"I think this scarf is nice."

Seeing Gu Qingwei looking around and not deciding what to choose, Xiao Zihang pointed to a men's scarf worth 7,000 yuan.

"Please wrap it for me, thank you."

Gu Qingwei knew that the price of the gift was not important to Xiao Zihang, the main thing was the gift.

In the eyes of the rich, there was no difference between a scarf and a villa.

"Please take it."

The store manager enthusiastically packed the scarf in a beautiful package and handed it to Gu Qingwei.

After leaving the Chanel flagship store, the two stopped in Plaza 66.

"Senior, where are we going next?"

"Dior, right?"

Among luxury goods, many people think Dior is a famous cosmetics brand, but in fact, their dress customization is very famous.

Many Hollywood actresses often wear Dior evening gowns when they walk on the Avenue of Stars.

However, there was no time for customization this time, so they could only choose ready-made clothes.

Then, Xiao Zihang took Gu Qingwei to the Dior flagship store.

As they were about to reach the door of the flagship store, he suddenly saw Qin Feifei walking out of the Armani store from the corner of his eye.


Xiao Zihang was slightly stunned. Why did she come to Hang Lung Plaza and come out of Armani?

What was in the bag in her hand?

"Something seems to be wrong."

In order to avoid the two girls from meeting each other and causing unnecessary trouble, Xiao Zihang smiled and said to Gu Qingwei beside him:"Senior sister, you go in first, I'll go to the bathroom"

""Yes." Gu Qingwei nodded and entered the Dior flagship store alone.

Xiao Zihang hurried towards Qin Feifei.

When he reached the corner, he grabbed his girlfriend who didn't notice him and whispered in her ear:"Fei Fei, why are you here?"

"Zihang!? Why are you here?"

Qin Feifei was startled and immediately hid the Armani gift box bag in her hand behind her back.

This was one of the birthday gifts she was going to give to Xiao Zihang.

Didn't they say that there could only be one birthday gift?

"The gift you bought?"

Xiao Zihang pulled his girlfriend aside and asked behind her,"My birthday present?"

"That's right." Qin Feifei was caught by Xiao Zihang and could only admit,"But I can only tell you what it is on that day, hehe."

""Okay, okay." Xiao Zihang kissed Qin Feifei on the forehead.

"Zihang, since you are here too, come shopping with me."

Girls all like shopping. They don't necessarily want to buy anything, but mainly enjoy the atmosphere.

Pulling Qin Feifei, Xiao Zihang walked to the other side, away from the Dior flagship store.

After walking a few dozen meters away, he gave Qin Feifei the same excuse.

"Feifei, you go shopping first, go sit inside Burberry, I'm going to go to the bathroom"

"Well, I'll go over there then."

Qin Feifei smiled and walked into the Burberry flagship store in front of her.

"Let's go find my senior first."

Xiao Zihang walked calmly towards the Dior flagship store.

Inside, Gu Qingwei was selecting clothes accompanied by a store clerk.

"Senior sister, how is it?"

Xiao Zihang was immediately recognized by several female shop assistants.

"Xiao, Mr. Xiao!" The clerk stepped forward with a smile,"Welcome, welcome. Well, we have a wide variety of Dior dresses. This lady hasn't decided yet."

"How about trying them all?"

There are six or seven sets in total, and they all look good.

"Let me try this one first." Gu Qingwei picked up a dress and walked into the dressing room.

Five minutes later, Gu Qingwei appeared in front of Xiao Zihang again.

"It's very beautiful, but I think the others are also very beautiful."

Delay, now we have to delay time

"Then I'll change into another one."

When Gu Qingwei said this, Xiao Zihang came up with another excuse and prepared to leave.

"Senior, you change first, I'll go get some things from the car and put these things away."

A Chanel evening dress and a Chanel men's scarf


After saying that, Gu Qingwei took another dress and went into the dressing room.

Xiao Zihang left the Dior flagship store as quickly as possible, left Plaza 66, put his things in the trunk of the supercar, and then turned back.

Back in Plaza 66, Xiao Zihang entered the Burberry flagship store.

At this time, Qin Feifei was choosing

"Zihang, why did you come so late? Qin Feifei hugged Xiao Zihang and said coquettishly,"Let's go shopping somewhere else."

This made Xiao Zihang feel very embarrassed.

It's not that I don't want to go shopping with you, but it's not convenient today.

"Don’t you like Burberry?"

Xiao Zihang wanted to finish shopping quickly and move on to the next step.

"I feel like there's nothing good to buy."

"Let's take this one." Xiao Zihang casually pointed to a set of women's ready-made clothes, took out his card and said,"Swipe the card."

Two minutes later, Qin Feifei, carrying a shopping bag of clothes, snuggled in Xiao Zihang's arms, rubbing against him as they walked.

"Zihang, since we have nothing to do, let's just go shopping here and go to your house at noon."

Things seem to be developing in an unpredictable direction.

"Then you go to LV first, I'll go get something from the car."

Same reason, same excuse.

No choice, the car crashed.


Qin Feifei nodded like a little rabbit and walked towards the LV flagship store obediently.

After seeing Qin Feifei go in, Xiao Zihang returned to the Dior flagship store again.

"Senior sister, what happened?"

After entering, Xiao Zihang acted as if nothing had happened.

"I changed two sets, but I haven't confirmed it yet."

It's good that it's not confirmed yet, Xiao Zihang was relieved.

He obviously couldn't accompany two girls here at the same time, it would be exposed sooner or later.

The safest way is to send Qin Feifei back first.

So Xiao Zihang found another reasonable excuse.

"Senior, my secretary just called and said he has something to do. I need to go out for about 50 minutes. Is that okay?"

"Then I'll wait for you here. I still have a few sets of clothes to try on."

Gu Qingwei originally wanted to ask Xiao Zihang for something, so she naturally wouldn't mind.

"I'll be back soon."

Soon, Xiao Zihang left Dior Flag again.���store, and then enter the LV flagship store on the other side

"Feifei, do you like anything?"

After entering, Xiao Zihang walked towards his girlfriend and asked with concern.

"No, just take a look."

"This bag, pack it up."

Following Qin Feifei's line of sight, Xiao Zihang saw a crossbody bag.

It's you!

"Okay, Mr. Xiao, I'll pack it for you right away."

While the clerk was packing, Xiao Zihang said to Qin Feifei,"Feifei, my secretary just called and said he had something to do. I have to go out for a while."

"How about this." Xiao Zihang showed Qin Feifei a bright smile,"I'll take you there first."

"Well, OK."

Qin Feifei originally wanted to go to Xiao Zihang's Tomson Yipin, but now her boyfriend is busy, so it's best to send her there first.

With Qin Feifei, Xiao Zihang came to the parking lot.

"Another new car?"Qin Feifei was already used to it.

"Yes, Lamborghini Sixth Element."

After the two got in the car, Xiao Zihang started the supercar engine.

"Buzz! ZOOM! ZOOM!"

A silver-gray steel behemoth instantly sped towards Tomson First Class...

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