City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 261 What a hell! (Subscribe)\r

"Your salary is only 3 cents a month? Go back and talk to the finance, first adjust it to a dime of Savoyard, and then slowly increase it later!

Zhang Chen frowned and said.

Mana is a language bridge connecting herself with the people of this principality.

Being with me every day, I almost fell asleep together.

Only open 3 cents of Savoyard?

Equivalent to 3 cents of Huaxia coins?

A receptionist should at least have this money!

The salary of my translator and assistant definitely needs to be adjusted.

"Really? Thank you, thank you Lord Duke!"

Mana said with a look of surprise.

If it wasn't for a public occasion, she really wanted to give Zhang Chen a big hug.

Then he kissed him hard on the face.

"You re-explain to them about the salary, plus, we can sign a labor agreement now!

"As long as you are healthy and can adapt to heavy physical labor, you can now sign contracts on the spot! 35

Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, Your Excellency!"

Mana quickly translated Zhang Chen's words.

It was repeated twice in Savoyard.

Only then did the people in the audience believe that Mana did not make a mistake in the translation.

The duke was right!

Because according to the customs of Savoy, as long as it is on paper, it needs to be strictly enforced.

This is a manifestation of a person's integrity.

People without integrity will not only be punished by the law, but will also be cast aside.

It is the most serious moral corruption.

Soon, a set of labor Tonghe in Savoy sent by Zou Baoye was printed out.

The more than 3,000 people who made trouble at the scene all signed employment contracts directly.

It was originally a discussion for an argument, but it turned into an on-site job fair...

In this scene, the chief sheriff did not let reporters in because he was afraid of bad influence.

Otherwise definitely another big news.

"More than 3,000 people begged for work, and a labor contract was signed on the spot..."

This is too exciting!

Zhang Chen is really a news physique, no matter where he goes, there are hot news!

A turmoil that lasted for weeks ended simply as a result.

All are happy.

Except for Wang Banner.

After the meeting dispersed, Banner Wang found Zhang Chen secretly and asked in a low voice:

"Lord Duke, are you sure you're not mistaken? There are ore under the land of our Duchy of Yasai?"


"This...the only mineral resource in the entire Savoy is coal mines, and this company is about to face the situation of no coal to mine..."

"Even if we have some mineral resources below, it is estimated that we don't need so many miners..."

Previously, Sava had invited foreign geological exploration teams to explore in many parts of the country.

There is really no resource to mine.

The coal mine was discovered by this exploration team.

Although it has been more than twenty years since the last exploration.

But things like minerals are not crops, how can it be said that they grow?!

Zhang Chen smiled mysteriously without explaining, and said:

"You just believe me, and in addition, in the name of the principality, set up a construction engineering company! 35

"I'll give you a map, let people fence this place, and build employee apartment buildings and company office buildings as soon as possible!

"Chunan Mining in Huaxia will come in the afternoon!"

"You are responsible for the reception. Before the apartment is built, let them temporarily live in the hotel!"

"It can also be regarded as generating income for the principality's enterprises!

Banner Wang nodded.

Although he hasn't done the reception for foreign companies for a long time, he still knows the etiquette.

"The reception is fine...just..."

Wang Banner looked at Zhang Chen with a tangled expression, as if he was constipated.

"Just? What's the difficulty?

Zhang Chen asked suspiciously.

"That... the question of funding... Recruiting people needs money, building needs money... Hospitality also needs money..."

"Before you came, we had almost used up last year's tax revenue in order to repair the road from the military airport to the city..."

Wang Banner blushed.

As soon as the duke took office, he had to take care of others asking for money, which was a bit embarrassing.

"Okay, I'll give you 800 Huaxia Coins first, if it's not enough, I'll take care of it!

"In addition, in the future, the principal will be settled in Huaxia currency, it is too troublesome to fold the Savoyard currency back and forth!

Zhang Chen said lightly.

"Okay… okay… Lord Duke…"

Banner Wang couldn't believe his ears.

One shot is 800 Huaxia coins?

It is equivalent to 6 times the actual fiscal and tax surplus of the entire principality last year!

The duke is too rich!

The other nobles took office in order to loot the people's fat and the people's ointment, pointing to the people to support them!

This duke is good, not bad at all.

I feel that governing a country is all about interest...

Horrible so...

At noon, Zhang Chen and Mana had a simple seafood meal.

By the way, this is the most basic and cheapest lunch in the Principality of Yasai.

The Principality of Yasai relies on the sea to eat the sea, and the seafood resources are very rich.

Because the farmland is barren, there are no agricultural and sideline products.

Here, vegetables are the most expensive, followed by meat and then fruit.

Seafood is the cheapest.

Sea urchins and lobsters can occasionally be seen even along the shallow reefs of the beach.

But the locals basically ignore it directly.

Eating it every day makes me vomit!

Some people even pick up sea urchins and throw them aside, for fear of hurting themselves when diving nearby...

In the afternoon, Zou Baoye personally brought the exploration team and the technical professional team.

An afternoon of exploration in the area delineated by Zhang Chen.

When they came back, the shocked expressions on everyone's faces still did not fade away.

Especially Zou Baoye, who looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Chairman... what a hell today!

Zou Baoye took a few mouthfuls of water and said:

"Just now, our geological exploration team repeated the exploration twice in the area you planned!

"There are really rich deposits, which is nothing, the most surprising thing is that there are more than one kind of mineral resources!

"And everything is baby!

"There are rare earth mines, there are gold mines, and there are taffy mines, my God, I have never seen such a strange imagination in my life!"

"If these three irrelevant resources can be combined together, don't you think you've seen a ghost!"

"The strangest thing is that these deposits are all in the semi-open state. Basically, if you dig a dozen meters deep, you will be the ore resources!""

"I'm surprised too. You said that the foreign exploration team invited by Savoie is not good at eyes, or is it not skilled?"

"Such an obvious mineral vein, even if you use your feet to explore, you can understand it!"

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