The lips parted as soon as they touched, leaving only a hint of aftertaste.

Retracting her head, Qin Feifei's face was like a ripe apple, white and rosy.

"What happened to me?"Qin Feifei thought about how she lost her first kiss, and she felt more and more that her brain was filled with water.

Her head suddenly became hot. Is it true that a woman in love has a negative IQ?

But she, it seems, is not in love yet!

The kiss just now surprised Xiao Zihang a little.

He didn't expect that he would be suddenly attacked by a girl.

What a failure!

"Is this a thank you gift?" Xiao Zihang stared at Qin Feifei's rippling eyes, smiling.

"I, I'll go back first."

Qin Feifei's voice was soft, like the buzzing of a mosquito, getting softer and softer.

She opened the car door, carried a lot of bags, stepped on high heels, and hurried away in small steps.

Like a thief who had stolen something.

After watching Qin Feifei enter the school, Xiao Zihang closed the car door and sighed softly.

It turns out that it's so easy to let a beautiful girl take the initiative?

"Am I too charming? Or am I too charming? Or am I too charming?"

No way, too outstanding, can't contain


After Xiao Zihang left the supercar club, a yellow Lamborghini Hurricane arrived with a loud noise.

It stopped in a parking lot full of luxury cars, and Qian Longfei pulled the woman in the passenger seat out of the car.

This woman was the one he had hooked up with recently, or rather, this woman hooked up with him.

"Look, baby, this is the supercar club, it's full of car lovers like me!"

In a few days, Qian Longfei will attend a class reunion.

He is the richest second-generation rich man in his high school class, and he doesn't like Xiao Zihang very much.

Next time, he will show off in front of the whole class.

"But my Lamborghini Hurricane is obviously not cool enough!"

People are greedy. When they have something good, they want something better.

So Qian Longfei wanted to come to the supercar club before the class reunion. He was a low-level member of the club and was not qualified to interact with top rich second-generations like Master Jiang.

"Honey, you stay here for a while, I'm going to do something"

"Well, then, husband, please come back soon."Hu Siya is 22 years old this year, three years older than Qian Longfei.

But a woman who is three years older than her husband is more likely to be rich.

After separating from Hu Siya, Qian Longfei immediately went to his brother, Da Fei.

Da Fei is the top brother on the Xiao Qiang brother list of Shark Live, a local tyrant!

And he has a good relationship with Master Jiang. Unfortunately, he and Xiao Zihang are just nodding acquaintances now.

"Brother Dafei!" Qian Longfei rubbed his hands, looking flattering,"Can I do what I told you last time?"

""Xiao Fei!" Brother Da Fei smiled brightly,"You are lucky boy!"

"Really, it really worked?"

"It's nothing, nothing!" After saying that, Da Fei took out a Porsche 918 key from his pocket.

It was the car that Sun Youxun lost to Xiao Zihang in the afternoon and was confiscated.

"This is! This is the Porsche 918!!"

One of the three most amazing cars in the world, Qian Longfei couldn't even imagine it!

"So you are lucky!" Dafei thought of Xiao Zihang's heroic figure running on the track just now, and was very envious."Mr. Xiao doesn't want this car, so I gave it to our club. I asked Young Master Jiang to put the key here."

"It's just right. I'm idle anyway, so I'll lend it to you for a few days."

Even if this Porsche 918 is really auctioned for charity, it can't be sold so quickly.

All members of the supercar club are eligible to borrow idle vehicles.

Hearing the words"Mr. Xiao", Qian Longfei looked at Brother Dafei in confusion and asked,"Brother Dafei, who is Mr. Xiao?"

"You came too late, and you didn't see Young Master Xiao. It's a pity."

Then, Brother Dafei told Xiao Zihang's story today, exaggerating and licking it.

Young Master Xiao, Young Master Jiang's brother, a mysterious child of aristocratic family.

He owns more than a dozen out-of-print supercars, including Pagani Three Fantasy Gods, Poison, Bugatti Hermes, Bugatti Black Emperor, etc. Porsche 918 and McLaren P1 are all brothers to him.

"No wonder Mr. Xiao doesn't want this 918, he is too rich, isn't he?"

Qian Longfei has great respect for Mr. Xiao, whom he has never met. If he could get to know such a high-ranking rich man, he would definitely be rich!

But now, he finally got the capital to show off.

Holding the key to the Porsche 918, Qian Longfei walked in front of Hu Siya with an unconcerned step, and kissed her:"Baby, actually I have a Porsche 918 parked here. I'll take you out to play these days!"

"Husband, you also have a Porsche 918!" Hu Siya's heavily made-up face was full of surprises,"Love you, love you! This is one of the three most amazing cars in the world, worth tens of millions, you can't buy it now, right?"

"It's just a small thing." Qian Longfei quickly found a Porsche 918 and asked his lover to sit in the passenger seat."I'm going to attend a class reunion in a few days. You can come with me.""

"Okay, husband, you are the best!"

"So tonight, baby, how are you going to reward me?" Qian Longfei showed a lewd smile and stared at the woman in front of him.

"It's up to you."

Hu Siya hooked her fingers skillfully, looking like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Haha, let’s go!"

Qian Longfei inserted the car key and started the blue Porsche 918.

"Porsche 918, one of the world's three greatest cars, a rare edition that cannot be bought even with money."

Who can stop Qian Longfei from showing off at the class reunion this time?

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