"Is this a Bugatti?"

The security guards at Tomson First-class had a broad vision and had seen all kinds of luxury cars.

But for this one, they only recognized the logo, a big"B"Words.

Full of B style!

"This is it!"It was Zheng Chaoyuan, the property manager, who had to deal with celebrities every day and had studied all the luxury car information,"This is the Bugatti La Voiture Noire! It's specially customized, and there is only one in the world!"

It was once a flash in the pan at a foreign auto show, and there was no news afterwards.

This Bugatti, known as the black emperor, shines with diamonds all over.

Real black gold!

The ultimate GT racing car, based on the Chiron model, but with a private custom structure added to it.

It uses a handmade carbon fiber body and glossy black paint, paired with an 8.0-liter four-turbo W16 engine, with a maximum output of 1479 horsepower/1103kW and 1600NM torque.

The rear of the car is equipped with six exhaust pipes, and it accelerates from 0 to 100 kilometers in 2.4 seconds.

The price is as high as 126 million, a super luxury sports car!

This time, Xiao Zihang drove the Bugatti in convertible mode. Wearing sunglasses, he quickly arrived at the gate.

"It turned out to be Mr. Xiao, normal, normal!"

After seeing the owner of the car, the property manager Zheng Chaoyuan and the security guards nodded, and seemed to have some impression in their minds.

Xiao Zihang seemed to have driven this car and returned from outside.

There is no need to worry about a supercar appearing out of thin air, the system will make everything reasonable.

When he arrived at the door, Xiao Zihang did not get out of the car, but asked the security guards and property managers

"Not solved yet?"

"Sorry Mr. Xiao, this is our fault. We are very sorry."

"It has nothing to do with you." Xiao Zihang looked at the group of brainless fans in front of him, his face changed,"Is it popular to chase stars like this now? No parental education?"

She kept talking about a dead doorman. The security guards of Tomson Yipin are all industry elites. Is it their turn to insult?

The idol's indulgence of fans is also the original sin.

If such a thing happens in Bandai Plaza one day, Xiao Zihang will never allow others to insult his employees.

Han Zaibin's protection is fake, Xiao Zihang's protection is real

"Mr. Han is also our owner, and he has always been very protective of his fans. It is difficult for us to deal with him."

The property manager Zheng Chaoyuan was severely punished. Afterwards, a complaint from an owner was enough to make them lose face.

At this time, seeing that the person driving the luxury supercar was not their idol Han Jae-bin, these fans started to shout again.

"It's not Binbin! You scared me. What's going on?"

"Hey, this little brother is very handsome, could he be our friend Binbin?"

Then, these girls who were"brainwashed" by Han Zaibin approached Xiao Zihang one by one.

"Brother, are you Binbin's friend? When will Binbin come out?"

"Brother, can you take us to see Binbin? Can you help me?"

Maybe, this is why brain-dead fans are disliked.

"I don't know any Han Zaibin. I'm going out. Please get out of the way." Xiao Zihang blew the whistle to warn these brainless fans to get out of the way.

"You!" Several fans with bad tempers immediately pointed at Xiao Zihang and shouted,"Watch your words, do you have any manners?"

"You blocking the door is very polite? You scolding the security guard for being a dead door is very polite? You not apologizing to them is very polite?"Xiao Zihang continued to honk and sneered,"What, the whole world wants to know your idol Han Zaibin?"

Don't talk too much with idiots, it will lower your IQ

"Zoom! Zoom! Boom boom boom!"

The engine of the Bugatti Black Emperor once again made a deafening roar, sweeping across Tomson Yipin!

I'm going to drive out now.

If you have the guts, just block it!

The supercar moved forward inch by inch, scaring the female fans of Han Zaibin in front of it to step back step by step.

"Hit someone, you dare to hit someone! ?"

"Is this the quality of the owners of Tomson Yipin? How can you bully people like this!"

Some brainless fans burst into tears on the spot.

"Why don't you get out of the way? Do you know how much Mr. Xiao's car cost?" Property manager Zheng Chaoyuan was fed up with these brainless fans and shouted,"Hundreds of millions, a scratch will make you bankrupt!"

"Go, go, go! You have seriously disturbed our property owners. If you don’t leave, I will call the police!"

"Your idol Han Jae-bin is also our owner, so we are polite to you. If you continue like this, don't blame us for being rude!"

Seeing Xiao Zihang stand up for them, the security guards were moved and immediately became tough.

At worst, we just quit!

Most of the brain-dead fans are very young, how could they have experienced such threats and grievances?

"One hundred million for a car? Who are you kidding! Tomson Yipin is not worthy of us, Binbin!"

""Just go! Binbin will make you look good!"

Although these female fans are brain-dead, they are not brainless. If they continue to stalemate, this sports car might really hit someone.

After saying this, they all scattered.

"Mr. Xiao is really amazing."

Looking at Xiao Zihang driving away in the Bugatti, Zheng Chaoyuan, the property manager, was filled with emotion.

"Han Jaebin, you are in there, why don’t we see you come out to protect your fans?"

"Mr. Xiao, as an owner, maintained the security and property of Tomson One."

Zheng Chaoyuan believed that if this happened in Xiao Zihang's territory, he would do his best to protect his employees.

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