Just when the proposal ceremony planning team hired by Li Ruoshui was conducting an on-site inspection at Shendong Amusement Park.

Located in the southern suburbs of Shendong City, there is a small toy factory - Shendong Mengtu Toy Factory. The office building is still brightly lit.

Even during the New Year's Day holiday, there are still many people working overtime.

At the beginning of every year, toy factories receive a lot of orders, which is also the busiest time for toy factories.

It is worth mentioning that the mascot doll of Shendong Amusement Park is actually made by Mengtu Toy Factory.

However, it is not the toy factory directly contacted by the amusement park, but customized and purchased at a sales agency.

When Li Ruoshui was checking the year-end summary at the end of last year, he discovered that there were several orders for mascot dolls for Shendong Amusement Park.

In addition, I plan to propose to my girlfriend, so the airship and Ferris wheel in the amusement park can meet my requirements.

So I got in touch with Shendong Amusement Park.

Li Ruoshui was sitting in his office, and there was a calligraphy and painting on the wall that read "The Supreme Being Is Like Water, Anywhere Around".

After reading the monthly work plans submitted by various departments, he was thinking about the lines he would say when proposing to his girlfriend.

Although this proposal will definitely succeed, he doesn't want to simply pass it by.

Li Ruoshui, who has always been called the "straight man of steel", plans to surprise everyone this time.

"Buzz buzz~"

His cell phone vibrated. It was a call from the leader of the team planning the proposal ceremony.


"Is it Boss Li?"

"It's me, what's wrong?"

"Boss Li, we just came out of Shendong Amusement Park and basically saw the entire area. We also saw the Ferris wheel and airship."

"Well, thank you for your hard work, I'll leave you with this matter."

"It's not hard, it's not hard. By the way, Boss Li, there is something else I want to tell you."

"What's wrong? Tell me?"

"We saw a semi-finished float at Shendong Amusement Park and wondered if we could borrow it. If we had that float, the ceremony would definitely be more successful."

"Floats? There are also floats at Shendong Amusement Park?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. I also asked their employees, and they said it was just delivered a few days ago, so they haven't started decorating it yet."

"Oh, that's it. Okay, then I understand. I will communicate with Director Yang and borrow it as soon as possible. Then I will have to trouble you."

"No, no, no trouble. It's just a matter of this kind. Don't worry, Boss Li. We promise to handle it beautifully."


After hanging up the phone, Li Ruoshui thought about the float he just mentioned on the phone.

Parade floats, also called parade floats, use a car chassis as a carrier, and the body is designed into different shapes according to the needs of the event.

It is also equipped with various decorations, audio and other equipment, and can even set up a stage. Actors can perform on floats, which is a very flexible form of performance.

Due to their flexibility, floats are widely used in various events and celebrations. Often crafted and crafted as iconic highlights of entire events and performances.

Large amusement parks at home and abroad have special parade displays.

"If this float is used properly, it can not only make the proposal ceremony more beautiful, but also contains huge business opportunities."

"If our factory can provide the decorations on the floats, it would be best to obtain the exclusive production rights for the five mascot dolls. Judging from the current development trend of Shendong Amusement Park, our Mengtu Toy Factory will also be able to Follow the food and drink spicy food.”

Li Ruoshui thought about it for a while and said to himself.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and planned to ask Yang Fan about borrowing the float on WeChat.

And he was also prepared to express his desire to contract the exclusive production rights of the amusement park's mascot dolls.

Although this matter requires a lot of procedures, it cannot be decided in just a few words.

But he still wanted to mention it to Yang Fan first, and then let the External Relations Department and the Legal Department handle the follow-up matters.

"Forget it, I won't send you any more WeChat messages. It seems too insincere."

Li Ruoshui stopped typing, deleted the text he had typed, and dialed Yang Fan's phone number instead.

At this time, Yang Fan was also planning to call Li Ruoshui. He wanted to ask about custom-made mascot decorations for floats at the toy factory.

It just so happened that after they made the call, they both received prompts - "The user you called is currently on the call, please call again later..."

The two hung up the phone at the same time, waited in silence for five minutes, and then called again at the same time.

Of course, this time it’s that one againA familiar female voice.

"Huh? It's so late, and Director Yang is still on the phone. It seems that the amusement park is very busy recently! Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Li Ruoshui hung up the phone again and said to himself.

"Huh? It's so late, and Boss Li is still on the phone. It seems that the toy factory is very busy recently! Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Yang Fan also hung up the phone again and muttered.


The next day, due to the end of the New Year's Day holiday, there were obviously fewer tourists in the amusement park.

Some employees did not rest during the New Year's Day, so this is a good opportunity to use the string vacation.

Earlier, Yang Fan and Li Ruoshui finally got in touch, and Yang Fan agreed to lend the float to Li Ruoshui.

So the work of decorating the float was temporarily handed over to the planning team.

The rental fee is the winter toys provided by the toy factory to the five mascots of the amusement park based on the float design provided by Yang Fan, which are used to decorate the float.

As for the future contract for the production of mascot doll toys, the two decided to discuss it with the External Relations Department, after all, there are many things involved.

However, both Yang Fan and Li Ruoshui have a strong intention to cooperate.

If nothing unexpected happens, the Cute Rabbit Toy Factory will become the designated supplier of mascot doll toys for Shendong Amusement Park in the future.

The attitude of the Cute Rabbit Toy Factory is also very proactive, and it has repeatedly invited Zhang Wenwen, the director of the External Relations Department of the amusement park, to visit its workshop.

This positive attitude also doubled Yang Fan and Zhang Wenwen's favorability towards the Cute Rabbit Toy Factory.

Time passed quickly, and it was Li Ruoshui's girlfriend's birthday, which was the day when Li Ruoshui proposed.

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