A perfect score in the college entrance examination was unimaginable to Xiao Zihang.

When he first learned that there was a champion with perfect scores in the college entrance examination this year, he could only sigh that the gap between people was too big.

Fortunately, I have a system now!

It's just a perfect score in the college entrance examination, which is dispensable to me.

After the college entrance examination, this champion with perfect scores from Kyoto caused a stir across the country.

But for some reason, countless news and revelations on the Internet were suppressed and disappeared without a trace.

The top 100 foreign universities, including Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Cambridge, and Oxford, have invited her, but all of them were rejected.

Just when everyone thought she would choose Kyoto University and Tsinghua University in Kyoto, she chose Fudan University in Shanghai?

And she was a science major, but ended up going to the School of Economics?

Too many incredible things, too many mysteries

"There is always something behind her."

With a woman's keen sixth sense, Gu Qingwei had already obtained the resume of the top scholar from her uncle Yang Guangyuan.

A life of cheating since childhood!

A little jealous, this was Gu Qingwei's first feeling.

When she saw the photo in the student archives, Gu Qingwei became even more jealous.

Because women care about appearance to a great extent

"The top scholar is so beautiful?

Not far away, the top scholar, who was wearing a mask and whose appearance was difficult to distinguish, was talking and laughing. She soon left with the principal of Fudan University and others.

This scene also made Xiao Zihang incredible.

"Even if he is the top scorer in the college entrance examination, there is no need to mobilize all the senior executives of Fudan, right?"

This treatment is too high.

After the people left, Xiao Zihang and Gu Qingwei entered the School of Economics.

Gu Qingwei said that returning to the liberal arts building was just an excuse. Now, she accompanied Xiao Zihang to handle the detailed admission procedures.

From the admission notice to the ID card, there are all kinds of running around, which is a reward for the help just now.

"Her name is Su Muning."After adding Xiao Zihang on WeChat, Gu Qingwei took him to stroll around the School of Economics,"She is obviously a science genius, and even my uncle is impressed by her, but she chose the School of Economics, which is more of a liberal arts school."

"She and you are both from the School of Economics, there will be plenty of opportunities to meet in the future."

When saying this, Gu Qingwei did not feel the sour taste in her words.

"Is she from Kyoto?" Xiao Zihang learned from the online report that the top scorer in the college entrance examination, a person from Kyoto in the north, chose Fudan University in the south.

But soon, Xiao Zihang keenly caught another piece of information.

"Your uncle?"

"Yes, not many people know that I have an uncle."Gu Qingwei slowly said a name,"Yang Guangyuan, Professor Yang."

Gu Qingwei didn't know why she talked about this with Xiao Zihang, whom she had just met.

Yang Guangyuan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a professor at Fudan University, specializes in high-tech research and development. He is a person that even the president of Fudan University admires.

A national treasure!

Under his leadership, domestic lithography technology has made great progress.

Lithography, also known as mask alignment exposure machine, is the core equipment for the production of large-scale integrated circuits.

However, manufacturing and maintenance require a high level of optical and electronic industrial foundation, which only a few manufacturers in the world have mastered.

The overseas ASML company is the leader in the field of lithography.

In the future, whichever country masters the most advanced lithography technology will be able to lead the future!

"It turned out to be Professor Yang! ?"

This news was too shocking. Professor Yang was devoted to the country. He refused the temptation of high salary abroad and even risked his life to break through the heavy military siege and return from studying abroad.

In order to ensure Professor Yang's safety, the country also dispatched the naval fleet at that time.

It can be seen that he is extraordinary!

"You should know that my uncle got married on National Day, right?"

Because he has been engaged in research and development, Professor Yang is 45 years old this year, but he has not yet settled his lifelong event.

However, on October 1 this year, he will marry Zhao Yelin, another professor at Fudan University.

The two are 15 years apart in age. They met and fell in love at work, which is a good story.

National Day is only one month away.

"I know, Professor Yang is a national hero."

In Fudan University, you may not know the president, but you must know Professor Yang.

The one who often appears on CCTV news, the one who has been received by leaders many times. After a short stop at the School of Economics, Xiao Zihang and Gu Qingwei returned to the main gate of Fudan University.

However, less than an hour after leaving, more than 30 luxury supercars were parked here.

"What’s going on? Why are there suddenly a bunch of supercars driving here?"

"Bugatti Veyron, Lamborghini, Pagani Zonda, Koenigsegg, McLaren? Why do so many luxury cars worth tens of millions run in Fudan?"

"This Pagani Zonda seems to belong to Young Master Jiang!"

Fudan students have already gathered around these luxury cars.

They have just seen Xiao Zihang's Koenigsegg ONE1, and now they are shocked by more than 30 supercars.

"These cars?" Gu Qingwei turned her head speechlessly and asked Xiao Zihang,"Do you know?"


Seeing the Pagani Zonda and Bugatti Veyron, Xiao Zihang knew who was coming.

It's fine if you two come here, but you also brought a group of people?

You have nothing to do after eating, so you have to expose my identity, right?

Sure enough, when they saw Xiao Zihang coming, these supercars opened their doors.

Then, a group of second-generation rich young men in Shanghai got out of the car, led by Jiang Yuxuan and Zhou Haokai, and walked towards Xiao Zihang with a smile.

"Awesome bro, you changed the car again?"

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