"Zihang, you drove a little too fast today, didn't you?"

Qin Feifei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, didn't feel uncomfortable.

It was just that the speed was a little shocking.

""Is it fast?" Turning the steering wheel, Xiao Zihang, with the support of his god-level driving skills, avoided all obstacles on the road and drove towards Tomson Yipin at the fastest speed.

"Well, everyone is looking at your car!"

However, Lamborghini Sixth Element disappeared from people's sight in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Zihang accelerated his car, of course because there were girls at both ends.

Date A Live, this car can't flip over!

Back to Tomson Yipin, Xiao Zihang took Qin Feifei and took the owner's special direct elevator to the top floor of Building A.

"Zihang, it is said online that this house of yours is worth 500 million, is that true?"

"Really, there are quite a few rooms inside, a total of 1,000 square meters."

I always feel like you are hinting at something.

Qin Feifei lowered her head, her face slightly red, pretending not to hear.

I must be firm in my belief and wait until his birthday...

Oh, what are you thinking about!

After a while, the elevator reached the top floor.

"Let's go."

Xiao Zihang took Qin Feifei and entered the top floor duplex mansion of Tomson Yipin.

What caught his eye was the huge living room with a high ceiling and a piano in the middle of the hall.

"That's the Galaxy Star, right?"

The most expensive piano in the world, even if she can't play it, Qin Feifei is very curious.

"I'll play it for you when I get back."

Xiao Zihang accompanied Qin Feifei as they walked around his mansion.

"What a big bedroom."

After passing Xiao Zihang's master bedroom, Qin Feifei opened her mouth and was shocked by this huge bedroom of hundreds of square meters.

One bedroom is equivalent to a house of others.

"Is it very big?"

"This is not big."

Qin Feifei quickly walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to see what could be made into lunch.

In addition to live broadcasting the Tomson Yipin mansion to the fans today, there was also a food segment.

Qin Feifei was still very confident in her cooking skills.

"Zihang, what do you want to eat? I'll make it for you today."

Qin Feifei took out various ingredients from the refrigerator while cleaning up the pots and pans in the kitchen.

If you want to capture a man's heart, you must first capture his stomach.

"It's all right. I love anything you make."

Qin Feifei's face turned red as she said this, just like the tomato in her hand.

"Well, that's fine."

Knowing that Xiao Zihang still had things to do, Qin Feifei smiled and said,"Go and get busy, and come back early."

"Then I'm leaving."

Xiao Zihang walked to the door, but heard his girlfriend calling him from behind,"Zihang, you left me alone at your house, aren't you afraid that I will secretly move all your good things away?"

"Okay." Xiao Zihang turned around and smiled,"Little girl, just move as you like. I'll give you everything that can be moved."

""Puff." Qin Feifei stopped joking, closed the refrigerator door and said,"Okay, go and come back soon."

"Come back and enjoy my loving cooking."

After leaving Tomson Yipin, Xiao Zihang drove the Lamborghini Sixth Element and headed to Plaza 66 again.

"It's about time."

If I say I'll be back in 50 minutes, I'll be back in 50 minutes.

A super rich man must have exquisite time management skills. After parking his car in the parking lot of Plaza 66, Xiao Zihang immediately walked towards the Dior flagship store.

His gait was elegant, neither hurried nor slow.

Because the time was just right.

"You're back." Gu Qingwei saw Xiao Zihang coming back, but she didn't take off her evening gown. She wanted to show it to Xiao Zihang.

This time she asked him to come with her to choose a dress because she believed in Mr. Xiao's vision.

"Is this the one?"

Xiao Zihang looked at it carefully.

The evening dress was of an ancient style, specially tailored by Dior for oriental women.

The lower part of the skirt was shaped like a huge lotus leaf, with a main color of lotus root white and a lotus leaf blue pattern.

The upper part was a beautiful lotus bud, which matched Gu Qingwei's classical temperament.

"How is it?"

Gu Qingwei stood on tiptoe and spun in front of Xiao Zihang.

The fragrance of flowers emanated from her as she spun.

"Very beautiful." Xiao Zihang nodded,"If you think it's suitable, then let's go with this one."

"Well, let's go with this one."

This time, Xiao Zihang would not rush to pay.

Girls have different personalities and different ways of paying. Be low-key when you shouldn't pay, and be generous when you should pay.

After paying, Gu Qingwei also changed out of the evening dress.

Holding the shopping bags, the two left together.

Halfway through the journey, a man hurriedly ran up to them.

The manager of the Versace flagship store

"Master Xiao! That's great, you're here today."

Knowing that Xiao Zihang appeared in Plaza 66 today, the store manager ran to find him without saying a word.

"Yes, is my dress ready?"

""Yes, yes, yes!" The store manager wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile,"It will be delivered right away. Mr. Xiao, please come to our store and have a seat first."

Following Xiao Zihang to the Versace flagship store, Gu Qingwei turned her head and asked softly,"Did you order a dress?"

"Attending Professor Yang's wedding, of course it has to be grand."

A grand wedding cost 10 million.

When I arrived at the Versace flagship store, there were already five or six high-end business people shopping here or ordering suits.

"Look, sir, the materials of our suits are all the best. Please feel the touch."

"Okay, sir, I'll pack it for you right away, the total is 76,000 yuan."

The highest consumption of these customers is only more than 100,000 yuan.

When Xiao Zihang came in, the store manager immediately arranged the best seats and sent the best fruits and desserts.

"Mr. Xiao, please wait a moment. The dress is on its way and will arrive in about 10 minutes.

Seeing the store manager and several employees serving Xiao Zihang like an ancestor, the other customers were puzzled.

"Who is he? Why does he look familiar?"

"He should be a big customer of Versace."

While everyone was quietly in the Versace flagship store, a Rolls-Royce car slowly drove in from Plaza 66.

"Oh, that's great, Mr. Xiao is here���"Is it in our store?"

The person in charge of delivering the dress this time was a special envoy from Versace headquarters, who flew all the way from abroad on a special plane.

When he learned from the store manager that Xiao Zihang was there, he immediately sped up.

"Come on, follow me to meet our most distinguished guest!"

Soon, two elegant gentlemen in suits and white gloves came down from the back of the Rolls-Royce.

One was white-haired, and the other was over middle-aged.

They were the main tailors for this custom diamond dress.

In order to rush the work, Versace contacted several well-known tailors this time to jointly create this dress worth 10 million.

It broke the Guinness World Record for the price of custom clothing industry and the fastest record.

Hollywood stars, the Avenue of Stars?

All dimmed.

After the two tailors got off the car, the special commissioner opened the trunk of the Rolls-Royce and took out a metal box.

Then, he opened the metal box and took away the special shock-proof sponge on the side.

In the middle, there is a wooden box 70 cm wide and 80 cm long.

It is made of rosewood and is extremely expensive.

An inch of rosewood is worth an inch of gold, a wood comparable to gold!

In the wooden box is the diamond dress customized by Xiao Zihang.

"Follow me, go."

The special agent carefully held up the rosewood box with both hands, and walked towards the Versace flagship store in Plaza 66, accompanied by two tailors.

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