Back at Tomson Yipin, Xiao Zihang stood on the balcony and admired the Bund scenery.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone and it was indeed from Yiche Trading Group.

As the new chairman who bought 67% of the shares and the majority shareholder with absolute control, the other party wanted to serve him tea and water every day.

"Mr. Xiao, when will you come to inspect the company?"

"I have something to do tomorrow, Sunday. Let's go on Monday."

On Tuesday, Xiao Zihang will attend a class reunion. Alas, I have been so busy lately that I have no time to study hard.

"OK, Mr. Xiao, do we need to convene a board meeting? Do we need to make any changes to the company's articles of association and plans?"

"No, everything will remain the same. You are already excellent, I don't need to participate in the operation of the company"

"Thank you Mr. Xiao for your trust!" The other party felt deeply trusted by the new chairman and was very excited."Don't worry, Mr. Xiao, our Yiche Trading Group will definitely be better in the future!"

After ending the call, Xiao Zihang saw the messages left by Jiang Yuxuan and several of his rich second-generation brothers.

"Brother, when are we going to go to the F1 professional track?"

"Let's talk about it after National Day"

"Brother, are you free on Tuesday at noon? How about coming to my hotel for a meal?"

"My classmates have a reunion on Tuesday"

"Okay, then come to my hotel, everything is free!"

"No, no, the place has been booked, Xilinmen Restaurant, they are all the same."

As expected of a brother, he has long transcended the shackles of food!

"Okay, I'll go eat now!" Jiang Yuxuan went down from the second floor of the manor and joined his parents at the dining table.

Since meeting Xiao Zihang, the temperament of this young master Jiang from the Magic City has changed drastically. Anyway, his parents are much more pleasing to the eye.

"Yuxuan, are you still busy?" Jiang Yuxuan's father asked,"This Mr. Xiao is not an ordinary person, you have to be good to him!"

"I know, Dad." Jiang Yuxuan said with a smile,"My brother said that he was having a party with his classmates at Xilinmen Restaurant on Tuesday at noon."

"Well, I happened to be free that day. Jiang Yuxuan's father nodded and said,"How about this, I'll go with you guys then, I have to go and see the best of the best!"

Xiao Zihang's rare luxury car was so eye-catching.

It was dinner time, but Xiao Zihang had already eaten.

"It's still early at eight o'clock, I'll go to Feifei's live studio then."

Xiao Zihang opened WeChat again and saw Shen Qianqian's message from many girls.

The two met in a taxi before school started, and they haven't met for the second time yet.

"Have you eaten yet? I'm almost exhausted!"

"There must be a lot of customers at Xilinmen Restaurant now. Don't be too tired."

"It's okay, it's okay." Shen Qianqian's WeChat message came quickly,"Your classmates' reunion is on Tuesday, right, hehe."

It seems that she doesn't know that Xiao Zihang is a super rich man?

I don't know whether I should say she is cute or not?

After sending another text message to Xiao Zihang, Shen Qianqian picked up a plate of shredded pork with fish sauce and rushed out from the kitchen.

There were so many guests eating today that she didn't even have time to drink water.

"Tuesday, I don't know what Xiao Zihang's classmates are like."

Shen Qianqian is looking forward to it, or looking forward to meeting Xiao Zihang again.

She only participated in the military training of Fudan University for two days, and took the"girls" leave for the rest of the time, and then came here to work.

Speaking of which, she hasn't been to school for several days.

"But Senior Qingwei is really nice."

Shen Qianqian's behavior in the past few days has long attracted the attention of Gu Qingwei, the vice president of the Student Union. As a senior in the Department of Literature, Gu Qingwei has always taken good care of the juniors in the same department.

She has always been very protective.

Not long ago, Gu Qingwei contacted Shen Qianqian and asked her what happened recently.

Then, she told her about the situation at home.

Knowing that Shen Qianqian was working outside, Gu Qingwei wanted to know the address, but Shen Qianqian always evaded the question.

"Qianqian, I'll talk to you next time, okay?"

Then, Gu Qingwei didn't contact Shen Qianqian again, and seemed to be looking for help.

The guests at the table finished their meal quickly. Shen Qianqian's forehead was dripping with sweat. She took a rag and wiped the greasy table vigorously.

Guests came and went around her.

"After my brother gets married, things should get better."

Shen Qianqian had a happy smile on her face. Her brother was 27 years old. Although he was introverted and a little indecisive, he was very kind to his sister.

The relationship between the brother and sister was also the driving force for Shen Qianqian to keep going every day.

After working for a while, Shen Qianqian leaned against the wall to rest.

"I only told this to my senior sister, so don't tell anyone else."Shen Qianqian wanted to share the pressure in her heart with more people.

Happy families are all similar, but unhappy families are each unhappy in their own way.

"Actually, I work part-time to earn money for my studies because my brother is getting married soon."

""Getting married?" Xiao Zihang replied,"Getting married requires a lot of money."

"Well, the woman wants a dowry of 500,000 yuan"

""Five hundred thousand?" Xiao Zihang knew that many men in China fell on this high threshold.

"Yes, my family couldn’t afford that much money before, but……"Shen Qianqian was silent for a while, then sent a smiling face,"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I have to get busy, see you on Tuesday"

"Well, OK."

Knowing that Shen Qianqian had something to hide, Xiao Zihang didn't ask any more questions.

But at this time, another WeChat message came.

It was from Gu Qingwei.

"Are you there? I have a question for you."

"What should we do if our school students have financial difficulties at home and are working outside and don’t want to accept help?"

(PS: This chapter, including the previous ones, are very important plots.)

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