Xiao Zihang's words instantly sent Huang Mao and Jiang Meiqian to hell.

""Brother, big brother!" Huang Mao begged for mercy humbly, almost kneeling on the ground and kowtowing,"Big brother, I know I was wrong, I really didn't mean it!"

"I'm just in college, I don't have a younger brother like you."

Since Xiao Zihang was venting his anger on Qin Feifei, of course he had to do a full set of

"Get out!"

As a younger brother, Jiang Yuxuan must intervene in this matter and give Xiao Zihang a satisfactory explanation.

"Get your Ferrari 812 and get out of here. From now on, you will no longer be a member of our supercar club!"

"Young Master Jiang! Young Master Jiang!" Huang Mao knelt on the ground with a plop,"I was wrong, give me another chance!"

Once he was blacklisted by Young Master Jiang, Huang Mao would have no chance to move in the Magic City.

""Get lost." Jiang Yuxuan warned coldly,"Do you want me to say it again?"

Things are irreversible.

"You bitch!" Huang Mao jumped up and rushed to Jiang Meiqian, slapping her in the face,"I'm so unlucky!"

If Jiang Meiqian hadn't made trouble, would Huang Mao be like this?

Then, Huang Mao got on his Ferrari alone and ran away like a rat crossing the street.

He didn't even dare to look back.

Only Jiang Meiqian, with disheveled hair, was left, running to Qin Feifei like a stray dog to beg for mercy.

"Feifei, we are classmates, please help me, my dear Feifei!"

"I, can't help you."Qin Feifei laughed. It was the first time she laughed so happily.

It was so cool!

From now on, Jiang Meiqian could no longer raise her head in school.

"Brother, I really didn't mean it!"

Desperate Jiang Meiqian could only hope that Xiao Zihang would show mercy.

"You, are blocking my way."

Xiao Zihang waved his hand in disgust, signaling Jiang Meiqian to go aside.

A good dog does not block the road.

He did not want to bother with such a small character.

Then, Xiao Zihang waved three keys and smiled at Qin Feifei,"Which car do you want to take?"

This scene made everyone envious.

In the live broadcast room, there was already a buzz of

"Super rich little brother 666, his skills in picking up girls are really great!"

"Three out-of-print supercars, which one do you want to ride? Hey, rich people, the anchor is completely obsessed."

Looking at the three car keys, Qin Feifei is in a dilemma.

Her favorite is the Bugatti Veyron Hermès Limited Edition, pearl white, and it is linked to luxury goods, which is enough to make every girl's heart beat.

"I'll listen to you."

But Qin Feifei did not choose the Bugatti Veyron, but let Xiao Zihang decide.

""Let's go."

Xiao Zihang smiled and pressed the key of the Lamborghini in his hand.

The lights flashed, and the iconic scissor doors slowly opened to welcome the owner in.

The main reason for choosing this car is its cool appearance, silver bullet head, cool enough!

Full-time four-wheel drive system, twelve-cylinder engine, 7-speed ISR gearbox, five driving modes.

The maximum output power is 552 kilowatts, and it only takes 2.8 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 100 kilometers, with a maximum speed of 354 kilometers per hour.

Raging bull!

After getting on the Lamborghini Venom with Qin Feifei, Xiao Zihang closed the door and started the engine.

""Boom! Zoom! Zoom!"

The roar of the supercar resounded throughout the underground parking lot, and everyone unconsciously made way for it.

They stood in awe, only envious

""Brother, take care." Jiang Yuxuan and Zhou Haokai waved and bid farewell to Xiao Zihang as he drove the beauty away.

Leaving the underground parking lot, the Lamborghini Veneno roared on the road, scaring the surrounding cars to give way.

Sitting in the passenger seat of the supercar, Qin Feifei looked at Xiao Zihang who was driving from time to time.

"Handsome again."

Does it mean that boys who drive supercars get extra points for their looks?

"Little brother, I don't even know your name yet."

Qin Feifei blushed, her hands and feet were restrained and she didn't know where to put them. Her slightly coquettish tone was enough to make the man unable to control himself.

"Xiao Zihang."

After introducing himself, Xiao Zihang asked again:"You are older than me, right? Why do you keep calling me little brother?""

"I'm eighteen." Qin Feifei is a sophomore this year, but one year younger than the others."My birthday is November 11th."

Commonly known as Singles' Day

"Destined to be alone, Singles' Day?"Xiao Zihang wanted to laugh,"Your birthday is quite special"

"But she is younger than me? My birthday is October 22."

Qin Feifei's makeup today is more mature, which makes Xiao Zihang think she is at least 20 years old.

As expected, a woman's age cannot be guessed randomly.

However, Xiao Zihang's words once again made the live broadcast room water friends burst into laughter.

The show effect is unmatched.

"Oh my god, this super rich guy is really good at chatting. It’s Singles’ Day, but he’s destined to be alone. The anchor is so heartbroken."

"Haha, an absolute straight man, aren’t you afraid of talking to death?"

"What the hell, whatever the rich guy says is right!"

The Magic City Drama Academy is only half an hour's drive from Bandai Plaza.

Along the way, the two passed by Magic City's famous luxury street.

Just when everyone thought that a familiar plot was about to appear, Xiao Zihang did not stop the car.

"The plot is wrong, shouldn't it be about stopping the car to buy a bunch of luxury goods, and then the host completely falls for it, and finally spends a wonderful night?"

"Oh my god, no way, no way, are you really just sending the anchor back to school?"

"Come on, you are a super rich man, and you bought three out-of-print supercars! Why don't you show some appreciation for such a beautiful anchor?"

Xiao Zihang, the super rich man, seems to be different.

Is he really stingy and miserly?

Soon, they arrived at the gate of the Magic City Drama Academy.

Qin Feifei was also stunned when she saw the school gate.

She was still thinking about whether to refuse the luxury gifts that Xiao Zihang might give her. Although she wanted to be a star, she was more traditional in her bones. But the other party didn't have that idea at all?

"Could it be that I really have no charm at all and cannot catch his eye?"

It's different from the plot of the novel!

I feel inferior and uncomfortable.

"We are here." Xiao Zihang opened the scissor door of the Lamborghini Venom.

"Well, thank you, little brother."

Qin Feifei got off the car a little disappointed. At this moment, she felt extremely conflicted and complicated.

��With a height of 165 cm and high heels, she formed a beautiful scenery at the school gate.

Beautiful women and luxury cars.

The appearance of Lamborghini Veneto immediately caused a sensation at the entrance of Shanghai Drama Academy.

There are luxury cars everywhere, but at this moment, this Veneto is the focus of the whole scene.

"Lamborghini Venom! Which rich boy is here to pick up girls at the drama academy?"

"Isn't that our school beauty Qin Feifei? She just came down from the poison?"

"The beauty has a boyfriend, so the boys in our school can only shed tears silently!"

Sending Qin Feifei to the drama academy, Xiao Zihang's mission was successfully completed.


Xiao Zihang closed the car door again, leaving Qin Feifei with an indescribable feeling.

Once the door was closed, it seemed as if the relationship was severed.

"It’s miserable, so miserable, such a poor anchor!"

"Haha, Sister Feifei is questioning her life. Brother Shenrich, you are too awesome, aren’t you?"

"It really doesn't cost a penny, just buy a cup of milk tea. The fighter among stingy people! I am dying of laughter"

"A straight man? No, the super rich little brother is a 24K titanium alloy real man!"

Just when Qin Feifei was distracted and thought that the fate of the two sides had ended here, the window of the Lamborghini Veneno was lowered, revealing Xiao Zihang's sunny face.

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