City: I Will Practice Martial Arts A Little More And Become The Only Immortal!

Chapter 72 Finger Breaking Blade And Yueshan Bajiquan


After perfecting the golden bell jar and iron cloth shirt, Bai Xuan obtained the effect of invulnerability.

Observing my own skin, except for the skin on the palms, the skin on other parts has become thicker and hardened a lot.


It is still so white and transparent, just like jade.

And not only his skin, Bai Xuan could feel that his muscle tissue should also undergo certain changes in the two hard skills of golden bell jar and iron cloth shirt.

Through learning, Bai Xuan knows what muscle is and the principle of muscle growth.

There are many muscles in the human body, which are composed of muscle fibers and tendons.

Each muscle fiber is very thin, but many muscle fibers are packed tightly together.

Tendons are located on both sides of the muscle fibers. A muscle generally has two tendons, such as the biceps, or three tendons, such as the triceps, and four tendons, such as the quadriceps.

Muscles attach to bones.

When a person wants to move, the muscle fibers contract or straighten, and the fibers pull or push the bones into motion.

When doing weight-bearing exercises, the muscle fibers in the exercised part are forced to contract or stretch. At this time, some muscle fibers will inevitably break.

When you finish training and resting, the human body starts its own repair work.

At this time, your body will use a lot of protein and other nutrients to reconnect the broken muscle fibers.

However, the rebuilt muscle fibers are not exactly the same as the original ones, but thicker and stronger than the original ones, which is the instinct of human evolution.

Every time after 25 training, some muscle fibers will become thicker and stronger, and this is how human muscles become stronger.

Under normal circumstances, when a person becomes an adult, the number of his own muscle fibers will not increase, and becoming stronger after exercise is entirely due to the thickening of each muscle fiber.

And through exercise, muscle fibers can grow to dozens of times their original thickness.

That is to say,

Just compare the muscles.

Those who do not exercise, and those who maintain high-intensity exercise.

There will be a gap of tens of times in the diameter of the muscle fibers between the two.

And different exercise methods will also make the composition and structure of muscle fibers different.

To know,

There is not just one type of muscle fiber.

Instead, there are two.

Muscle fibers are divided into red muscle fibers and white muscle fibers, which are called red and white differently because of their different appearances.

Red muscle fibers are also called type I fibers, slow twitch fibers, and slow oxidative fibers.

White muscle fibers are also called type II fibers, fast-twitch muscle fibers or fast-twitch fibers.

The ratio of red and white muscle fibers in the human body is about 50% each.

But people are individual differences.

Everyone's genes are inherently different, and different exercises will also affect the composition and structure of muscle fibers.

So even if the ratio of different parts in the same muscle is not necessarily the same.

The ratio of different positions in the same person will naturally not be the same, and the difference in the fibers of the same muscle in different people is even more obvious.

The ratio of fast-twitch muscle fibers varies from place to place in the body.

Muscle is made up of fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibers.

The two types of muscle fibers play different roles during exercise.

Among them, slow-twitch fibers are inferior to fast-twitch fibers in terms of strength and explosive power, but they have good endurance.

It can be said that these two types of muscle fibers have their own advantages and disadvantages.

And after training with the golden bell jar and the iron cloth shirt, Bai Xuan's muscle tissue has undergone special changes [having a tougher muscle fiber ratio, combination, and structure.

simply put,

That is, Bai Xuan's skin and muscles became harder because of the golden bell cover and the iron cloth shirt.

And it's invulnerable here.

In fact, it is not really invulnerable.

Picking up a fruit knife, Bai Xuan put the blade close to his arm.

With a slight force, the skin and flesh immediately sunk.

"This kind of resistance seems to be similar to the feeling of cutting a tire with a fruit knife. It is very tough and has a lot of resistance.

"But I can feel that as long as I add a force, the flesh can be easily torn apart."

"It's just that my strength is very strong, which is not comparable to that of ordinary people."

"It can even be said that the maximum strength I can unleash is almost ten times that of an ordinary adult male."

Whispering in a low voice like this, Bai Xuan also concentrated his mind and controlled his power.

Using the strength of ordinary people, he found that this fruit knife still couldn't cut his skin.


Just add a little more force, and you can tear the skin.

So the conclusion is already very clear.

I am older than I am now

"Ordinary people hold fruit knives, it is difficult to hurt me."

"So the invulnerability here refers to low-quality and blunt knives and guns. In the hands of ordinary people, they cannot cut or penetrate my body.

"As for my palm."

"It's harder than the rest of my body."

The golden bell cover and the iron cloth shirt comprehensively strengthened the toughness and hardness of Bai Xuan's skin and muscles.

But these two kinds of hard work cannot strengthen the toughness and hardness of the skin and muscles to the limit.

It is precisely because of this,

The iron sand palm can make the hardness of Bai Xuan's palm be strengthened twice, making it harder.

The flesh, muscles and bones on the palm have been exercised to the limit.

Bai Xuan estimated that the hardness of his palm should be close to the limit of the human body.

Hold the blade of the fruit knife with your fingers and make a slight stroke.


The blade breaks directly!

