City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 612 Perfect solution?! (Subscribe!)\r

"I can't lend you this money. 99

Zhang Chen thought for a while and shook his head.

"Although four and a half years is only 1.5 cents, it's really cheap, but it's not the crux of the problem.

"Actually, they can't get all their monthly wages of three cents. Could it be that if they go out to work, they can eat and drink water without spending money, and they are just trying to run on you.

"Now he calculates tuition and lost work fees for you. If you can really come up with this money, they will definitely count other money. People's greed has no end."

"And even if we don't care about the price, we will buy your student for 230 for the past four years and let him go to study. It is impossible for him to break away from his family."

"If his father haunts him like a vampire in the future, so that his life after college is not as good as everyone else's, wouldn't he be setting a bad example for you here.

"Are the students who will drop out in the future all paying for their time?

Gao Mingjing and Wu Linlin glanced at each other before realizing that they were thinking too simply.

It is true that a single wooden bull is easy to solve, but the long-standing ideological problems in this area are not easy to solve, and if this cannot be solved, there will be countless wooden bulls in this place.

Not to mention that these little teachers can't do anything about it, I'm afraid even Wu Guoqiang can only say that he has a headache when he hears this.

"Then what should I do, I will continue to reason with him."

"If Mu Niuwu becomes successful in studying in the future, the thoughts of his father and the people around him will definitely change.

"That's been too long, and it wasn't impactful enough."

Zhang Chen fondly rubbed Gao Mingjing's head, already having an idea in his mind.

Originally, establishing economic cooperation with Shunan Prefecture is what Wanshan Group is going to do next.

If you want to change the minds of ignorant people, it is difficult to reason with reason. Only from their vital interests, let them see the benefits of reading!

"(ajcj) Don't worry, since I'm all here, of course this matter has to be resolved perfectly.

"You just wait in the school, and in a few days, the family will be crying and begging to send your student back to study.

"Stop frowning, have confidence in your man!"

Zhang Chen flicked on Gao Mingjing's forehead and said with a smile.

His confident smile infected Gao Mingjing and Wu Linlin, and the two girls slowly became happy, and when they returned to the county, they had completely forgotten the unpleasantness just now.

Zhang Chen was the host and took them to a feast in the county seat of Quemu County.

Life here is indeed very hard, Gao Mingjing's little round face has become sharp, Zhang Chen's eyes are of course distressed, and after eating, he also purchased a lot of fruits and vegetables, and brought eggs and pork to the school.

For the next two days, Zhang Chen did nothing, and did not let Gao Mingjing go to the Mu Niu family.

Instead, let the driver drive them around in the nearby mountains and forests.

Although Oak County is remote and poor, the scenery is quite good, the original ecology is simple, and it is a natural oxygen bar.

Zhang Chen even considered building a secluded villa in such a place. If he was tired of living outside, he would come over to clean it up for a few days.

On the third day, two cars drove to the gate of the county.

The door opened, and Liang Lu walked out with a group of rustic young people.


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