Soon, Xiao Zihang's voice spread throughout the Supercar Club.


Starting today, Building B of the Magic City Intelligent Twin Multi-Storage Parking Lot will be open to our Supercar Club friends for free.

"What? That most modern smart parking lot? I remember it cost several billion, right?"

"Damn, the boss gave out a lot of benefits! You don’t know, that parking lot belongs to the boss!"

"What?! The one from Twin Parking Lot, Mr. Xiao? What kind of family is that? How can you get that?"

"He is so rich and inhumane, worthy of being our Vice President Xiao, a big spender!"

Shocked, even President Li, who has seen a lot of things, was silent at this moment.

"Is this possible?"

It takes more than money to turn that parking lot into a private parking lot.

"Sure enough, it's not simple."

Especially the invisible nobleness and calmness revealed by Xiao Zihang, which are not possessed by ordinary children of aristocratic families.

In Kyoto, President Li has only experienced this kind of absolute confidence in that"other people's child".

That little girl has been cheating since she was a child.

When everyone in the supercar club celebrated, Xiao Zihang's mission reward arrived!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning first place in the Supercar Club competition. Mission reward: 67% of the shares of Yiche Trading Group have been issued."

"The first phase of the Shenhao system has been completed 7/15"

"The next task has been released. Please attend the class reunion and leave a deep impression at the end. Task reward: Shangri-La Five-Star Hotel in Shanghai."

Finally got it!

Yiche Trading Group is an automobile trading company that has risen in the past two years. Its headquarters is located in the suburbs of Shanghai and covers a very large area.

It is mainly a huge parking lot.

However, because this company has just started and its profit model is not yet clear, it is big but not strong.

But it has great potential in the future

"With this company, my car will be much more convenient in the future."

The next reward is the five-star Shangri-La Hotel in Shanghai! It is a famous local hotel that often undertakes celebrity weddings and celebration banquets.

After the rewards were distributed, Xiao Zihang just waited quietly for the other party to notify him.

After a short stop at the supercar club, he drove the supercar and took Qin Feifei and everyone to the Gemini parking lot.

"Brother, it's worth it to drive the Pagani III today!" With a little favor, Jiang Yuxuan has been completely"conquered" by Xiao Zihang.

This is the supercar socializing in the upper class.

Remember, the main function of a rare supercar is not to collect, not to drive it out to show off, but to socialize!

Expand your network, win people's hearts, and make your social circle bigger and bigger. Your status will also rise steadily.

And Xiao Zihang's free parking for friends in the Supercar Club at Building B of the Gemini Parking Lot is another bombshell.

Free is not important, the main thing is the style!

The most awesome private parking lot in Magic City, since I, Xiao Zihang, am the vice president, of course my brothers will have special benefits.

Win the hearts of the people.

This move made Xiao Zihang the only choice for the president.

After the National Day, the Supercar Club will hold a competition again, and by then, it will be the day to elect a new president.

"Brother, how about we do some maintenance on your car?" Zhou Haokai's proposal was immediately supported by everyone.

"No, these cars are too troublesome to maintain."

It is time-consuming and laborious to have a professional team fly in from the overseas parent company.

"We'll talk about it next time." Zhou Haokai said with a smile,"Let's go to the gas station ahead and fill up!"

When they arrived at the gas station, many luxury cars were immediately surrounded by employees and drivers who were refueling.

"Damn, more than a dozen out-of-print supercars coming to refuel?"

"One tire can buy me a car!"

After stopping the car, Jiang Yuxuan asked,"Brother, where do you usually get gas? The 101 supercar gasoline here is the best quality. I recommend it."

"I don’t fill up my car very often." Xiao Zihang replied,"When the gas runs low, I’ll just change my car."


Listen, is this human language?

It's inhumane!

""When it comes to showing off, you are the best!" This sentence made all the rich second-generations feel uncomfortable.

After filling up the gas, everyone drove away.

Arriving at the Twin Parking Lot, Jiang Yuxuan and others parked Xiao Zihang's sports car in Building A.

And they left in another person's supercar and drove their own car to Tomson Yipin.

"That."Looking at the magnificent twin parking lot, Qin Feifei stammered,"I have something to do tonight, please take me home." Qin Feifei had an important guild PK tonight, but she didn't tell Xiao Zihang.

Xiao Zihang had already spent so much money, she didn't want to do it again

"Okay, I'll take you back."

Driving a black Bugatti Emperor, Xiao Zihang drove on the streets of Shanghai.

The rate of turning back was 100%, and the rate of avoiding was 100%!

"We're here." Xiao Zihang parked the car at the entrance of the Magic City Drama Academy and pointed ahead, saying,"Have a good rest and take care of yourself."

You are my lucky cat, how cute!


Qin Feifei held the Hermès shopping bag in both hands, and the blush on her face gradually faded, dyeing her ears red.

Suddenly, she raised her head, and a firm look flashed in her tender eyes.

"Thank you."

With her red lips slightly parted, she slowly approached Xiao Zihang and kissed him slowly...

(PS: There will be no shortage of updates, they will all be added. The number of favorites has been increasing slowly, and I am a little panicked. It should be available on Friday, and I ask for the support of readers.)

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