City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 243: What! A Million Units?

Chapter 243: What! One million units?

[System]: "Congratulations to the host for completing the mission of finding the legendary Kexilili."

"Rewarded - 10,000 gold coins"

"Acquisition of skills: the central character——can control the other party's thoughts through gazing eyes, making it impossible for him to refuse his request.

"Please continue to complete the new task - observe the progress of the unit"

Hearing this, Chen Feng smiled with satisfaction.

Razek Lang caught this smile, and he couldn't help saying excitedly:

"You'll be even happier when you hear our progress report. Two hundred thousand units are ready to go, and a million more are in production."

Razek Langji looked at Chen Feng with a smug smile.

"Unit..." Chen Feng thought of the task assigned by the system just now.

"19, that's really great." Chen Feng had great doubts about the unit that the other party mentioned, but he cautiously followed Razek Lang's reaction and happily continued to talk about going to the doctor.

Razek Lang responded after listening.

"Please tell you Master Diasaisifu, we are very sure that his order will be delivered as scheduled. Presumably everything is fine with him?" Chen Feng

Chen Feng blinked, pretending not to hear, and asked: "Excuse me, sir, which master are you talking about? Please repeat it again."

Razek Lang stretched his head towards Chen Feng and repeated:

"The master of the planet Asti——Master Diasaisifu. He is an important member of the planetary council, am I right?"

When Chen Feng heard it, he used the system function to search out the person

"But Master Syf-Dias died ten years ago." Obi paused. Maybe it was eleven or twelve years ago that I confused the time again. I have to go to Master Kami for verification. "I was very saddened to hear this news.

Razek Lang's words sounded from the heart, and Chen Feng could feel his sincerity. "But I'm sure if he was there, he'd be proud of the army we've built for him."

At this time, Chen Feng remembered that Mike Jetlin once said that almost all cloning experts were on Kexili Island.

One million units, Chen Feng thought to himself.

It is estimated that there should be an army of one million. With such a huge team, it is estimated that it is more than enough to capture everything.

Thinking of this, he swallowed hard, hesitated, trying to organize the language as well as possible, and asked the next question.

"Mr. Prime Minister, may I ask, when our Master Diasai Sifu contacted you about the army for the first time, did he mention who the army was built for?"

"Of course I mentioned that it is an army built for the Republic."

"Republic?" Chen Feng thought while walking. The republic he mentioned should be a huge collective. At least there are no human beings in this collective, but there are many alien races.

Chen Feng was speculating and explaining Razek Lang's noun, at this moment he only heard the other party reply:

The Republic we refer to is the Galactic Universe. "

"That's really a lot of power." Chen Feng said with a fake smile.

"Of course." Razek Lang replied proudly.

When Razek Lang and Bihaman led Chen Feng to the duplication area, what caught his eyes was layers of dense silver shelves. Embryos are growing inside.

"The scene was spectacular. Ou Huawang praised.

"I hope you will be satisfied after reading it." Bihaziman said with a smile.

"Clones can think independently, and you will find that they are much more advanced than robots. This is something that makes us proud." Razek Lang's tone was quite proud.

Chen Feng approached the clone and watched from a close distance.

He can have a special feeling at this moment, he perceives that although clones are manufactured, it is obvious.

They are people, not machines.

Chen Feng could clearly feel that the vital signs in each clone were no different from other living bodies.

Seeing this, he couldn't help being a little surprised, after all, so he tried his best to maintain his composure, and followed Razek Lang along the road to a very ordinary classroom.

The classroom is full of ten-year-old boys. They are listening to the lecturer's instruction on the podium seriously. Every face sitting here looks exactly the same, and they all have the same curly black hair.

"You mentioned accelerated growth just now." Chen Feng asked in a calm tone, hoping to induce the other party to say some effective information.

"Ah, yes, this is the key to cloning technology. If it weren't for that technology, those mature clones would need a lifetime to grow, but now, they only need half the time."

Razek Lang explained sincerely.

Chen Feng stared at the group of boys in front of him, thinking about something silently in his heart, then his wooden light stayed in one place randomly, and asked:

"Mr Prime Minister, what are these then?"

"These were made five years ago." Razek Lang replied, seeing Bai Biwang's astonishment, his words revealed joy and pride.

The next point of visit for the three of them was the dining area. Several hundred young people who looked exactly the same sat around several long tables. .

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