Yang Fan opened his eyes. It was already past eight in the morning.

The WeChat group was very lively, with many messages posted, mainly discussing the float parked in the open space in front of the warehouse.

Yang Fan looked at the chat history for a while, but did not explain. Just as he was about to put down his phone, Wang Yue called.

"Director Yang, good morning."

"Sister Yue, good morning."

"Director Yang, an employee reported that there was a semi-finished float parked in front of the warehouse."

"Well, this float is a snow-themed float I customized at the end of last year. It was delivered last night and has not been decorated yet."

"Oh, so that's the case."

"Well, I'll go there in a while. We still need to have a meeting to discuss how to use this float."

"Well, okay, see you later."


After hanging up the phone, Yang Fan got up from the bed, packed up briefly, and drove to the amusement park.

After arriving at the amusement park, he went directly to the warehouse. At this time, a float was parked on the side of the road, and employees were watching and talking to each other.


Yang Fan coughed lightly, and the employees also noticed Yang Fan behind him.

"Director Yang, this is..."

An employee couldn't help asking.

"This is a float. There will be floats in our amusement park in the future." Yang Fan replied calmly.

"Float? The same as Disney's? Will there be float tours in the future?"

"Yes, yes. Okay, okay, let's go first. After the float is decorated, let's let everyone see enough. There are still two days before the New Year's Day holiday, everyone can hold on for two more days."

After the employees left, Yang Fan took a few photos of the float, and then boarded the float to see how to drive it.

"Is that so!"

Yang Fan found that the hemispherical ice house can be entered. It is actually the cockpit, which can accommodate two people.

Entering the cockpit, you can see that the cockpit is very simple and clear.

The accelerator, brake, steering wheel, monitoring, music and lighting control, etc., seem to be very simple to operate.

Yang Fan pressed the start button, and then gently stepped on the accelerator.


The float began to move forward slowly, at a very slow speed, about the same as the normal walking speed of a person.

Forward, backward, turn left, turn right...

He tested all the functions, then parked the float in an open space, got off the float, and prepared to go to the conference room to hold a meeting with some of the amusement park's senior executives.

In the conference room, Yang Fan, Wang Yue, Pan Lili, Zhang Wenwen and other amusement park senior executives sat around the conference table.

Wang Yue talked about Li Ruoshui's proposal ceremony and the plan to include the proposal ceremony in the amusement park's work projects in the future.

Everyone also expressed their opinions and put forward many opinions and suggestions.

In the end, this work was responsible for the External Relations Department, and a group was set up to carry out and undertake the proposal ceremony that might appear in the future.

Yang Fan took a sip of water and said:

"Okay, let's put this matter to rest. Tomorrow night, Boss Li will bring people to check out the venue in advance. Minister Zhang, you should also bring a few people with you, and we will learn secretly."

"In addition, there is another thing about the float."

Then, he posted a few photos of the float in the group.

"This float is only a semi-finished product, as you can see, it is ice and snow themed. We need to carry out subsequent decorations. What do you think?"

Yang Fan threw the question out. In fact, he also had several plans in mind, but he still wanted to hear more opinions from others.

"Let's do this. Everyone goes back and think of a design plan first. Don't discuss with each other, which will interfere with your own and others' thinking. Just send me an email tonight. Dismiss!"

The meeting ended and everyone left the meeting room, leaving only Yang Fan and Wang Yue.

"Sister Yue, do you have any ideas about the float?"


"Sister Yue, why don't you tell me?"

"This float is obviously snow-themed, so it must be decorated with winter. However, we can use mascots."


Hearing Wang Yue's idea, Yang Fan's eyes lit up immediately. He had never thought of using mascots for decoration.

"Make some large dolls in the shape of amusement park mascots and put them on the float."

"For example, the ice chimney can have a giant panda with a scarf hug the chimney. A Siberian tiger with a hat can squat in the ice house, and so on."

"Our mascot is cartoon-shaped and very cute, so many people will definitely like it."

"As for these large dolls, you can talk to Boss Li. After all, he runs a toy factory."

Wang Yue spoke out her ideas in one breath.After listening to this, Yang Fan nodded frequently. He approved of this plan.

However, he still planned to wait until everyone sent him their plans in the evening, and then learn from each other to get the most perfect design.

That night, Yang Fan received the design plans sent by the senior management. After careful consideration, he finally decided to use Wang Yue's as the main body and the highlights of other plans as auxiliary.

The decoration process was handed over to the logistics department, and the purchase of large dolls was handed over to the procurement department.

The second day of New Year's Day was spent in a busy schedule.

As for the task rewards, they were some murals hanging on the walls of the snow maze, which seemed dull compared to the floats rewarded on the first day.

When the time came to the third day after the park closed, the team that Li Ruoshui had mentioned before, which was planning the proposal ceremony, came to the amusement park.

After a series of photos, measurements, and research, they seemed to have an idea in their minds, so they left the amusement park with tools.

"Do you understand?"

Zhang Wenwen, along with several employees from the External Relations Department, has been observing the actions of these people.

"Sorry, Sister Wenwen. I don't understand what they are doing at all. Different trades are like different mountains."

An employee scratched his head awkwardly and said to Zhang Wenwen.

"Alas, don't blame you. Actually, I don't understand it either. Proposal ceremony, it seems that this job is not as easy as imagined. Everyone should go back and read more materials and learn more. I will think of a solution."

Zhang Wenwen encouraged the confused employees around her.

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