"Teacher, please explain carefully."

After hearing Yang Qingyun's words, Bai Xuan was also curious while being puzzled.

Why do you say that you have reached the minimum standard for practicing energy to become spiritual after practicing the Marrow Washing Sutra?

"You should know that easy bones, easy tendons, and marrow washing correspond to bright energy, dark energy, and transformation energy."

"But you don't need to exercise your flesh and blood to the extreme to practice Ming Jin."

"You don't need to exercise your muscles and bones to the extreme to master dark energy."

"Naturally, you don't need to exercise your bone marrow to the extreme if you want to practice strength to perfection."

"Practice the Marrow Washing Sutra, and you have reached the minimum standard for practicing strength."

"As long as you can penetrate the dark energy through the whole body, regulate the internal organs, recognize clearly, grasp every organ inside and outside the body, and then exercise it."

"Ultimately make the whole body up and down, the force reaches the teeth, tongue, nails, and hair, and the dark energy spreads all over the body."

"Even if you have practiced so hard that a feather can't be added, and a fly can't be dropped."

"When a martial arts practitioner reaches this level, the internal organs are clean and tidy, the muscles and bones of the whole body are strong, and the bone marrow is full."

"As long as you take good care of it, you can basically live to be a hundred years old."

Listening to Yang Qingyun's explanation, Bai Xuan roughly understood how to practice strength to perfection.

The so-called strength training is just a kind of strength technique derived from exercising the body to a certain level, and the ability to control one's body and strength reaches a certain level.

Able to achieve the skill of not being able to add a feather and not being able to land a fly.

This is Huajin.

A thoughtful Bai Xuan replied:

"I seem to understand."

But listening to Bai Xuan's words, Yang Qingyun shook his head lightly, and said:

"No, you don't understand yet, because I haven't finished."

It was also Yang Qingyun's words that made Bai Xuan stunned.

"Then teacher, you continue to talk."

After straightening his expression, Yang Qingyun continued to speak:

"Different boxing methods have different emphasis."

"What I'm talking about above is the transformation energy of Xingyiquan."

"In Taijiquan, there is a different way of saying Huajin."

"Taijiquan divides strength into four types, and these four kinds of strength can be summarized into two types: Huajin and Fajin."

"Among them sticking jin and walking jin belong to Huajin; attracting jin and pulling jin belong to fajin."

"And Yin Jin and La Jin can also correspond to light and dark Jin respectively."


"Since you have mastered the two strengths of light and darkness, I won't say much about these two strengths."

"Today I will mainly talk to you about Huajin."

"In Taijiquan, Huajin means to dissolve the energy."

"Only by mastering Huajin can you be able to move a thousand catties in four or two."

"Using the theory of physics, it is to use many techniques to remove the external impact force, and use many techniques to change the direction of the force, so as to use force to exert force."

"However, you should also understand that it is an exaggeration to say that it is an exaggeration."

"But mastering Huajin can indeed allow warriors to deal with many enemies that are stronger than themselves."


"The power gap cannot be too large."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible to move it with Huajin."

Yang Qingyun's explanation was very detailed, and Bai Xuan could understand it naturally.

And the more Bai Xuan listens, the more he understands the importance of science.

No matter what strength.

It's all within the realm of physics.

Perhaps all boxing and martial arts are also in line with the theoretical knowledge of human body mechanics.

"In Huajin, sticky energy is the foundation of walking force, and walking force is the purpose of sticky energy."

"The so-called stickiness refers to not losing what is often said in Taijiquan books.

"When fighting against the opponent, the moves are ever-changing, but there is one thing that must be reminded at all times, that is, knowing yourself and your enemy."

"How can we know each other?"

"This requires the use of sticky strength, to stick to the opponent's skin, and to understand the direction and strength of the opponent's strength."

"This is also called listening or understanding."

"As for walking strength, it is not the top in Taijiquan."

"In a confrontation with the enemy, once you feel that the opponent is forcing you towards me with force, you must never resist."

"You should follow the direction of the opponent's strength and guide his strength to the other side."

"To use an analogy, it's like water control. The flood is raging. It's not a good idea to just build a dam to resist it."

"If the method of dredging is used to direct the water flow to a lower place, it can have a long-term relief effect."

"The principle of strength is the same. If the opponent is attacking vigorously, if he resists hard, there is bound to be a danger of injury."

"If the opponent's strength is drawn to one side, the opponent's strength will inevitably fail, and I can take advantage of the weak point to attack and get twice the result with half the effort."

"The combination of the two is Huajin."

Having said this, Yang Qingyun suddenly took out his phone and pulled out a video.

"Come on, let me show you my previous videos."

"This is an application of Huajin."

Seeing Yang Qingyun take out his mobile phone and listening to Yang Qingyun's words, Bai Xuan's eyes also showed a little curiosity.

Then Bai Xuan saw it in the video.

A sparrow was standing on Yang Qingyun's palm.

The sparrow flapped its wings and tried to fly away, but it couldn't.

Take a closer look.

It turns out that when a sparrow takes off, it not only needs to flap its wings, but also needs to push its legs down to fly.

And Yang Qingyun also sank his palm slightly at the moment when the sparrow was about to kick, releasing the strength of the sparrow's kick.

In this way, the sparrow will naturally not be able to fly.

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