Looking at the seven-figure balance in the bank card, Bai Xuan sincerely felt a sense of peace of mind.

With this money, I will naturally not delay my martial arts training and study because of money.

To know,

As Bai Xuan continued to become stronger, especially Bai Xuan also practiced the immortal rubbing method to perfection.

This made Bai Xuan's appetite continue to increase.

The current Bai Xuan can get about three attribute points by eating every day.

And this also means that Bai Xuan has to eat more than 2,000 yuan a day.

How can ordinary people afford it?


"Although I know that Teacher Yang Qingyun is not short of money, it is not very good to accept his support all the time."

"I still need to find a way to make money."


"I won't waste my energy on making money in a short time."

"Practice martial arts first, study."

According to Bai Xuan's calculation,

The money in my hands is enough to support myself to polish my physique to infinitely close to the limit of the human body, and become a real martial arts immortal.

By the time,

You must be able to make money easily.

After not thinking too much, he took a last look at the balance, and Bai Xuan immediately calmed down and continued to practice martial arts.

Time passed day by day.

The two-week military training soon ended on "March 17".

For Bai Xuan, there is hardly the slightest exposition.

Then came the regular activities such as the principal's speech and the welcome party.

The headmaster had nothing to say in his speech.

When it came to the performances at the welcome party, there were a few performances that caught Bai Xuan's eyes.

Among them, what Bai Xuan remembers most is a senior girl named Gu Xiyi, who wore a white Hanfu and performed a sword dance.

She is a dark-strength warrior who has practiced Emei swordsmanship.

It's really beautiful to dance the sword.

After watching her show, Bai Xuan also searched the Internet for information on Emei swordsmanship.

Unfortunately, there is not much information.

Just a legend, and a very brief introduction.

Legend: A long time ago, a white-haired old man traveled to the foot of Mount Emei. He loved the singing of birds and the singing of monkeys and the beautiful scenery of Mount Emei, so he settled down on the mountain with grass.

The old man collects herbs for a living, helping the world and helping the poor, and in his spare time, he studies the skills of birds, flying and apes climbing. It is said that the old man created the "Twenty-Four Methods of White Ape Sword" passed down from generation to generation.

The Emei swordsmanship evolved from the "Twenty-Four Methods of the White Ape Sword" by Emei monks, such as "exploring the sea to fetch pearls", "eating sheep with hungry tigers", "sweeping demons", "carrying tigers back to the mountain" in routines. "Wait for action.

These are the traditional strikes of "White Ape Sword Twenty-Four Techniques".

The difference between Emei swordsmanship and other swordsmanship is that from the beginning to the end, the right hand holds the sword and the left hand pinches the formula.

Ordinary swordsmanship is brisk, unrestrained, elegant and graceful when practiced; while Emei swordsmanship focuses on actual combat, especially the power of pointing, chopping, stabbing and rubbing.

During the practice of Emei sword, the strength of the whole body should be directly penetrated to the tip of the sword or the three-inch sword edge through the feet, waist, shoulders, elbows and wrists.

Fencing methods include: direct strike, the sword is cut from top to bottom; horizontal strike, the sword is cut horizontally from left to right;

The needling method is divided into upper, middle and lower parts.

There are upper case and side case in the grid method. Generally, flat swords are used instead of blades.

The footwork of the Emei sword pays special attention to slanting out, because the sword has two edges, and the sides are thin and sharp, so you can't use the method of rigid blocking, only use slanting to go out the side door.

This is what people often say "the method of grabbing the outer door".

This method is to combine attack with avoidance, that is, avoid the enemy's edge, walk in through the side door, and then attack the enemy by surprise.

In short

In terms of footwork, we should not stick to the old formulas and frameworks, but should assess the situation and adapt to the situation.

And this is also the biggest characteristic of Emei swordsmanship.

Although it looks good, with Bai Xuan's current perspective, he can see its "ancient charm" from the Emei swordsmanship.

And this "old rhyme" is not a compliment.

Because "ancient rhyme" means that this sword technique has not been innovated for a long time.

"The times are different. From this sword dance, I can see the subtlety of Emei swordsmanship, but I can also see the backwardness of Emei swordsmanship.

"In modern times, except for a few very famous martial arts, such as Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Bajiquan, Yijinjing, Xisuijing, etc., some scholars have improved and optimized them based on human body science.

"Other martial arts have fallen behind this era, and should even be eliminated.

"This is really a pity."

After sighing in his heart, Bai Xuan put this matter behind him.

Because the military training is over.

The textbooks will be distributed soon, and then the class will officially start.

Bai Xuan has long awaited expertise in human sports science.

As soon as the textbooks were distributed, Bai Xuan couldn't wait to open the first one - "Human Anatomy".


Human anatomy is a science that studies the shape, structure, position, adjacency, and relationship between structure and function of various parts of the normal human body. It is divided into two parts: gross anatomy and microanatomy.

