""Why are you here?" Xiao Zihang was speechless.

Why is it so difficult to report to school quietly?

"Hey, let me introduce you!" Jiang Yuxuan brought more than 30 rich second-generations and stood in front of Xiao Zihang,"This is my brother, you will know what this means in the future, right?"

This time, Jiang Yuxuan brought his younger brothers and those friends who were good at playing to meet Xiao Zihang for their own good.

In Master Jiang's mind, Xiao Zihang was definitely the son of a hidden family, and the power behind him was extremely huge!

"Hello, boss!"

"Wow, what a rich guy! And he is also a top student of Fudan University!"

"Boss, please take me with you. Are you free later? Would you like to go for a ride in our supercar club?"

"Brother, do you know about the twin multi-story parking lot that was recently built in Shanghai? Let's go and have a look?"

"Koenigsegg ONE1! One hundred million! The boss's new car, I'm jealous."

Without even a second thought, who else could the silver-white supercar at the entrance of Fudan belong to except Xiao Zihang?

"Are you all friends?"Gu Qingwei knew Jiang Yuxuan, a famous second-generation rich man in Shanghai. The rest of them were also well-known young men in Shanghai.

She didn't dislike Young Master Jiang.

"They are all friends from the supercar club." Xiao Zihang explained with a smile

"Wow, aren’t you our Shanghai’s great writer, Gu Qingwei?"

"Yes, yes, Miss Qingluan is a sophomore in Shanghai."

This group of rich second-generations quickly recognized Gu Qingwei. She was very famous, and many young men were interested in pursuing her, but unfortunately she ignored them at all.

"Big brother is big brother. Yesterday, the girl next to him seemed to be the school beauty of Moxi, but today it was the school beauty of Fudan."

In his heart, Zhou Haokai admired her even more.

That's right, only the beauty of a school can be worthy of his big brother Xiao Zihang!

"Then you guys can chat slowly." Gu Qingwei nodded to everyone, then turned to Xiao Zihang and said goodbye,"Those little girls will be back soon, I'll go sign autographs"

"Go ahead, don't let your little fans wait anxiously."

After Gu Qingwei left, Xiao Zihang took this group of rich second-generations to the side and started chatting.

"Brother, when are you free?" Jiang Yuxuan felt itchy all over his body, and just wanted to see those rare supercars in his mind, running on the track.

"I don't have time recently." Xiao Zihang spread his hands, looking helpless,"The school will have an opening ceremony tomorrow morning, and military training in the afternoon, which will take 10 days."

"Brother, do you have time after the military training?"

Zhou Haokai looked at the Koenigsegg ONE1 with envy. This car can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in just 2 seconds!

"I'll be free then." Xiao Zihang also wanted to go to the supercar club to try out his god-level driving skills.

"OK!"Zhou Haokai gestured,"Brother, let's contact each other then."

After that, he quickly tugged at his best friend Jiang Yuxuan's clothes, signaling him to leave quickly.

Didn't you see that brother and the Fudan school beauty appeared together?

You steely straight man, hurry up and leave, don't be a light bulb!

Soon, this group of second-generation rich boys got back into the supercar. Ignition! Accelerator! They sped away with the earth-shaking roar of the engine.

"Hey, you guys really want to be on the front page, right?"

Xiao Zihang looked at the sports car going away and smiled and shook his head. These second-generation rich people seem to be quite innocent.

"It's time to report to my family that I'm safe."

Looking at the shocked students and teachers at the Fudan school gate, Xiao Zihang turned and entered the school.

After walking for a few minutes, he came to a seat surrounded by trees on the campus. He took out his mobile phone and logged into the online bank. He transferred 500,000 yuan to his grandfather's bank card.

Too much is not good, for fear of scaring the old man.

Then, he called his grandfather's mobile phone.

"Hello! Zihang! Have you arrived at school yet?"An old and excited voice came from the other end of the phone. Xiao Zihang's grandfather Xiao Yongqing had been bragging to his fellow villagers and neighbors for a long time because his grandson was admitted to Fudan University.

"Grandpa, I'm at school, everything is fine"

""Okay, okay, that's good!" Grandpa's concerned voice came again,"Is the tuition enough? Is the living expenses enough? Grandpa will give you some this afternoon

, okay?" Family members are those who always worry that your life is not good enough and you don't have enough money.

"No, no."Xiao Zihang knew that it was not easy for his grandparents to raise him all these years."Grandpa, actually, I made a lot of money this summer vacation."

""You kid!" Grandpa scolded on the other end of the phone,"You study hard and wait until you graduate from college before you talk about making money. Your grandmother and I are still waiting for you to succeed and have great-grandchildren!"

Xiao Zihang's grandparents opened a small farm in the countryside to support their family.

"Zihang, your grandma wants to talk to you.

Soon, the voice of grandma Li Cuifen came from the other end of the line.

"Zihang, are you back for National Day? Grandma misses you."

"Grandma, I might have something to do on October 1st."

Professor Yang is getting married on National Day, and as a Fudan student, how could Xiao Zihang miss it?

"Well, I will probably be back on October 3rd."

""Okay, okay, then you study hard."

Grandma said, and returned the phone to grandpa. Taking the phone, Xiao Yongqing reminded him again:"Zihang, you are still a student, don't think too much about money. Grandpa will give you 10,000 this afternoon. If it's not enough, we'll talk about it later, okay?"

"Huh! ?"

Suddenly, Xiao Yongqing found a text message on his phone.

"Your bank card received a transfer of 500,000 yuan, and the balance is 532,000 yuan."

What's going on? Is this true or false?

"Grandpa." Xiao Zihang knew that the money had arrived, so he asked,"Did you receive the 500,000 yuan I transferred to you?"

"You! Did you transfer this money to Zihang?" Two tears flashed across Xiao Yongqing's wrinkled eyes. Over the years, he only hoped that his grandson would have a bright future."Don't joke with me, your grandfather. Our family, our family——"

"Grandpa, our family is rich now!"

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