City: I'm Really Not Rich

Chapter 613 Zhang Chen without a shelf?! (Subscribe!)\r

Zhang Chen was playing basketball with Wu Linlin and Gao Mingjing on the playground when he heard Liang Lu call him and stopped.

"It's cold outside, come in and sit.

Zhang Chen threw the basketball back into the classroom, rubbed his hands, and took the lead into Gao Mingjing's kitchen.

"We burned a fire, roasted meat and potatoes, and said while drinking oil tea~.

After staying here for two days, he didn't learn anything else, just the skill of roasting potatoes.

Wu Linlin swiftly started to ignite.

Gao Mingjing found the camellia bean bag and started making camellia oleifera.

Zhang Chen brought potatoes, sat on the small wooden bench casually, nodded and motioned others to find a place to sit.

Those young people looked very restrained, and they all looked down at the toes of their shoes with shy eyes.

Liang Lu looked around for a week. The living environment here is so different from her living environment in the city. She couldn't find a place to sit at all, so she simply stood directly behind Zhang Chen.

"Chairman, these people are from Oak County."

She whispered that the materials in her hand were ready and could be handed to Zhang Chen at any time.

But Zhang Chen didn't ask for her introduction, but smiled amiably at the entrepreneurs.

"Well, introduce yourself in detail."

Zhang Chen found that as he saw more and more in the world, the industry became bigger and bigger, but he didn't want to put on airs in front of others.

That's what upstarts do.

With such a big wrist, the more polite you are to others, the more sincere and fearful others will be.

Those young people look at me, I look at you, even though Zhang Chen is so kind, they still feel a powerful pressure, making them sweat all over and dry their mouths.

Finally, the young man sitting in the middle scratched his head and took the initiative to speak.

"I... let me speak first."

"My name is Chi'a, I'm from Quemu County, and I used to be a student in the county's middle school. I was ranked first in the county in the college entrance examination, but our county's overall results were not good. I only went to two universities."

"I was studying administration at the time."

"I thought that after I went out, I was in charge of people, but I didn't know that the outside world was much more complicated than we thought. I graduated and interned in an electronics factory, but those people didn't listen to me at all.

"They didn't want me after the internship, so I had to change companies, but those people knew that I was from the mountains, but they still didn't listen to me, and then I had to borrow money to start a small business by myself."


"Now there is a pork store in Xisheng City, but the cost is low, and it can only support the family.

After Chi A finished speaking, he wiped the sweat on his forehead, feeling even more nervous than in the college entrance examination.

After speaking, everyone's eyes turned to another older man, who seemed to be honest and simple when introducing himself.


He was a few years earlier than Chi A, and he was also the first in the county, but his grades in the whole country were not enough. He only went to three schools, and his majors were not good.

After graduation, I couldn't find a place to go, and now I make a living by repairing motorcycles in Xisheng City.

Aside from the two of them, the other three were even worse off. They only attended vocational schools, and now they either work in factories or in private companies, and they are just average.

Zhang Chen understands this situation very well. What is lacking in Dashan is not only regular education, but also many necessary social skills, which they do not have.

And because of poverty and blockade, they have been born with low self-esteem in the city.

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