The next morning, before Xiao Zihang even left the house, he received a call.

The number was local, but unfamiliar.

"Hello, is this Mr. Xiao?"

"It's me, who are you?"Xiao Zihang poured a glass of Fillico natural mineral water and took a sip.

"Mr. Xiao, you will be my boss from now on."Luo Zhifei on the other end of the phone said with a smile,"I am Luo Zhifei, the general manager of Bandai Plaza. You can just call me Xiao Luo from now on."

Bandai Plaza, which ranks among the top ten in Shanghai, belongs to a private owner.

After Xiao Zihang completed his task yesterday, he bought it in full with a price that the other party could not refuse under the operation of the system.

Now the boss has changed to Boss Xiao!

"Oh, Bandai Plaza." Xiao Zihang replied calmly,"Well, I see, you guys should run the business as usual. I'll come over to take a look when I'm free in a few days and contact you then."

A large supermarket with billions of revenue seemed to be just that in Xiao Zihang's mouth.

"Yes, yes, I will do my job well and never let my boss down!"Luo Zhifei was afraid that the new boss would take office, so he fired him directly. Now it seems that the new boss is easy to get along with.

And according to the information, the new boss Xiao Zihang is only 18 years old, a freshman at Fudan University

"It must be some big family that bought a big shopping mall to train a successor!"

It's so scary!

This is the foundation of a real wealthy family.

In Luo Zhifei's heart, he had already kept Xiao Zihang's identity in mind and worshipped him every day.

After ending the call, Luo Zhifei immediately summoned the staff and security guards of the entire square and repeatedly stated that the new boss would come to inspect in a few days, and everyone should be alert and perform well!

"Remember, this is our new boss's profile! Don't forget to recognize him when the time comes!"

After working for a long time, Luo Zhifei finally returned to the general manager's office with peace of mind.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Zihang simply ate some steak sandwiches and was about to go out when his cell phone rang again.

"Hello, is this Mr. Xiao?"

"Um, is there anything wrong?"

""Hello, boss! Hello, boss!" There was still a familiar flattering voice on the other end of the phone,"I am the person in charge of the Gemini parking lot. Boss, when are you free to come over and hand over the work?"

"It turned out to be the Twin Parking Lot. I was just about to come here."

"OK, OK, boss, call me when you get here."

The Magic City Intelligent Twin Multi-Storage Parking Lot was a reward for the task at the Welcome Party last night. It is said that a lot of money was invested in its development and construction, and it is a test of future parking lots.

It will be open to the public in the future as a high-end parking lot, and will be built into another business card of the Magic City.

"I have so many cars, I'd better park them myself."

After choosing the right car key, Xiao Zihang stepped out of the room and took the elevator downstairs.

After passing through the lobby and arriving at Tomson Yipin Garden, Xiao Zihang was about to go to the underground garage when he heard noisy voices in front of him.

"What's going on?" Xiao Zihang waved and asked a property manager.

"It's Mr. Xiao." The property staff sighed and kept apologizing,"Sorry, we must evacuate those people outside as soon as possible."

"Are there a lot of people listening?"

"Didn't Han Zaibin come back last night?"The property staff snorted coldly, showing no respect for the owner."His crazy fans came to chase him early in the morning and blocked our door."The popular young star Han Zaibin also lives in Tomson Yipin.

But the building he bought is Building C, with two units per floor, which is much cheaper than Xiao Zihang's Building A.

"Is there such a thing?"

I always thought that brain-dead fans were just a product of the Internet, but I didn't expect that they are even crazier in reality?

"Oh, what trouble!"

The property staff sighed and rushed out.

"I want to see how awesome these brainless fans are."

They blocked the gate of Tomson One. Are these fans true fans or haters?

Doing so will only bring discredit to their idols.

Then, Xiao Zihang went to the underground parking lot. Today, he was going to pick up a new car.

When Xiao Zihang went to the underground parking lot, at the gate of Tomson One, several security guards were persuading Han Zaibin's fans to leave, but to little avail.

"Get away, you damn gatekeeper! We want to see Binbin!"

"Binbin loves you! Even if you want to get engaged, we will always protect you!"

"Binbin is the best! I look forward to your new work!"

There were no less than a hundred crazy fans chasing after the star this time. They held up cheering signs and surrounded the entire gate of Tomson Yipin.

"You're causing me so much trouble so early in the morning!" Property manager Zheng Chaoyuan came over with a frown on his face,"Another incident?"

"Manager Zheng! How about notifying Mr. Han to come over?"The security guard who had an encounter with Xiao Zihang before was extremely depressed. He didn't dare to scold or drive away these brainless fans.

Because this kind of thing has happened before.

Han Zaibin has created an extremely protective image for himself. He will never let anyone who dares to hurt his fans go.

Last time, the security guard was scolded by Han Zaibin because he pushed his fan, and he almost lost his job.

"If you don't answer the phone, I can't do anything!"

Zheng Chaoyuan had called Han Zaibin a long time ago, but he was obviously pretending to be asleep and left his fans outside.

At this time, the sound of a supercar roaring and blasting the street was heard in Tomson Yipin.

The sound was so loud that everyone at the gate stopped.

"What kind of car is so loud?"

"A sports car, it should be a very expensive one! Could it be Binbin's?!"

"Ah, I can't stand it anymore, Binbin comes out in a sports car!

In an instant, Han Zaibin's crazy fans were as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and they were almost ovulating on the ground.

In their sight, a pure black luxury sports car was driving towards the door.

(PS: Thank you for the 100 VIP tip from V, you look delicious)

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