Gross anatomy is the science of observing the shape and structure of various organs and systems of the human body with the naked eye by cutting the corpse with the help of dissecting instruments.

Microanatomy can be divided into cytology and histology.

Microanatomy must study the fine structure of the human body with the aid of the magnification of light or electron microscopes.

"The ancients' understanding of the human body was extremely one-sided. Even the Patriarch Bodhidharma and Sanfeng Zhenren studied heaven and man, but they still cannot escape the limitations of history."

"Their understanding of the human body is definitely not as good as modern people."

"In this case, how can the limit of the human body they perceive be the real limit of the human body?"

"And because of that,"

"They also have no conditions to break the limits of the human body and become inhuman Buddhas and gods."

"but me,"

"There is this condition."

Keep turning the page and keep reading.

human body structure, cell, intercellular substance, tissue, organ, structure, function

Respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system, endocrine system, motor system...

Because the spiritual attribute has reached the limit, and the pure Yang Wuji Kungfu that can exercise the brain has been cultivated to the extreme by Bai Xuan.

In addition, Bai Xuan has a healthy and strong body, which can give the brain sufficient oxygen, energy, and nutrition.

Bai Xuan's memory and learning ability have been greatly improved.

It is precisely because of this,

Bai Xuan can absorb all these professional knowledge efficiently.

Remember, learn, understand, think.

During this process, Bai Xuan's understanding of the human body has also become more profound and concrete.

"Sure enough, this knowledge is the knowledge I have been waiting for for a long time!"

"As long as I master this knowledge, I can not only understand my own body more deeply and concretely, but also understand martial arts more comprehensively, and even gain insight into the principles of martial arts.

"Through performance, look directly at the essence.

"In this way, I can master martial arts better, and even study more scientific martial arts.

"In the process of continuous learning, constantly upgrade martial arts, so as to break the limit of the human body!"

With this in mind, Bai Xuan studied very seriously.

It is precisely because of this,

The teachers think Bai Xuan is a good student.

Especially for some female teachers, it is really hard to resist Bai Xuan's handsome face and such serious study attitude.

There are also many girls who think that Bai Xuan is really good.

Not only is he so handsome, but he is also a master of Huajin.

Not only is he a master of Huajin, but he also has a serious attitude towards learning.

It's just perfect.

As for the male students, although some of them don't like Bai Xuan.

But there are some male students who practice martial arts, but they can guess part of Bai Xuan's thoughts.

Especially Sun Longhu.

He talked about Bai Xuan with his teacher some time ago.

His teacher Che Yongnian said that this Bai Xuan's talent is frighteningly high.

Even taller than the legendary Patriarch Bodhidharma and Mitutoyo.

In addition, he has learned the science of human body movement, and in the future, it is very likely that he will learn from hundreds of schools of thought and combine the science of human body movement to create a martial art that is astonishing and unmoving.

In the near future, he will become a leader in martial arts, and even become a key milestone in the history of martial arts development.

Sun Longhu can naturally understand these words.

It is precisely because of his understanding that he understands what Bai Xuan is studying so hard for.

To know,

This is an opportunity to surpass Bodhidharma and Master Sanfeng, leave a name in history, and be exiled through the ages.

How could Bai Xuan not cherish it? How could he not work hard?

If you have such an opportunity.

I don't even want my life, if I can't stand it, I will study hard.

This also made Sun Longhu couldn't help feeling a little admiration for Bai Xuan.

"Maybe being a classmate with Bai Xuan, or even being a roommate for a few days, will be the most worth showing off in my life, Sun Longhu."

in this way,

Time passed so quickly.

a month later,

【4.9 Name: Bai Xuan】

【Age: Eighteen】

[Strength: 3 (limit)]

【Agility: 3 (Extreme)】

【Physique: 3 (Extreme)】

【Spirit: 3 (Extreme)】

【Attribute points: 0】

[Skills: Wudang original Taijiquan LV3 (perfect), Yang style Taijiquan LV3 (perfect), three-shake and three-swing Taiji push hands LV3 (perfect), Yijin Jing LV3 (perfect), marrow washing classic LV3 (perfect), pure Yang Wuji Gong LV3 (Consummation), Immortal Kneading Belly Method LV3 (Consummation), Golden Bell Cover LV3 (Consummation), Iron Cloth Shirt LV3 (Consummation), Military Boxing LV3 (Consummation), Iron Sand Palm LV3 (Consummation)]

[Effects: Taiji transforms strength, tendons and marrow washing, Baodan sits on the hips, abdominal movement prolongs life, invulnerability to swords and guns, straight military body, iron sand palms]

Seeing a series of consummations, Bai Xuan couldn't help showing a satisfied expression on his face.

Look at the seven effects you have.

Needless to say, there are five effects of Taiji Huajin, Yijinxiexiu, Baodan sitting on the hips, abdominal movement and prolonging life, and military stature.

But the two effects of invulnerability and iron sand palms need to be discussed carefully.

Don't just talk about it.

Also test their specific effects. .

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