When a cool Lamborghini appeared in Plaza 66, many customers stopped.

Listening to the bull-like restless sound and the angular shape of silver gray and bright red, the wildness in the hearts of the men present was completely aroused.

"This is SestoElemento, the sixth element!"

"Wow, what a cool car, this is the first time I've seen it in Shanghai."

Although Shanghai is the domestic economic center, if it weren't for Xiao Zihang's army of supercars, passers-by might not see many awesome luxury cars in a year.

Lamborghini Sixth Element, the chassis is made entirely of carbon fiber.

Carbon is also called the"sixth element" because of its atomic number.

The top speed is 355 kilometers per hour, and it accelerates from 0 to 100 kilometers in 2.5 seconds.

The 5.2-liter V10 engine of Gallardo LP570-4 Superleggera has a maximum torque of 540 Nm and can output a maximum of 570 horsepower.

It weighs only 999 kilograms, which is 550 kilograms lighter than the Lamborghini Gallardo and 850 kilograms lighter than the Bugatti Veyron. It is the lightest supercar and a bold attempt by Lamborghini in manufacturing technology.

Get off the car and wait for someone under a landscape tree outside the square.

With his slender figure and straight windbreaker, Xiao Zihang instantly became the most eye-catching scenery in the square.

"What a handsome boy, he seems to be waiting for someone!"

"Young Master Xiao! Wow, it's him, it's really Young Master Xiao!"

Several single girls approached to chat with him, and many young rich second-generations and elites also went to try to get close to him.

However, Xiao Zihang just smiled and chatted with a few trivial words.

People do have classes, and the difference in level is too big, so it is difficult to have a common language.

A few minutes later, the agreed time came.

When people saw a girl wearing a sky-blue wool sweater coming from the other side, they couldn't help but look over.

"She, she seems to be Qingluan?"

"Yes, yes, it’s that writer! The one who publicly broke up with Han Jae-bin on the Internet. I just want to say well done!"

After Gu Qingwei came over, Xiao Zihang stepped forward and said with a smile:"Let's go, senior sister"


Gu Qingwei didn't wear high heels today, but a pair of white flat shoes.

She is 170 cm tall, very tall among southern girls.

Standing next to Xiao Zihang, she is also a beautiful sight.

"By the way, Mr. Xiao is a student of Fudan University, and so is the Great God Qingluan!"

So they are juniors and seniors. Of course, it may not be just like this in the future.

Under the gaze of the crowd outside the square, the two of them entered the luxury goods-filled Plaza 66 together.

"Where to go first?"

Gu Qingwei should have a certain goal, not wandering around aimlessly.

"Let's go to Chanel first."

This brand has a special place in the hearts of girls.


After entering the Chanel flagship store, Xiao Zihang saw several familiar shop assistants again.

""Mr. Xiao!" Several female shop assistants covered their mouths, their faces slightly flushed.

He is still so handsome!

Because the recent events were too high-profile, Xiao Zihang is considered a celebrity in Hang Lung Plaza.

In less than half a minute, the manager of the Chanel flagship store also came out to welcome him.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao"

"My senior wants to choose an evening dress. Do you have any recommendations?"

"Yes, yes!"

The store manager very attentively took Xiao Zihang and the other person to the right, where several exquisite evening dresses were displayed.

At this time, there were three or four couples of customers in the Chanel flagship store.

"Why are the store manager and the staff surrounding them?"

Seeing Xiao Zihang and Gu Qingwei surrounded by the staff and the manager, a rich second-generation who came with his girlfriend to shop was very depressed.

After all, he was an old customer, but today he was ignored and only served by a staff.

Not all rich second-generations in Shanghai knew Xiao Zihang.

He was not qualified.

"Do you want to try this one?"

Xiao Zihang pointed to a purple long evening dress and said,"I think it's very suitable."


Holding the dress, Gu Qingwei, accompanied by the store manager, entered the dressing room alone.

Standing at the door, the store manager approached Xiao Zihang attentively.

"Mr. Xiao, you did a great job last time!"

"If the other party is not making trouble, I won't care."

"Right, right, right." The two female shop assistants also came up to agree,"Mr. Xiao, are you going to attend Professor Yang's National Day wedding this time?"

Choosing a dress, what else could it be?

How could these luxury shopping guides know Professor Yang who was devoted to academic research?

But the last incident was so big that Professor Yang's name completely entered the public eye.

"Yes, help senior sister choose a suitable dress."

While they were talking, Gu Qingwei had already changed into an evening gown and walked out.

She was wearing a gorgeous evening gown that outlined her perfect figure.

She was like a blooming violet, standing there quietly and blooming.

""So beautiful!"

The female store manager was stunned. This beautiful writer is indeed a celebrity!

If she put on some jewelry and diamonds, she would definitely be the most dazzling star in the audience.

"Do you like it?" Xiao Zihang asked with a smile

"Well, it's OK. Let's go look at something else and come back to talk about it."

Gu Qingwei was quite satisfied with this evening dress, but she wanted to go to other luxury stores to have a look. Only by comparing prices can you find the most suitable one.

After hearing what Gu Qingwei meant, the Chanel store manager did not feel disappointed at all. Instead, he said enthusiastically:"Okay, okay, you really need to choose more evening dresses to find the one you like."

"Then pack this one up." Xiao Zihang pointed at the dress Gu Qingwei was wearing and took out his bank card,"Swipe the card.""

Gentle, I just swipe the card.

"It's not necessary." Gu Qingwei wanted to refuse. With her personality, she would not easily accept gifts from others."Let me choose again and talk about it later." I already owed Xiao Zihang a lot of favors. Why would I accept another expensive gift?

"This one is mine."

Xiao Zihang handed the card to the store manager. Don't be so fussy at this time. Just swipe the card and pay.

Don't worry about whether the girl is willing or not. It's not important.

It's just a piece of clothing.

""Okay, Mr. Xiao!" said the store manager,"This violet evening dress is priced at 180,000 yuan, and I'll give you the best price." For a customer like Mr. Xiao, you must hold on to your thighs tightly!

"All right then." Gu Qingwei returned to the dressing room and changed out of her evening gown.

The clerk quickly packed the evening gown beautifully and handed it to Gu Qingwei.

Holding the evening gown, Gu Qingwei turned to Xiao Zihang and said,"I'll give you the money back later."

The beautiful writer earns tens of millions a year, so this little money is not a big deal

"Senior sister, there is no need to talk about money in front of me, right?"Xiao Zihang showed a brilliant smile, enough to make countless girls fall in love with him,"No need, this is a gift from me."

"This is not good, it's a bit expensive."

Gu Qingwei has always been passive in interpersonal communication and has relatively little communication.

That's why she looks like an iceberg.

"In that case, wouldn't it be ok for Senior Sister to give me a gift in return?"

From helping to choose clothes, it has evolved to exchanging gifts.

This is a trick from a super rich man.

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