City: I Will Practice Martial Arts A Little More And Become The Only Immortal!

Chapter 15 Become Strong And Handsome, Practice Martial Arts And Study

There are too many doubts in Bai Xuan's mind.

But his meager knowledge base made it difficult for Bai Xuan to come up with an answer.

This strengthened my determination to study hard in the future.

"Forget it, don't think too much."

"If you study hard in the future, you will naturally know the answer."

"As for now,"

"Let's think about using attribute points more efficiently."

Focusing on his attributes, Bai Xuan decided to use an even distribution method.

【Name: Bai Xuan】

【Age: Eighteen】

【Power: 1.19】

【Agility: 1.2】

[Physique: 1.19]

[Spirit: 3 (limit)]

[attribute points: 0]

It was the moment when Bai Xuan finished adding points.

Bai Xuan only felt that his whole body, limbs and bones had generated a lot of heat energy in a very short period of time.

My body temperature is rising rapidly, as if I just finished a high-intensity exercise.

The fat is ignited, a large amount of energy is released, the energy pours into the whole body, and the body is obviously strengthened.

Looking at my arms, the muscles seem to be getting harder and tighter.

Although the size has not changed much.

But Bai Xuan knew,

I already have health and strength!

"The mental attributes have reached the limit, and the three attributes of strength, agility, and physical fitness have also surpassed the average adult male."

Looking at himself in the mirror, Bai Xuan pinched the hem of his clothes.

Then the lean and well-proportioned muscles are reflected in the mirror.

Especially the six-pack abs, the lines are like a knife carving.

Such an astonishing change also shocked Bai Xuan's heart.

Is this the power of attribute abilities?

Although I am still myself.

The face is still so familiar.

But Bai Xuan has changed from an ordinary handsome boy.

Become a muscular man.

And with Bai Xuan continue to add some martial arts.

Bai Xuan can not only become more and more powerful, but also more and more handsome.

What does handsome mean?

Modern people should be very clear about it.

Eighteen years old is the age of vigorous vitality.

How could it be possible not to yearn for a beautiful opposite sex.

It's just that this kind of thing will be a matter of your choice.

you think,

But others don't want to.

Naturally there is no play.

Human beings are visual animals.

The acquisition of external information is done through vision, and this accounts for more than 80%.

That is to say,

Very few men are able to reject a beautiful woman.

There are also very few women who can refuse handsome men.

Handsome, powerful, and able to have a lot of money in the future.

no doubt.

Bai Xuan has obtained a very huge right to choose a spouse.


Having it doesn't mean you have to use it.

Who can tell what the future holds?

At least for a short time,

Bai Xuan just wanted to practice martial arts well and become stronger as quickly as possible.

Then study hard in college.

Rather than pursuing a beautiful opposite sex.

looked at the time,

Bai Xuan then took six bottles of Shiquan Dabu Wan to Yang Yulu's home.

Sixty Shiquan Dabu pills that I only took at 5:30.

So Bai Xuan didn't eat at Yang Yulu's house today.

Although Yang Yulu saw the changes in Bai Xuan's body, she didn't make a fuss.

After all, an astonishing martial arts genius like Bai Xuan.

There is nothing abnormal about him, but abnormal.

Wait until Yang Yulu finishes eating.

Bai Xuan started today's study.

"After learning the kick frame, the next thing to learn is the big frame."

"The big frame is a boxing frame that further improves the skill on the basis of the leg raising frame."

"Its characteristics are similar to those of the leg-lifting stand, but after each posture is completed, the legs are not lifted, but the steps are followed, so that the two legs can be used as one."

"The steps and range of motion are larger than those of the leg lift, so it is called the big frame."

Yang Yulu explained while demonstrating.

"During the practice, lunge sitting on your legs with your hips below your knees."

"Advance and retreat require that under the condition of squatting with one leg, the other leg should be retracted first, and then stretched out."

"This will inevitably increase the amount of activity, so this stand is convenient for improving skills."

"Because it is constantly walking back and forth and rotating, it can travel back and forth under a square table or even a high stool."

Although the movement difficulty of the big frame is more difficult than that of the middle frame and the leg frame.

But Bai Xuan couldn't help it.

And although the movement of the big frame is difficult, the time to complete a set is very short.

You can finish it in six minutes.

Therefore, Bai Xuan quickly learned to fight.

[Yang's Taijiquan Big Frame LV0 (50/100)]

However, just after finishing one round, looking at Yang's proficiency in Taijiquan, a strange color flashed in Bai Xuan's eyes.

"The spiritual attribute has reached three points of the limit value, and I have mastered three more Tai Chi related skills."

"You can raise Yang Style Taijiquan to LV1 after two repetitions, do you need to make a fuss?"

"Isn't this a matter of course?"

Under Yang Yulu's watchful eye, Yang's Taijiquan big frame was upgraded to LV1 six minutes later.

The name of the effect is [Back like silk, body like a spiral].

The meaning is that the body can become more flexible, not only can the back move like silk, but also can make the body perform a spiral movement, which can mobilize the strength of the whole body to a greater extent.

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