On the weekend, after returning from the hospital, Bai Xuan looked at his physiological perspective, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Combined with his own understanding of the human body, Bai Xuan can roughly understand what his own physiological structure is like.

Bone marrow, bones, tendons, muscles, skin, internal organs, brain...etc.

Although it is not difficult to visualize one's own physiological structure in the mind through self-hypnosis, the effect of simple visualization on brain exercise is quite limited.

If you want to exercise your brain with visualization, you must have a process of "moving".

And this "moving" process can be the movement of true energy, as well as the change of the visual image.

For example, the Wudang Nine Palaces Mixing Reality Method is to visualize the true energy flowing in the nine palaces of the brain, thus converging into a black and white Tai Chi diagram.

And this picture of Taiji will also rotate slowly following the circulation of true energy.

at first,

Bai Xuan wants to visualize his heartbeat, breathing, and restore as many subtle changes in the human body as possible.

But after thinking about it, this may be too complicated.

We must know that the human body is too complicated.

And many human organs and tissues are dynamic.

If it is enlarged as much as possible, even the cells are dynamic.

If you just restore as much as you can, you will not be able to make this self-contemplation a complete and systematic visualization.

It is precisely because of this that Bai Xuan wants to refer to the idea of ​​the skeleton concept and the concept of the five internal organs, and make a certain combination.

Thinking like this, Bai Xuan immediately opened the electronic file, and turned his attention to the idea of ​​skeleton concept.

Skeleton conception: Visualizing the bones of the whole body can eliminate disease qi, nourish the bone marrow, nourish the internal organs and develop functions.

The specific method is: practitioners can sit or lie down.

Breathe naturally, close your eyes lightly, and look back.

Think about the ankle first, and slowly think from the ankle to the toe along the outline of the foot. At the same time, think about the muscles on the foot. The muscles and blood disappear, leaving only the bones. Repeat this for about 30 seconds

Next, think about the knees, calves and feet, and stay for 30 seconds with only the bones left in the whole section of the mind.

Then use the above method to think about the thigh root, thigh, knee, left hip bone, sacrum and right hip bone, think about the seam between them, and move the sacrum driven by the coccyx.

Then think about the pelvis, femur, kneecap, calf, and foot bones as a whole.

Then, starting from the tail, go up along the spine one joint at a time.

Think again of the cervical spine, scapula, clavicle, shoulder joint, upper arm bone, elbow joint, forearm bone, wrist, hand bone, thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger.

Think again of the ribs and sternum, and form a cavity, and look inside the cavity.


Then think of the skull, and the cavities that form, then the mandible, the maxilla, the inside of the teeth, the pyriform hole in the nose, the eye sockets.

After these visualizations are over, visualize the entire human skeleton together, and imagine that the entire skeleton is lifted, the spine is pulled apart step by step, and the entire skeleton loses pressure.

Then imagine that the air enters from the lower part of the chest cavity, the ribs in the chest cavity begin to expand, the air is filled, and then the ribs shrink, the cavity becomes smaller, and the air is exhaled from the lower part of the chest cavity.

Very detailed and specific.

Bai Xuan knew that bones are the hard organs that make up the endoskeleton of vertebrates.

Functions are movement, support and protection of the body; manufacture of red and white blood cells; storage of minerals.

Bones come in a variety of shapes and have complex internal and external structures that allow bones to remain strong while reducing weight.

One of the components of bone is mineralized skeletal tissue, which has a hard honeycomb-like three-dimensional structure inside.

Other tissues include bone marrow, periosteum, nerves, blood vessels, and cartilage.

The bones of the human body play a role in supporting the body and are part of the human movement system.

There are two hundred and six bones in an adult, and the bones are generally connected by joints and ligaments.

As the support of the human body, the sense of consciousness is very important.

If you want to visualize yourself, the skeleton is also the most important "frame".

It is precisely because of this that Bai Xuan decided that he can first learn and practice the concept of bones to perfection, and then learn and practice the concept of five internal organs to perfection.

Then after combining the two, add other human tissues and organs little by little to complete the idea of ​​self-concept.

Thinking like this, Bai Xuan turned his attention to the concept of the five viscera.

The concept of the five viscera is based on sitting, and sitting flat or cross-legged is acceptable.

Relax naturally, close your eyes lightly, without leaving any gaps, relax your whole body for a few minutes, and unite your thoughts with the divine light after eyes are closed, and shine down on your kidneys, imagining that your kidneys are filled with black water.

Keep the mind for a few minutes, and when the scene is clear, then intentionally merge the black water from the left and right kidneys at the gate of life in the back waist.

Introduce the black water into the liver on the right side from the gate of life, and at the same time, the black water inside and outside turns blue, just like the color of clear water in a big river. This scene lasts for a few minutes.

Then intentionally introduce the green water from the liver into the heart in the left cavity, intending that after the green water enters the heart, it will first turn into red gas, and then the red gas will turn into red light, making the red light diffuse and illuminate the whole body.

