City: I Will Practice Martial Arts A Little More And Become The Only Immortal!

Chapter 92 Self-Concept Thoughts Are Completed, The Effect Of Self-Permanence, The Subconscious Fiel

Although Bai Xuan has constructed the zhenqi circulation system in great detail, the human body's circulation system is too complicated.

Therefore, it took Bai Xuan a full nine hours to guide the zhenqi through the human body's circulatory system this time.

Both mental and physical strength have been consumed to a limit.

Only then did the True Qi Circulation System be completed.

And this also means that Bai Xuan has finally created a brand new concept.

That's self-awareness!

When the tired Bai Xuan opened his eyes, a strange color appeared in his star-like eyes.

With a thought, the property page unfolded naturally.

【Self-view Thought LV1 (Consummation)】

[Effect: self-persistence]

The corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly, revealing a bright smile.

With Bai Xuan's ability to perceive and control himself, he can naturally understand the subtle changes in himself at the moment when the effect of self-permanence appears.

This effect is exactly the same as Bai Xuan speculated when designing to create a self-concept.

It can greatly enhance one's ability to control the body.


Strengthening one's ability to control the body also means that one's ability to perceive the body has also been enhanced.

in this way,

Naturally, it also means that Bai Xuan is one step closer to the realm of immortality.


This effect also has a special function.

After closing his eyes slightly, Bai Xuan did not enter the self-hypnosis state, but saw another self.

And this self,

It is the "self" that I have just visualized!

The colorless qi forms a circulatory system along with the human body's circulatory system, which is extremely mysterious.

Looking at his lifelike self, Bai Xuan's expression was calm and unshakable.

Visualizing oneself can enhance one's perception ability and allow oneself to perceive the subtle changes of one's body more clearly.


Bai Xuan looked at "self", feeling a little bit in his heart.

He already understood what the essence of this "self" was.

also understand,

If you can continue to improve the level of self-concept and thoughts, the effect of self-permanence will be strengthened.

There is a high probability that I will be able to reach the imaginary realm of seeing God and not being bad.

Maybe LV2's self-view idea is not good.

But LV3's idea of ​​self-view will definitely work!

As for what the essence of this "self" is.

At the very next moment, Bai Xuan's thoughts moved slightly.

The relevant knowledge about hypnosis suddenly came to mind.

The essence of visualization is self-hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis is a type of hypnosis.

The principle of hypnosis is simply to use two different levels of human thinking: conscious and subconscious.

People themselves are usually in a waking state, and their consciousness is dominant. The principle of hypnosis is to make people's consciousness focus on a certain thing.

At this time, the subconscious mind will not be suppressed by the conscious mind, so the subconscious mind will be stimulated, entering a state where both the subconscious mind and the conscious mind are open at the same time.

At this time, you can communicate with the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is to communicate directly with the subconscious mind beyond the conscious.

So the "self" here is the embodiment of the subconscious in Bai Xuan's imagination.

"Ego" represents Bai Xuan's subconscious mind!

What is the subconscious mind?

In psychology, the subconscious mind is defined as the mental activities that have occurred in the course of human life but are currently unaware.

It is people's "mental activity process that has occurred but has not reached the state of consciousness", which together with consciousness constitutes all human psychological activities, or cognitive activities.

Western psychologists divide the subconscious into two parts, preconscious and unconscious, and some translate it as preconscious and subconscious.

In western psychological theory, although unconsciousness, preconsciousness and consciousness are three different levels, they are also interconnected system structures.

He made a metaphor for this structure: the unconscious system is a hallway, and various psychological impulses are crowded together like many individuals.

The second room adjoining the hall is like a reception room, where consciousness rests.

There is a guard at the door between the hall and the reception room, who checks all kinds of psychological impulses, and those he does not approve of, he does not allow them to enter the reception room.

Impulses that are admitted into the reception room enter the preconscious system and become conscious as soon as they are brought to conscious attention.

He divided the subconscious mind into two types:

"One is latent but can be transformed into conscious" subconscious - preconscious.

"The other is repressed and cannot be made conscious by the usual methods" subconscious - unconscious.

Although ordinary people cannot perceive their subconscious mind, the ways in which the subconscious mind affects conscious experience are fundamental.

Such as how we see ourselves and others, how we see the meaning of the daily activities in our lives.

The quick judgments and decision-making abilities we make about life and death, and the actions we take in our instinctive experience.

The work done by the subconscious mind is an integral part of human existence and evolution.

It includes a series of factors such as primitive instincts, impulses, childhood psychological imprints, environmental influences, concepts, and personality.

Bai Xuan sees the subconscious mind as a latent, untapped spiritual force!

In reality, psychologists all over the world have not stopped studying the subconscious mind.

And they have researched a lot about how to develop the subconscious mind.

