City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 262 Buster's Preparations Begin to Slap in the Face (For Subscription)\r

Zhang Chen was not surprised at all by Zou Baoye's "anecdote", he just smiled and continued to ask:

"How long does it take to produce finished material if it is developed?99

"In addition, is there an evaluation of the production capacity budget?"

Zou Baoye patted his chest and said:

"Don't worry, Chairman, I'm ready for these things!

"I took a look at the gold mine. There are very few impurities. Basically, a gold nugget of relatively high purity can be produced by hot melting!"

"The rare earth part is directly produced and then exported, because there are many heavy metals involved, and if it is not refined properly, it will easily pollute the environment!

‘Instead of building many kinds of resource fields with great effort, we might as well just sell rare earth mines directly, and the profits are also considerable!

"As for the taffy stone, I have nothing to say. I have a friend who is an expert in this field!"

"I'll ask him to bring an expert appraisal team over to appraise the composition and grade of the gemstone!

"At that time, we can choose to directly produce rough gemstones, or we can contact jewelers to jointly produce them, which will be huge profits no matter what!

Zou Baoye became more and more excited as he spoke, and his eyes almost radiated excitement.

"For the output of the gold mine, we made a simple estimate on the way back based on the previous equipment capacity!"

"The annual gold mine production can reach about 45 tons!"

"Because the purity of gold ore is extremely high, we can move out the equipment and put it into the development of rare earth mines!"

"It is estimated that the output of rare earth mines will reach about 42,000 tons! Of course, the premise is that there are no restrictions on development!"

"Taffy is a gemstone mine, because it contains some inferior taffy of non-gem quality, so this needs to be further estimated!"

"In general, the annual output value of gold should be around 18,000 yuan, and the annual output value of rare earth should be around 15,000 yuan..."

"For the mineral part alone, our annual output value can reach 33,000 yuan per year!"

"And according to the proven mineral reserves, it is enough to continue mining for at least 20 years!"

Zou Baoye's excitement was beyond words, he grabbed Zhang Chen's arm a little excitedly and said:

"Chairman, with the output value of these two mines, our company can easily become one of the world's top 500 companies!"

"And among the top 500 companies, our net profit margin is the highest!"

Zhang Chen was also infected by Zou Baoye's emotions, smiled and nodded.

The net profit margin of the mining industry is of course higher.

The cost is people and equipment.

Today, after these minerals have been systematically purified, they have also increased so much to the surface.

It's just like picking up white stuff.

No need for expensive drilling equipment.

Basically, it is equivalent to how much minerals are mined and how much money is made.

Is there a more lucrative deal than this?!

More than 33,000 net income.

A fraction of this money is estimated to be enough to pay employees.

And that's not counting the taffy stone!

The market price of taffy stone is about 7 cents a carat.

If a gem with a relatively large carat number and high purity is mined.

I'm afraid one can sell for hundreds of dollars!

Not to mention the degree of profiteering of this, the gold mines and rare earths have been exploded.

After all the calculations, the income brought by this company has reached 100 times the income of the entire Principality...

10,000 people have completed the output value of 100 times the tax revenue created by 1 million people...

But Zhang Chen knew that this was just the beginning.

With the integration of Yasai Principality and Wanshan Coastal Scenic Area, the tourism here will also develop rapidly.

At that time, another huge income will be added!

What's more, all the catering, tourism and hotel businesses in Savoie are in Zhang Chen's hands.

I have to say, Zhang Chen really made a profit this time.

With an investment of only 200,000 yuan, not only did he gain control over the core industries of Savoie, but also for the dukes and nobles.

At the same time also won the most fertile three minerals.

The ROI is incredible!

For the rest, Zou Baoye knew how to do it himself, and he didn't need Zhang Chen to explain.

Zhang Chen called Wang Banner over again and instructed the entire Yasai Principality to plan.

The first is to build a port. Only when there is a port, can minerals be transported out.

The second is the airport, with the airport, passengers can come.

After the arrangement was well organized, Wang Banner nodded frequently.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Chen is not only a business genius, but also has such insight into urban planning and construction!


The most important thing is that having money allows Wang Banner to show his talents.

What surprised Wang Banner and the officials around him most was the development of minerals.

They only now understand why Zhang Chen cares so much about fixed and proportional taxes.

A total of 3,000 tax was collected this year.

Compared with the 30% proportional tax, it is simply too much cheaper!

After everything was arranged properly, Zhang Chen took the plane and returned to the capital.

On the other hand, Buster brought these rich and politicians from the West back to their respective countries.

Almost non-stop, I immediately booked another flight ticket secretly and regretted Sava.

Because according to the contract signed by Buster and these rich people, there is a three-day protection period during the signing period.

During this period, if some of the acquired companies have substantial good news, or bad news.

These millionaires have the right to change the shares they hold in these companies.

This is a bit similar to the feeling of buying expensive and refunding the difference when shopping online.

Therefore, in the past three days, no matter how anxious Buster was to see his taffy stone veins, he could only endure it.

This time he returned to Savoie under the name of reviewing the mining qualifications of mining companies.

In fact, he has already investigated this information.

Otherwise, it will not acquire a company that is about to go bankrupt and liquidate.

Of course, Buster knew that those wealthy people who passed through had already noticed what they had done.

But none of these greedy guys were willing to stand up and tell Buster that there was a delinquent company on his list of acquisitions.

Because they were all waiting to see Buster's joke!

"The god of investment, Buster, bought a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy and made a huge loss on investment?"

They even thought about upcoming news headlines.

This is the status quo of these rich people.

However, Buster is also interested in this point of these rich people.

If they came to remind themselves kindly, and they didn't get rid of this mining enterprise, it would inevitably make people suspicious!

This is just right, the more you wait to see my joke, the more I will slap you in the face!

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