Seeing the broken blade of the fruit knife fall to the ground, Bai Xuan's eyes could not help showing a little satisfaction and joy.

"Although I used a little ingenuity, but now I can break the blade of the fruit knife with my fingers, which almost means that my fighting power has reached the peak of human beings.

"In other words, the current me is very likely to be the strongest human being in history."

"Even if Patriarch Bodhidharma and Master Sanfeng are alive, they may not be able to beat me.

"An ordinary person, even a genius, as long as he is still a normal human being, even if he has practiced martial arts for a lifetime, he will not be stronger than me now."

"Because there is no attribute power, it is impossible for me to perfect so many martial arts in such a short period of time, or even in my whole life.

In fact, Bai Xuan understands,

No matter how ordinary humans exercise, it is impossible to have the hardness of their own palms.

Easy tendons and marrow washing, invulnerable to swords and guns, double palms of iron sand.

These three effects can strengthen the hardness of the human body to a certain extent.

And these three effects also represent the Yi Jin Jing, Washing Marrow Sutra, Golden Bell Cover, Iron Cloth Shirt, and Iron Sand Palm that have been cultivated successfully.

From ancient times to the present, there may be a genius who can cultivate two or even three of them to perfection.

But there is absolutely no one who has cultivated all the five doors to perfection!

Throwing the discarded fruit knife into the trash can, Bai Xuan immediately took out the phone.

Since all the skills I have mastered now have been upgraded to the full level by myself, and the cultivation is complete.

Then you can learn new skills.

As for what new skills to learn, Bai Xuan naturally had plans.

Xingyiquan and Bajiquan.

Only after mastering Xingyiquan's tiger leopard thunder tone and Bajiquan's breath exchange, can Bai Xuan learn Shenxiao Taiji Yunshou, a powerful martial art capable of mastering thunder tone.

As for Xingyiquan and Bajiquan, learn that first.

Bai Xuan plans to learn Bajiquan first.

As for the reason,

Naturally, it is because of the phrase "Wen has Taiji to secure the world, Wu has Baji to determine the universe!"

Although the original intention of saying this sentence is not about Taijiquan and Bajiquan.

It is the Wenzhiwugong of Zhou Wenwang Jichang and Zhou Wuwang Jifa.

But it doesn't matter.

The most important thing is Bajiquan!

The term "Baji" was originally a concept of ancient geography, which originated from the "Between Heaven and Earth, Kyushu Baji" in "Huainanzi·Qing Xingxun" in the Han Dynasty.

Today's "Baji" is used in martial arts, and it means "strength can reach far in all directions".

Bajiquan belongs to the short boxing method, and its movements generally pursue the style of vigorous, simple and fast.

In terms of martial arts techniques, it is important to take every inch and strike hard.

It really has the general characteristics of suffering, helping, squeezing, leaning, collapsing, and shaking.

Bajiquan exerts 340 degrees of force on the heels, walks on the waist, and penetrates the fingertips, so it is extremely explosive and full of martial arts characteristics.

There is a tendency of "shocking the shoulders and knocking the sky, stomping the Kyushu".

And as one of the three major internal martial arts of the Dragon Kingdom.

Bajiquan, like Taijiquan, has many branches.

Among them are the simple, solemn and practical "Huo's Bajiquan"; the flexible and fast "Ma's Tongbei Bajiquan"; "Mantis Bajiquan" and so on.

Although the Bajiquan that Bai Xuan wants to learn the most is Li's Bajiquan handed down by Li Wenshu.

But what Yang Qingyun sent to Bai Xuan was Yueshan Bajiquan.


Yueshan Bajiquan is listed in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

So it is relatively easy to obtain a complete cultivation method.

And because some countries took the initiative to summarize and integrate, some scholars have carried out certain optimization and improvement on Yueshan Bajiquan.

Therefore, Yueshan Bajiquan is also very good.

After more than 800 years of development, it has been improved by scholars who are proficient in modern human science.

Yueshan Bajiquan has formed the following basic features:

Its step requirements: dingbuding, babuba, bow but not bow, horse and horse, to facilitate actual combat.

Its martial arts techniques require: grabbing every inch, hitting hard, punching, poking, squeezing, leaning, collapsing, shaking, and assaulting.

The moment you exert your force, you should move like a bow, send it like a thunderbolt, follow the momentum, be as quick as lightning, and focus on strength.

The circulation of qi starts from the tail of the rump, originates from the nape, and originates from the waist. Walking steps are mostly stomping and rubbing steps, and the qi should sink and avoid floating.

Requirements for the body method: chest and back pulled out, neck and waist pulled up, shoulders down and elbows down, energy poured into the dantian.

Pass the standard requirements of footwork, technique, and bodywork.

Achieving "fists like shooting stars, eyes like electricity, waist like snakes, feet like drills, tails and tails are centered and straight at the top, rigid and soft, round and flexible up and down, body relaxed, Qi round and spirit introverted, body light and agile, head hanging, yin and yang deficiency and reality change rapidly, The source of fate is at the waist" effect.

"Start with the small frame of Yueshan Bajiquan.

"Practice the big frame, wipe the breath, the six major openings, and the eight major moves.".

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