And self-hypnosis is one of them.

"Sure enough, there is no end to learning."

"Although in the process of consulting about hypnosis and self-hypnosis, I have read several materials and papers about the subconscious."

"But my understanding of the subconscious mind, especially how to develop it, is not very deep."

"In order to be able to raise the level of self-view thoughts, I still need to learn.

Just muttering in a low voice, Bai Xuan immediately opened his eyes.

Taking out his mobile phone, Bai Xuan bought some books about the subconscious mind after consulting some information.

Then I checked several papers, and I got a detailed method on how to develop the subconscious mind.

At present, there are five relatively perfect methods for developing the subconscious mind.

The first one is to train and develop the infinite storage and memory function of the subconscious mind, which will open up a broad and deep foundation for our ingenuity.

If you want to build high-rise buildings, you must reserve all kinds of building materials, decoration materials, design knowledge, construction skills, various construction machinery, and command management skills, etc.

For a person who pursues success and excellence, he should constantly learn new things and input more basic common sense knowledge, professional knowledge, successful knowledge and relevant latest information to his subconscious mind.

"Pay attention to everything is knowledge", if you want your brain to be smarter, more intelligent, more creative, and more realistic, you must send more relevant information to your subconscious mind.

In order to make your subconscious saving function more efficient, some aids can be used to help save.

Such as repeated input of important information, repeated learning, increased memory function, and the establishment of a visible information database - classified and preserved books, newspaper clippings, notes, diaries, modern brain floppy disks, etc., in order to assist the subconscious mind for our creative thinking and others. Ingenuity serves.

The second is to train the ability to control the subconscious mind so that it serves our success instead of leading us to failure.

Specifically, cherish the positive factors in the original subconscious, and constantly input new information that is conducive to positive success, so that the positive and successful mentality will dominate and become the most dominant subconscious mind, and even become the intuitive habit and supernatural power that dominates our behavior. sense.

In addition, control all negative failure mentality information, and don't let them enter our subconscious casually.

When encountering negative thought information, two methods can be adopted to control it:

One is to suppress it immediately, avoid it and don't let them pollute your brain thoughts.

For the negative failure subconscious that has been inadvertently absorbed in the past, never mention it, let it be forgotten, and let it sink into the bottom of the subconscious mind.

The second is to conduct critical analysis and turn decay into magic.

Use a successful and positive attitude to analyze and criticize the negative attitude of failure, and turn harm into benefit [Let the negative subconsciousness of failure turn into ideology that is beneficial to success and excellence like poisonous weeds into fertilizer.

The third is to develop the intelligent function created by subconscious automatic thinking to help us solve problems and obtain creative inspiration.

The subconscious mind contains the information of our life intentional or unintentional, perception and cognition, and can automatically arrange, combine and classify, and generate some new ideas.

So we can give it instructions, turn our dreams of success and the difficulties we encounter into clear instructions and transfer them from the conscious to the subconscious, and then relax and wait for its accommodation.

For example, repeatedly issue 917 instructions like this:

How can I open up this new beverage market?

You can also make the instruction smaller:

How should I take the first step in opening up the market? And so on.

Many people think hard about a certain problem, but in a dream, or when they wake up in the morning, or when they take a bath, or when they are walking, the answer or inspiration suddenly pops out of their brains.

So we have to prepare paper and pen at any time, and write down the sudden inspiration from the subconscious.

The fourth type is constant imagination, constant self-confirmation, and constant self-suggestion.

If you want to be successful, just think that I will be successful, I will be successful, and I will be successful; if you want to make money, you will think that I am rich, I am very rich, and I will definitely be very rich.

Suppose you want to improve your performance, tell yourself that my performance will continue to improve, and my performance will definitely continue to improve.

If you want to save money, just keep telling yourself: I am good at saving money, I am good at saving money, I am good at saving money.

In this way, through your repeated practice and repeated input, when your subconscious mind can accept such an instruction, all thoughts and behaviors will cooperate with such an idea, and move towards your goal until you achieve it.

Many people have tried this method and it didn't work because they didn't repeat it enough.

The most important and most important key to influencing a person's subconscious is to repeat, repeat, repeat again, and repeat a lot.

Have time to constantly confirm your goals anytime, anywhere, and keep thinking about your goals. In this way, your goals will eventually be achieved.

Fifth, the law of attraction: things with the same vibration frequency will attract each other and resonate.

Our ideas and thoughts have energy, and brain waves have frequencies, and their vibrations will affect other things.

The brain is the strongest "magnet" in the world, which emits a stronger suction force than anything else, calls out to the entire universe, and attracts things with the same vibration frequency as your thinking.

Although the above five methods sound a little unreliable.

But in a large number of scientific research and experiments, they are indeed true and effective. .

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