"My motherland and I are like the sea and the waves"

"The waves are the children of the sea, and the sea is the support of the waves."

Xiao Zihang's singing and the chorus of students on the playground attracted more people to stop and listen.

More and more students and teachers consciously joined the chorus.

Xiao Zihang's singing has condensed all the skills into the singing, which is simple and unpretentious.

The steady breath and sincere feelings are enough.

Before the song ended, all the teachers, students and instructors present were singing"My Motherland and I" loudly.》

"My dearest motherland, you are the sea that never dries up"

"Always give me the clear waves and the song in my heart."

After the song ended, the lingering sound still echoed over the Fudan campus for a long time.

No one expected that after the military training, everyone would sing the same song in unison. So much so that everyone was still not out of their feelings, you looked at me, I looked at you, the whole audience was silent.


""Pa! Papapa!" A round of applause rang out!

More applause also came from all directions.

Not far away, Professor Yang, who was the first to applaud, looked at all the freshmen with a gleam in his eyes.

""Good singing!!!" Professor Yang was deeply moved. It was the first time he heard such a shocking chorus.

And all the students sang spontaneously.

This kind of military training effect is what the school hopes to see.

"We Fudan students should do the same!!"

When they saw Professor Yang appear on the playground, the atmosphere of the students suddenly became lively.

"Wow, Professor Yang is here! He came to see us!"

"Hello, Professor Yang!

Facing the greetings from the students, Professor Yang smiled and waved in response:"Be knowledgeable and determined, ask questions and think deeply! Come on, students!" Be knowledgeable and determined, ask questions and think deeply, and benevolence will be there.

Source:"The Analects of Confucius·Zi Zhang": Read widely and learn extensively, and stick to your ambitions, and be able to ask questions earnestly and seek advice, and think more about current affairs, and benevolence will be there.

This is the school motto of Fudan University, and it is also the life principle that Professor Yang has always followed.

After leaving the playground, Professor Yang smiled and said to his niece Gu Qingwei beside him:"Qingwei, it seems that you are right this time"

"Uncle, I told you he is not just an ordinary rich second generation, you still don't believe me?"

Because he drove a supercar to report, Xiao Zihang's name had already spread throughout the school. Professor Yang was also very interested in cars, so he naturally knew about it.

But at first, Professor Yang just thought Xiao Zihang was a rich second generation who loved to show off.

However, when he learned that Xiao Zihang's military training live-fire shooting had broken the record, and there were many other performances, his opinion changed.

"Can a student who can lead the way in singing such a song in such an occasion have bad character?"

Now, Professor Yang is finally convinced that Xiao Zihang is not an ordinary rich second generation, but a promising talent with unlimited future!

"Among the freshmen this year, Xiao Zihang and Su Muning will surely shine."

"Uncle, don't worry about these things."Gu Qingwei has no way to deal with her uncle Yang Guangyuan. Professor Yang is too protective!

If anyone dares to touch Fudan students, he will be the first to rush out to defend them.

"What you should be most concerned about now is Sister Ye Lin and your marriage."

"It's just a wedding. Your sister Ye Lin is not petty."Professor Yang walked on the tree-lined path. The maple leaves on both sides were red, and the ground was covered with red frost, just like a grand wedding red carpet."I didn't want to make a big fuss, but Mr. Ren insisted on sponsoring the hotel and car."

Mr. Ren is the CEO of Huawei Group.

Professor Yang led the development of lithography technology and has close contacts with Huawei Group. So this time, Huawei arranged Professor Yang's National Day wedding!

As an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a great scientist, Professor Yang deserves this treatment.

The hotel is a five-star hotel in Shanghai, which has hosted many celebrity weddings and celebration banquets.

The cars are all luxury cars, rented from Yiche.com.

"Is that Yiche.com reliable?"

Gu Qingwei knew that behind Yiche.com was Yiche Trading Group, a local enterprise in Shanghai, a large automobile trading company, whose latest spokesperson was the young and handsome Han Jae-bin.

"It should be no problem. I bought my SUV on Yiche.com.

In his own words, Professor Yang is also a layman. He likes luxury cars, but he just wants to enjoy them. If he has money, he might as well buy something affordable.

While the uncle and niece were chatting, Xiao Zihang was surrounded by school girls again.

A song made him famous again.

"Brother Xiao, please, can you please attend the welcome party tonight?"

"Handsome guy, how about you play a guitar solo tonight?"

"You have such a nice voice and you play the guitar so well, but you said you had no talent last time? Humph, you're a big liar!"

A group of girls used various threats and inducements to Xiao Zihang, and even Lu Zhifei, the counselor of the School of Economics, came to get involved.

"Well, I want to quit!" Pan Xiaomei came up to complain,"Handsome Xiao, can you play the piano for me?"

These days, Pan Xiaomei has been playing violin with Su Mu Ning at the request of the counselor. However, her level is limited and she can't keep up with the rhythm at all. It 's really stressful. Su Mu Ning, the top scholar, is really an all-rounder!

His violin attainments make Fudan's music teachers feel ashamed.

"this……"Xiao Zihang didn't know whether to accept his classmates' suggestion, but at this moment, the system voice sounded again.

The mission of the super rich has been completed, and his reward has arrived!

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