City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 242: Discovering Kexilili

Chapter 242: Discovering Kexilili

Chen Feng calmly prepared to land. He found that Kexilili Island was very different from its surrounding environment. From a distance, it was blue and most of its surface was covered by water.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that Kelili Island should be rainy all the year round, and it will not open for months.

After Chengfeng approached, it was raining heavily. Chen Feng calmly prepared to land. He found that Kexilili Island was very different from its surrounding environment. From a distance, it was surrounded by a piece of blue.

Chen Feng looked at the environment here, his geography is excellent, he guessed that "Seven Five Seven" is here, if there is no lightning, thunder, strong wind, or heavy rain in a day, it should be considered good weather Yes, the people here should have good skin.

It is a bit laborious to operate the control buttons in the storm, but Chen Feng still has the mood to tease the weather here. In the midst of lightning and thunder, his spaceship was hit in one place, as if the weather here could understand his words, and now he intentionally took revenge for a prank,

Although for him it was just a momentary instability in flight. But he frowned slightly at the prank.

"Do you have to do something before you calm down?" Chen Feng said to himself slowly.

Chen Feng tried to control the spacecraft to keep it stable. Chen Feng picked up the weather generator on the side, then plunged into the black rain curtain, and flew straight to the tower farther away on the other side of the stop.

He opened a sunroof, put the weather generator on the top of the battleship, and then manipulated the weather generator while driving...

A few minutes later, a miraculous scene happened. The heavy rain gradually subsided, and the lightning and thunder became obedient like a subdued child and never came out to be mischievous again.

Chen Feng looked in front of him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Let's be honest now."

When there were still a few steps away from the gate, the gate slowly slid open, and he quickly flew in on the battleship.

The moment his warship flew back and closed the door, the howling sound of the storm was also shut out.

The walls in the tower building were glowing with bright white light. He followed the man straight for a distance, and what he saw was a translucent lobby.

Because there are many windows here, many places of light are projected from the window gaps.

As a result, there is no place here that is not exaggerated. The sudden strong light forced Chen Feng to squint his eyes, and he couldn't even see everything in front of him clearly for a while.

"Master, it's a pleasure to meet you." At this moment, I only heard a gentle voice say behind me.

Chen Feng took off his hat that was wet when he used the weather generator just now, wiped the rainwater from his face, and saw a woman waiting for him.

Comparing Ha Man's two big diamond-shaped eyes and paper-white skin surprised Chen Feng, and at the same time, he never expected that Bi Ha Man's height was so slender and slender.

He smiled faintly, looking directly at each other.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that Bihaman felt happy from the bottom of his heart after seeing him.

At this time, Bihaman continued to speak: "Hello, Mr. Chen, the Prime Minister is waiting for your arrival.

"The prime minister knows I'm coming?" Could it be that someone reminded them that Chen Feng is coming? What's going on? For a moment Chen Feng didn't understand.

"Of course!" She replied with joy in her voice. "He's desperate to hear from you.....After all these years. We thought you wouldn't be coming. Well, this way please!"

"Strange! What's going on?" Although Chen Feng was confused, he didn't reveal much. He walked slowly along with Bicha.

Walking all the way through the corridor, trying to figure out the relationship among them.

Although everything in front of him was strange and strange, he didn't feel any factors that could make him fear or uneasy along the way.

Whether it is the guide he is currently following closely, or the other people passing by him, all of them are calm and full of energy.

Bihara led him through two labyrinth-like corridors, and came to a rather large office. There were no windows in the room, but almost no windows were needed. The walls of the room shone with the light scattered in the corridor. .

As the guide led him in, the other Corilian in the room politely stood up from his seat.

Chen Feng saw that there was only a wide table and a few seats made of glass and metal mixed in this office. The items were simple but very textured. . Biharman introduced that he is Prime Minister Razek Lang.

"I believe you will make this trip worthwhile." After exercising the corresponding etiquette, Razek Lang said to Chen Feng in time:

"We're really, really glad you're here at the most climatic season."

"They call this the optimum climate?"

But remembering that Mike Jetlin had reminded him before, people here pay great attention to etiquette.

So Chen Feng immediately smiled and nodded slightly to the other party and said:

"Thank you for waiting and for making me feel at home."

The other party showed a satisfied smile on his face after hearing this. .

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