The real second-generation rich are not as bad as they are in novels and TV dramas.

There are dandy boys, but they are only a part of them.

""You call me brother now?" Zhou Haokai felt that Jiang Yuxuan's self-control was too poor. He lost his soul after two supercars."Anyway, I won't easily call others brother!"

But it is understandable to call him like this.

Jiang Yuxuan is 17 years old this year, and Zhou Haokai has just turned 18.

There is nothing wrong with calling the mysterious hidden rich second generation Xiao Zihang brother.

For Zhou Haokai, he is more interested in the Bugatti Veyron Hermès Limited Edition. Unfortunately, he doesn't know who the owner is.

However, Jiang Yuxuan's call of brother directly made Huangmao and Jiang Meiqian's mentality jump.

"How could this happen?"Huang Mao suddenly felt hopeless in life,"Why does even Young Master Jiang call him brother!"

Xiao Zihang's identity suddenly became mysterious and great.

"The richest of the rich?"Jiang Meiqian was crying without tears. What buffet?

It was just a way for the top rich second generation to pick up girls!

Just for fun.

At this time, Qin Feifei looked at everything in front of her in disbelief.

It was too dreamy and unbelievable.

Xiao Zihang's true identity was not something a little girl like her could peek into.

"Hahaha, you didn’t expect that, did you? Even the dignified Young Master Jiang from Magic City would call him"brother"!"

"It feels so good to be slapped in the face. The rich young man clearly did nothing, but the yellow-haired man has a swollen nose and face and is too embarrassed to see anyone."

In the live broadcast room, everyone was instantly delighted.


Facing the compliments from Jiang Yuxuan, the second-generation rich man in Shanghai, Xiao Zihang simply replied,"It's OK."

This simple reply is full of style.

"Oh my god, this level of supercar is only considered okay?"

Xiao Zihang's status in Jiang Yuxuan's heart is even higher. Master

Jiang of the Magic City is still a minor, to put it bluntly, he is still a big kid, with a young mind.

"Brother." After calling out, Jiang Yuxuan called out more naturally,"Do you know who owns this Lamborghini Veneno next to you?"

"Poison?" Xiao Zihang took out a metallic car key from his pocket and pressed it lightly. The silver-gray Lamborghini Veneno made a crisp sound.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

The LED light strips surrounding the car body emit a charming blue light, and the LED headlights in front of the car also emit a dazzling white light, lighting up the entire underground parking lot!

"This Lamborghini Veneno is also mine."

Instantly, the whole audience fell silent.

Super rich, this is the super rich!!

"Poison! Poison also belongs to the super rich little brother?"

"The rich man is inhumane, the little brother is a god!"

Looking at Du Yao and Xiao Zihang, Qin Feifei murmured to herself

"Really, I'm so stupid. I should have seen it earlier. Who else could have the license plate of Lamborghini Veneno except him?"

Lamborghini Veneno license plate: Magic A·DY888.

Meaning"Poison 888", very unique!

In addition to Veneno, there is even the Bugatti Veyron on the far left.

"Brother, you can even get poison?"Jiang Yuxuan's eyes were full of surprise, and this"brother" was not called in vain.

"It's not just poison."

Xiao Zihang slowly took out a pearly white car key from his pocket.

"This is it!"Zhou Haokai was stunned,"Damn, is it a Bugatti Veyron!"

In the middle of the car key, there is a circle of leather with the English logo of Bugatti sewn on it.

Without a doubt, it is the key of the Bugatti series super sports car.

Nodding, Xiao Zihang lightly pressed the button of the car key in his hand

"Zoom! Zoom!"

The Bugatti Veyron Hermès Limited Edition on the far left is shining brightly, like a dazzling star in the audience.

"This Bugatti Veyron Hermès is mine."

Three supercars in a row, so rich!

I don't want to show off, but my strength doesn't allow it.

I can't bear it anymore, who can stand it?

Zhou Haokai strode forward and rushed to Xiao Zihang like a little brother, shouting,"My brother is so awesome! This Bugatti Veyron Hermès limited edition is one of a kind in the world and you can't buy it in China!"

This call of brother is so sweet!

"Brother, are you free this afternoon?" Jiang Yuxuan already regarded Xiao Zihang as a young master from a hidden family in China, and his tone was full of flattery,"My family just opened a five-star hotel, the food is pretty good!"

"Next time." Xiao Zihang waved his hand and refused,"I have something to do this afternoon, and I have to report to school tomorrow, so I am not free these few days."

These two rich second-generations spend money like water, can Xiao Zihang go with them?

You can't spend all their money and not spend a penny yourself?

Poor, mainly poor!

"When I have money, I can do whatever I want."

But when these words reach other people's ears, it is a different picture.

"The little brother is awesome, he directly rejected Young Master Jiang’s invitation!"

"Damn, he even wants to please Young Master Jiang of Magic City, what kind of background does he have!"

Xiao Zihang's refusal did not make Jiang Yuxuan uncomfortable, but instead made him admire him more. Then, he took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and said to Xiao Zihang with a smile:"Brother, come on, let's add each other on WeChat!"

""Brother, I have WeChat."

Zhou Haokai also opened WeChat and added Xiao Zihang.

The two top second-generation rich people in Shanghai were shocked by their actions at this moment.

They had always been licked by others, but they didn't expect that it would be their turn to lick others today.

After adding the two WeChat, Xiao Zihang looked at the bewildered yellow-haired man and walked over with a smile.

"I said, I touched my own car, what's your business?"

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