After adjusting the microphone and speaker and plugging in the power,

Instructor Pei sat cross-legged in front of the student with a guitar in hand, strumming the guitar with his fingers and the melody came out.

"Will you remember the diary you wrote yesterday tomorrow? Will you still miss the you who used to cry the most tomorrow?"

"The teachers can no longer remember you and can't guess your questions. I just happened to look through the photos and remembered you, my deskmate."

"Who married you who was sentimental, who read your diary. Who put your long hair up, who made your wedding dress."

With guitar accompaniment, Instructor Pei sang"My Deskmate" with affection.

""My deskmate, I am so familiar with you."

Back then, Instructor Pei also had a female deskmate named Liu Yuwen. They fell in love with each other and almost broke the last layer of their relationship. But later, she went to a higher university, and Instructor Pei resolutely joined the army.

When they met again, Instructor Pei had retired.

His legs and feet were no longer agile due to injuries, while she had become an elite white-collar worker.

After that, the two got together.

A year ago, despite her family's opposition, she resolutely married Instructor Pei.��

I put your long hair up and made you a wedding dress.

Because you are my wife.

"I once defended my country, and now I will protect you wholeheartedly."

The two finally had the best ending.

When the song ended, all the students of the School of Economics applauded. Many female students with low tear points secretly wiped away their tears.

"Good song!"

On the playground, students and instructors from other departments were also attracted by Instructor Pei's singing.

"Who among you can play guitar?"Instructor Pei decided to give the students a stage to perform, especially the boys,"It's OK if you can sing, I'll accompany you!"

In school, boys who can play guitar and sing get extra points!

Girls often like this

"Instructor, how about letting Xiao Zihang sing a song?"

"That's right, Xiao Zihang is such a great shooter, he must be a great singer too!"

Because Xiao Zihang declined to perform at the welcome party, the girls from the School of Economics were very upset.

They really wanted to see their favorite school idol perform on stage.

"Do you want to try it?" Su Muning on the side urged mischievously,"Don't pretend, you can sing, right?"

Xiao Zihang is now a star in the School of Economics, and every girl pays attention to him.

"Then, I'll give it a try."

After saying that, Xiao Zihang immediately used his wealth to buy the skill

"System, spend 8 million wealth to buy god-level singing skills, 14 million wealth to buy instrument master skills!"

Expensive, really expensive!

Xiao Zihang's wealth dropped sharply to only 1 million after returning to the pre-liberation era overnight, but it doesn't matter, as long as he gets a high evaluation from Instructor Pei, he will immediately receive 300 million in rent!

And you can have such awesome skills with just this little money, it's a big profit!

"The god-level singing skill has been unlocked, and the host has the same singing skills as a superstar; the instrument master has been unlocked, and the host has mastered various instruments, including guitar, piano, violin, erhu, suona, etc., and has master-level skills."

Seeing that the girls unanimously recommended Xiao Zihang, and the person concerned also accepted it, Instructor Pei waved and said,"I didn't expect it, Xiao Zihang, do you need my accompaniment?"

"Coach Pei, I can play guitar"

""Great, great!" Instructor Pei admired Xiao Zihang even more and immediately handed him the guitar.

After taking the guitar, Xiao Zihang moved away from the microphone and stroked the surface of the guitar with his fingers. Then, he kept tuning and testing the sound on the six strings of EADGBE, looking for the best feeling.


Instructor Pei was stunned. Xiao Zihang's audition made him realize the gap between amateurs and professionals.

Half a minute later, Xiao Zihang stood in front of the microphone.

He plucked the guitar lightly and sang with his voice.

A special song slowly flowed out in the soothing rhythm of the guitar.

The sound was as clear as mountain spring water, clear and pure, continuous and powerful, without a trace of impurities.

"My country and I cannot be separated for a moment"

"Wherever I go, a song of praise flows out."

The song was melodious and soon spread throughout the playground with the loudspeaker. When they heard the song, all the instructors were stunned.

Maybe the students felt the song in general, but they were different.

They were soldiers!

And the song was"My Motherland and I".

All the students who participated in the military training, as well as the accompanying counselors and teachers, did not expect Xiao Zihang to sing this song.

Many people had already taken out their mobile phones to record this special video.

"Me and my motherland?"Su Mu Ning's curiosity and surprise turned into seriousness. Then, she also hummed along with Xiao Zihang's guitar accompaniment.

Like an elf descending to the earth, praising the ancient country

"I sing every mountain, I sing every river"

"Smoke curls from cooking fires, small villages. A track on the road, my dearest motherland."

More and more students couldn't help but sing this hymn.

At this time, seeing Xiao Zihang singing"My Motherland and I" and the chorus of other students, Instructor Pei was filled with mixed feelings.

Yes, I used to sit on the dirt pit in front of the army with my comrades and sing this song together.

I played the guitar accompaniment and they sang together.

"That evening, we drank and ate meat together and sang"My Motherland and I" together. But one night later, the two brothers were gone."With all the memories piling up in his heart, Instructor Pei's vision gradually blurred.

Seeing Xiao Zihang playing the guitar and singing, Instructor Pei thought of himself, his comrades in the army, and the two brothers who died.

Although they can't come back, fortunately, their sacrifice was not in vain.

Because, after the military training at Fudan University, Xiao Zihang took the lead and the students sang"My Motherland and I"!

Some invisible things are finally passed on.

"It is meaningful for us soldiers to protect this land!"

Men don't shed tears easily, just because they haven't reached the depth of love.

At this moment, a song breaks the defense���

Instructor Pei, tears fell down.

(PS: Thanks to Damao, Zhizun, and King of Glory Lv Bu for their 55...855 monthly tickets. Let me explain to the readers that this novel is a super-rich novel, but it is not just a super-rich novel. People have read too many traditional super-rich novels, so the author wants to write something different)

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