The theme of the amusement park is to allow students of all grades to experience the joy of the beginning of school.

The event prizes have also been upgraded. In addition to the teaching aids and mock test papers that were well received a year ago, many learning tools have also been added.

August has come to an end amidst the bustle and bustle.

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