Keep this scene for a few minutes, and then retract the red light around your body to your heart.

Then, imagine that the red light will enter the deep part of Zhongtuoqiao from the heart, turning into a ball of golden circular light.

After maintaining this scene for a few minutes, I imagined that the yellow light would go up, enter the lungs in the cavity, turn into white gas, and disperse in the lungs.

After keeping this scene for a few minutes, imagine that the white air in the lungs will turn into "nectar". The nectar is like dewdrops on a lotus leaf. It has the characteristics of crystal clearness and cleanliness. orifice.

At the gate of life, the "nectar" is divided into two parts, each of which enters the kidney on one side and turns into black water.

When closing the exercise, first intend to return the qi to the dantian, then slowly open the eyes, bend the hands and gently pat the whole body.

The visualization sequence of this exercise is set up according to the principle of the intergeneration of the five elements.

Water (kidney, black) gives birth to wood (liver, blue), wood gives birth to fire (heart, red), fire gives birth to earth (spleen and stomach, yellow), earth gives birth to metal (lung, white), and metal gives birth to water.

This function can strengthen the function of the five internal organs, remove diseases of the five internal organs, and balance yin and yang.

Needless to say the functions of the five internal organs, Bai Xuan has already remembered them in his heart.

With the bones and the five internal organs, the remaining muscles, skin, six internal organs, blood vessels and other tissues and organs can be supplemented little by little.

After writing down all the ideas of the skeleton view and the five internal organs, Bai Xuan closed his eyes.

Self-hypnosis, fall asleep in a second, start to visualize bones, and practice the idea of ​​bones.

In a trance, time flies.

two hours later,

[Skeleton concept LV1 (0/1000)]

[Effect: Skeleton Heart]

Because Bai Xuan's bones have already been strengthened to the extreme, this effect cannot be strengthened to Bai Xuan's bones.

But it can enhance Bai Xuan's ability to control his own bones, allowing Bai Xuan to more deeply control his own bones and his body.

...asking for flowers...

This made Bai Xuan feel a little joy in his brain fatigue.

"very good."

"Sure enough, just as I guessed."

"Visualizing itself, the dog increases its control over the body."

"And when I, or a martial artist, can control my body to a certain extent, then I can completely reach the realm of invulnerability."

This also caused Bai Xuan to raise the corners of his mouth involuntarily, and there was a little expectation in his eyes.

Because the brain was too tired, Bai Xuan took a short rest for half an hour before he started to visualize the five viscera and practice the concept of five viscera.

Misty, unknowingly.

Another two hours passed,

【Thinking of the five internal organs LV1 (0/1000)】

[Effect: Harmony of the internal organs]

Bai Xuan's bones were tempered to the extreme, but his internal organs were not.

With the blessing of the effect of harmony of the five internal organs, Ri Xuan felt that his internal organs were infinitely close to the limit.

As long as one can perfect the concept of the five viscera, then one will be able to train the five viscera to the extreme.


This effect not only strengthens the five internal organs, but also improves Bai Xuan's ability to control his own five internal organs.

"Another piece of good news."

"Just a little tired now."

Pressing the sun orifice with his fingers, Bai Xuan decided to sleep for three hours first, and then continue to practice meditation.

And since it is a deep sleep, it is natural not to feel the passage of time.

It seemed that only a moment had passed, and I had just closed my eyes in the last second.

When I open my eyes now, three hours have passed.

I have to say that the effect of deep sleep is really good.

Wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy.

It is suitable for the concept of cultivation.

Only this time, Bai Xuan decided to visualize the bones and the five internal organs at the same time, to see if he could simply combine the idea of ​​the bones and the five internal organs.


Bai Xuan sat cross-legged, with five hearts facing the sky, tongue on the roof of the mouth, breath-holding and self-hypnosis.

Trance, ethereal, dreamlike, colorful...

The bones were visualized one by one, then the internal organs, and then Bai Xuan visualized the muscles, skin, facial features, six internal organs, blood vessels and other tissues and organs.

And start filling little by little.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the "Bai Xuan" in my mind is just like the real Bai Xuan, sitting on his knees, with his heart turned to the sky, and his tongue on the roof of his mouth.

It's just as if there is an invisible palm grabbing the keel of "Bai Xuan" and lifting "Bai".

Colorless air flows and circulates in the bones.

Black water, green water, red qi, red light, golden awn, white qi, nectar...attached to the five internal organs and deduces the reincarnation of the five elements.

Even in Bai Xuan's brain, there is still a black and white Tai Chi diagram that is constantly and slowly turning.

The concept of bones, the concept of five viscera, and even the Wudang Nine Palaces Mixing the True Method, all merged into one at this moment.


Such a picture does not seem to be harmonious.

However, along with this idea for a lifetime, this "Bai Xuan" visualization picture was shattered in an instant.

Bai Xuan also quit the state of self-hypnosis.

Eyes not opened, Bai Xuan just whispered thoughtfully:

"Harmony, Fusion, Cycle...Chuan".

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