"Who are they?"

In Plaza 66, tourists were talking about the three foreigners who suddenly came in.

They were all dressed very formally, especially the one in front, who was holding a wooden box in both hands.

The wooden box was obviously worth a lot of money.

"The box is very flat, could it be clothes inside?"

"It's probably true. Could it be that someone ordered a set of clothes and then they sent it from their overseas headquarters?"

This is Plaza 66, where luxury goods are everywhere. It's not surprising. It's really possible.

""A sense of ceremony!"

Many tourists who were shopping in the mall stopped and watched the three people walk forward.

Their gait was elegant and well-trained.

"It seems to be heading towards the Versace flagship store"

"Let's go and have a look!"

Everyone likes to join in the fun, and the rich are no exception.

Following the three people, many tourists came to the door of Versace, and some even went in to pretend to shop.

""Mr. Xiao!"

The special commissioner held the wooden box and walked quickly to Xiao Zihang.

""Mr. Xiao, this is the diamond dress you customized, please take a look!"

The two tailors walked to the sides of the special envoy and slowly opened the rosewood box together.

Rays of light flashed!


Gu Qingwei looked at the custom dress in the rosewood and murmured,"Are there so many diamonds on the dress?"

This custom white suit dress has bricks sewn on the collar, cuffs, and buttons using a special process.

Each one is at a different angle, allowing the reflected light to go in all directions.

Dazzling, rich and willful.

All handmade, all made by masters, all people work in shifts, 24 hours a day without sleep, to create a miracle within 7 days.

"What a beautiful dress!"

"This dress is definitely not cheap, maybe worth millions! Rich man!"

When Xiao Zihang picked up the dress, the people who came to join in the fun could see it clearly.

If anyone wore it to the banquet, they would definitely be the most dazzling star in the room.

The diamonds were blinding.

"I am very satisfied." Xiao Zihang put the clothes back into the box, nodded and said,"Let's go, just put it in my car."

His tone was flat, as if he was talking about something insignificant.

""Okay, Mr. Xiao." The special commissioner closed the rosewood box and stood respectfully behind Xiao Zihang.

As for why there is no need to try it on, it is because there is no need.

If the tailor-made clothes are not suitable, Versace can close down.

That would be the greatest shame for luxury goods!

"Senior sister, let's go." Xiao Zihang smiled at Gu Qingwei beside him, and the several rich ladies who came to join in the fun were fascinated.

"So handsome, but it's a pity that he's next to her"

"He, he is Mr. Xiao! He is the school idol of Fudan!"

Some people have recognized Xiao Zihang's identity, but no one chose to approach him at this time.

After Xiao Zihang and the three people from Versace headquarters left, the store manager let out a long sigh.

""Huh!" The store manager almost fell to the ground in shock,"Mr. Xiao is very satisfied! He is very satisfied!"

The store manager's expression of having survived a disaster made several puzzled customers go up to him and ask

"Manager, are those diamonds on that custom-made dress?"

"Of course!"

Versace never makes false statements. The store manager replied,"All of them are the most expensive diamonds!"

Instantly, the entire flagship store fell silent.

"How much is the dress?"Two more brave customers came forward to ask the price.

"Ten million!"

The store manager raised a finger and quoted a price that made everyone choke.


Silence, no one was born, you could hear a pin drop!

After a few seconds, the sensational sound broke out

"Ten million, that white diamond dress just now cost ten million! A new record, right?"

"So rich and inhumane, which young man is so rich?"

"Wasn't he too calm just now, as if he had bought a piece of clothing worth ten or twenty thousand yuan?"

"Young Master Xiao, you don’t know him? The one who has been going viral online recently!

At this moment, everyone realized who they had just passed by.

Young Master Xiao of the Magic City, a legend that cannot be replicated.


After leaving the Versace flagship store, Gu Qingwei asked,"How much is this dress?"

Gu Qingwei was indifferent by nature and didn't want to show off. There were so many people around that it was inconvenient to ask.

"This diamond dress that Mr. Xiao customized cost 10 million."

How could the special envoy from Versace headquarters not see the relationship between Xiao Zihang and this beautiful lady?

They must have attended the banquet together, so they customized this dress.

"Ten million?"

If it was before, Gu Qingwei would definitely be surprised.

But she was with Xiao Zihang. In front of Master Xiao of the Magic City, money was meaningless.

""Excuse me, Miss, what's your name?" The special envoy spoke fluent Chinese.

"Just call me Gu Qingwei"

"Hello, Miss Gu." The special agent explained to her the special features of this dress and occasionally communicated with the two tailors next to him in English.

"Oh, of course, this dress cost us……"

The two tailors began to tell how they sewed such a perfect dress stitch by stitch.

Just as the special envoy was about to translate for Gu Qingwei, she replied calmly:"No need for translation, I understand."

Then, Gu Qingwei spoke directly to the two tailors in fluent English.

Gu Qingwei's pronunciation was very standard, even more accurate than that of the special envoy.

"This Miss Gu is not simple either."

The special commissioner looked at Xiao Zihang and sighed in his heart.

Xiao Gongzi of the Magic City, even at their Versace headquarters, there are many employees talking about him.

Those top luxury cars blinded everyone's eyes.

Soon, they came to Xiao Zihang's sports car.

"Changed to a new car again?"The correspondent did not see this car in the online video about Xiao Zihang.

Cars are like clothes, do you change them according to your mood?

""We're here."

Xiao Zihang calmly opened the trunk of the supercar and asked the special agent to put the box in.

Carefully, again carefully.

The special agent put the rosewood box away and breathed a sigh of relief.

From now on, Versace can brag that they customized a dress worth tens of millions for Mr. Xiao!

It not only gave Xiao Zihang face, but also helped Versace advertise.

"Mr. Xiao, we'll take our leave now."

After reaching the end, the special agent nodded and bowed again, treating the customer as God:"Thank you for ordering our Versace dress."

The three of them left, and Xiao Zihang chuckled and said,"Let's go, senior sister, I'll take you home"

"No, my parents are not home at this time."My uncle is getting married on National Day tomorrow, so of course I'll go over to help first.

"I'm just going to look for Sister Zhang. Let's go back to Tomson Yipin together."


Xiao Zihang suddenly felt something was wrong.

Feifei was at his house, and now the senior was going to Tomson Yipin too?

Would they have a car accident?

Driving a supercar, Xiao Zihang returned to Tomson Yipin.

Calculating the time, Qin Feifei should still be preparing the love lunch.

"Senior sister, let me take you to Director Zhang's place."

Zhang Kanglin rented a house in Tomson Yipin, not far away.

"Your home is on the top floor of Building A, Tomson First Floor King, right?"

To be honest, Gu Qingwei was also curious about what the most expensive Tomson First Floor King looked like.

And she also wanted to see the heart of the piano.


"Is it convenient now? Can I go to see your house?"

Gu Qingwei suddenly raised her head, looked into Xiao Zihang's eyes, and asked a dilemma.

This question made Xiao Zihang's brain go blank for a second.

Things happened suddenly, and it was quite sudden for me.

What should I do?

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