"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving the highest evaluation from the instructor!"

"100% ownership of Bandai Plaza, 300 million rental income, rewards have been issued"

"The first phase of the Shenhao system has been completed 5/15"

"The next task has been released. Please shine at the welcome party. Task reward: Magic City Intelligent Twin Three-dimensional Parking Lot."

This task reward surprised Xiao Zihang.

"Magic City Intelligent Twin Multi-storey Parking Lot!"

Last time at the gate of Fudan School, someone among the younger brothers Jiang Yuxuan brought mentioned it!

Of course, he knew it himself.

The Twin Multi-storey Parking Lot is two tall transparent buildings that can accommodate thousands of cars!

The appearance can be described in one word: cool!

"I don't have to worry about having no place to park my car anymore!"

Tangchen Yipin's 10 underground parking spaces are not enough, and I have to have my own exclusive parking lot.

Host: Xiao Zihang

Cars: 200,000

Real estate: 1 (Tangchen Yipin)

Enterprise: 1 (Wandai Plaza)

Wealth: 301 million

Charisma: 90

Physique: 76

Wisdom: 85

Skills: Erudite, God-level driving���、Sharpshooter, God-level singing skills, instrument master

Since the mission rewards have come out, Xiao Zihang will no longer refuse

"Well, I know a little about piano, so I can take your place."

Xiao Zihang's answer put Pan Xiaomei at ease. She was just talking, who knew if Xiao Zihang could play the piano, and whether he would agree?

"Great, handsome Xiao, I knew you were the best!"

Pan Xiaomei is slightly plump, weighing about 120 pounds, but she is approachable and has a good relationship with her classmates.

This time, she finally doesn't have to tremble under Su Mu Ning's powerful aura.

"You can also play the piano?"

Su Mu Ning was not surprised. Judging from Xiao Zihang's recent performance, he was a child of a mysterious family, so it was normal for him to be able to play the piano.

"I know a little bit." Xiao Zihang said modestly,"Do you need to rehearse it?"

"Well, OK."Su Mu Ning smiled faintly, warm and peaceful in the warm autumn sunshine.

Then, the two said goodbye to their classmates and went to the concert hall together. With the help of music teacher Li Wanqin, they started their first rehearsal.

It was also the only rehearsal.

"You guys!"Music teacher Li Wanqin is 30 years old. She graduated from a famous music university and studied abroad in the music capital.

But her attainments in piano and violin were completely defeated by two students.

"Ahem, your ensemble will definitely be the focus of tonight's welcome party."

Soon, night fell, and the welcome party of Fudan University began in the Zhengda Gymnasium.

The stage was located in the center of the gymnasium, and there was no lack of red carpet lights, which was quite imposing.

The school originally provided performance clothes for Xiao Zihang and his partner, but did they need them?

After taking some time to go back home, Xiao Zihang came back wearing a Givenchy white suit. He was handsome and tall, like a prince in a fairy tale, which immediately caused cheers from the girls present.

"Wow, he is worthy of being our Fudan school idol, so handsome!"

"Did you know that Xiao Zihang will perform piano tonight? Oh my God, I didn’t expect that he can play the piano besides guitar!"

"This face value is more handsome than a star. What is that popular young man Han Zaibin? Get out of here!"

Han Zaibin can't play the piano or guitar, and his acting skills are average. He is just a money-making machine packaged by the agency.

Moreover, he has been hyping up his upcoming engagement on National Day, which has aroused many people's disgust.

After the welcome party started, all the freshmen focused their attention on the center of the stage.

Each department will have one or two performances, but everyone is a freshman, and the performance is not amazing.

"Xiao Zihang and Su Muning are the last to appear on stage!"Counselor Lu Zhifei was very proud this time. The two most dazzling freshmen in the whole school were both from the Department of Finance of his School of Economics! The last to appear was the second to last, because the last program was a speech to the school leaders.

Time passed quickly.

When the third to last program ended, the whole audience suddenly burst into thunderous applause.

"Xiao Zihang! Xiao Zihang! Xiao Zihang!"

"Su Muning! Su Muning! Su Muning!"

The two brightest new stars of Fudan are about to perform on the same stage!

The lights are shining, and two white figures slowly appear from the back and step onto the center of the stage where everyone is paying attention.

Tonight, Su Muning wore a white evening dress. The upper body is wrapped in a white magnolia flower. At the waist, the color is milky white and turns to goose yellow.

After the willow-like waist, the color of the dress turns milky white again.

The hem of the skirt is also in the shape of a white magnolia.

At the waist, there is a slender champagne gold belt, which sets off the whole outfit elegantly and luxuriously.

"Very beautiful."Xiao Zihang looked at Su Mu Ning and praised,"You are thoughtful. Bai Yulan is the school belle of Fudan."

This school belle does not refer to a person, but to the flower Bai Yulan.

An elegant flower, it implies loyalty and gratitude, and represents noble qualities.

"School beauty?" Su Mu Ning was like a little fox who had succeeded in his trick, his eyes flickered, he smiled slyly, hiding his true intention in his heart,"I accept your compliment."

"Let's get started."

After greeting quietly, Xiao Zihang elegantly sat down in front of the black piano. At the same time, Su Muning stood gracefully beside the piano and raised her violin.

The black and white keys fell, and the violin strings rose.

The ensemble began.

(PS: Thanks to Hui Tairu for urging for more)

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