The melody of the violin is like the sound of birds, soaring over the green grassland.

It is melodious and far-reaching, spreading to the hearts of every student.

""So beautiful!"

At this moment, the entire Zhengda Gymnasium was replaced by a vast grassland. All the students forgot the noise of the city in their freedom.

The piano melody started again, interweaving with the violin in the air, stretching for thousands of miles.

The night seemed to fade away at this moment, and the first ray of sunlight in the morning was projected on the center of the stage, turning Xiao Zihang and Su Mu Ning into light.

Just like a perfect couple.

In this song, the piano is the protagonist, and the violin is the accompaniment and embellishment.

The ensemble of the two aroused strong resonance in everyone's hearts.

It seemed that they could smell the scent of grass, the gurgling stream, the fragrance of flowers, and the chirping of birds and insects.

The tired soul was washed in the music.

""Master of piano, no! Prince of piano!"

Xiao Zihang, wearing a white suit, sat upright in front of a black piano.

One white and one black, eternal classic colors.

He was elegant in manners, played calmly, and every movement was skillful, exuding a restrained nobleness.

This scene had already made music teacher Li Wanqin crazy.

If she were 10 years younger, she would definitely - forget it, a nobleman of this level was not something she, a small music teacher, could imagine.

Xiao Zihang's piano sound had made countless girls fall into a dream.

"I always thought Prince Charming was a fairy tale, but now I believe it"

"The Piano Prince, this is what it should be like, right?"

"Is this our Fudan school idol? It was like a dream. I was still very moved after waking up for a long time."

In the world of music, guitar is usually played by the big brother next door, while violin belongs to the melancholy nobleman.

As for piano, it belongs to the elegant prince.

The piano sound continued, and Su Muning, who was playing the violin accompaniment, was now fully immersed in it.

"How many secrets do you have?"

Xiao Zihang gave Miss Su one surprise after another. It was like a bottomless abyss, deadly but tempting.

This feeling was something she had never experienced among her peers.

"Curiosity kills the cat, humph, but I'm not a cat."

Su Mu Ning has had a cat-like personality since he was a child, with a strong curiosity. He is not well-behaved, but rather a little devil.

"This time, you win."

Su Mu Ning is competitive. Among her peers, at least in the eyes of her elders, she is always the child of other people's families. During this performance, no one noticed the passage of time.

When the last piano sound stopped, the audience woke up from the dream.

"It's over? I seemed to have fallen asleep just now?"

"What a beautiful voice, am I dreaming?"

After a long silence, the audience burst into warm applause again, one wave higher than the other!

""Good, good, good!"

Principal Zheng Peiwen and Vice Principal Fu Yuanguo stood up and applauded. The school had such a student, and their leaders were proud of it.

Su Muning's situation was special. The two principals only knew that her identity was not simple, but they didn't know what was behind it.

Xiao Zihang was also special and had been shrouded in mystery.

After the welcome party, many students were reluctant to leave. They were posting the video footage they had taken on the Internet

"Fudan school idol, the real piano prince!"

"This is the real piano performance, which is made for violin. Fudan school beauties and school hunks will show you how to play it!"

Just like the chorus of"My Motherland and I" after the military training at noon, the girls wished that Xiao Zihang would become more famous.

Such a powerful school hunk should have a broader stage!

It was already late when he left Zhengda Gymnasium. After waving goodbye to everyone, Xiao Zihang drove back to Tomson Yipin.

"This mission should be okay, right?"

After washing up, Xiao Zihang sat on the sofa in the hall, sinking into it, surrounded by comfort.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for shining at the welcome party, and rewarded with the Magic City Intelligent Twin Stereoscopic Parking Lot"

"The first phase of the Shenhao system has been completed 6/15"

"The next task has been released. Please go to the Supercar Club to participate in the racing competition. The task rewards will be distributed according to the ranking: 34% equity of Yi Che Trading Group (third place), 51% equity of Yi Che Trading Group (second place), 67% equity of Yi Che Trading Group (first place), and no rewards for other places."

As a student of the Finance Department of Fudan University of Economics, Xiao Zihang knows very well what these equity interests mean.

Nine life lines of equity!

In the distribution of corporate equity, the impact of different proportions of equity on control rights varies greatly.

1%: Subrogation rights, also known as derivative litigation rights, can be indirectly investigated and prosecuted, and the board of directors can initiate an investigation.

3%: Temporary proposal rights, with the right to hold a small meeting in advance.

5%: It is a warning line for major equity changes.

10%: Temporary meeting rights, which can raise questions, investigate, prosecute, liquidate, and dissolve the company.

20%: It is a warning line for major competition in the same industry.

30%: It is a takeover offer line for listed companies.

34%: Safe control rights, with a veto power.

51%: Relative control rights, relative control of the company.

67%: Absolute control rights, equivalent to 100% power, can modify the company's articles of association, split, merge, change the main business projects, make major decisions, etc.

"So, as long as I win first place in the race, I can absolutely control the Yiche Trading Group?"

The reward for this super rich mission is amazing!

"What Bandai Plaza? We'll talk about it in a few days."

It's just Bandai Plaza. Is it as good as Yiche Trading Group?

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