"Is that student from your Department of Literature?"

"Well, she is a freshman, her name is Shen Qianqian."Gu Qingwei wanted to help, and had already told her uncle, Professor Yang, about this.

Professor Yang's meaning was very simple, if students have difficulties, the school will certainly help.

Fudan students should focus on their studies!

Professor Yang also said that he would find an opportunity to talk to Shen Qianqian.

It would be best to talk to the boss of Shen Qianqian's part-time job, so as to get twice the result with half the effort.

""We can't interfere with Shen Qianqian's family affairs." Gu Qingwei sighed on the other end of the phone,"But we can manage her part-time jobs."

Shen Qianqian had already told Gu Qingwei about her family selling the house to raise the dowry for her brother.

Working part-time is also to reduce the burden on the family. At least, she wants to solve her tuition and living expenses by herself.

It's easier to talk about this between girls.

"Shen Qianqian, I know where she works, Xilinmen Restaurant"

"Do you know each other?"

Gu Qingwei was quite surprised. Xiao Zihang and Shen Qianqian had such different statuses, how could they know each other?

"I met him in a taxi last time, and I haven't seen him since."

"You also take a taxi?"

Gu Qingwei's perception was refreshed again. You have so many luxury cars, but you still take a taxi?

"Can't I take a taxi?"

Xiao Zihang chuckled. He didn't expect that the serious senior Gu Qingwei was actually quite cute.

"That's good, I know where it is. I'll go over and talk to my uncle next time."

Working part-time is fine, but it can't interfere with your studies."

"Did Shen Qianqian tell you about her brother's wedding gift?"Xiao Zihang asked

"The girl's hometown is in another city, and they want a dowry of 500,000 yuan. In order to raise money, Shen Qianqian's parents sold their house for 1.5 million yuan, and put it all in the bank." Now, Shen Qianqian's parents have moved out of the old house in Longchang Apartment and live in a low-rent apartment outside. Shen Qianqian has been living in the female employee dormitory provided by the restaurant these days.


Xiao Zihang couldn't accept this news.

How could such a thing exist?

"Really, this is the picture Qianqian sent me."

This picture is the WeChat chat record between Shen Qianqian and her brother Shen Yunjie, which happened yesterday.

"Bro, the house is sold."

"It sold for 1.5 million. Isn't that amazing?"

"My mother deposited money into the bank and could withdraw it at any time."

"Brother, our family is rich now."

The chat record ends here, and the last sentence touched the hearts of countless people.

Shen Qianqian only dared to tell this secret to the kind senior sister Gu Qingwei.

"Got it." Xiao Zihang replied immediately,"Next time, I will have a good talk with her."

Suddenly, the system voice sounded again.

"Ding, an emergency is detected, and a temporary task is started. Good people should be rewarded. Help Shen Qianqian through the difficulties. Task reward: Literary Master Skills. Reward Description: Only by deeply understanding literature can you have in-depth exchanges with literary girls like Shen Qianqian and Gu Qingwei."

"In-depth communication, well, this system task is quite good at choosing the time……"

After finishing his chat with Gu Qingwei, Xiao Zihang thought about the phone call he made to his grandfather.

"Grandpa, our family is rich now."

Xiao Zihang was deeply touched by that feeling.

"Brother, our family is rich."

How strong must Shen Qianqian be to say such"heavy" words in such a"relaxed" tone? At the class reunion on Tuesday, Xiao Zihang planned to solve this matter together.

"It's almost eight o'clock, let's see what's going on with the live broadcast."

Xiao Zihang opened his laptop and logged into Shark Live.

He had an account and had watched live broadcasts before.

But he was a freeloader and had never spent a dime.

"On Saturday and Sunday, use the cashback card."

Xiao Zihang immediately used the reward for helping Qin Feifei buy clothes.

The shopping cashback double critical card can be used multiple times within two days, and the total consumption will be doubled, with a maximum limit of 50 million!

Tomorrow, Sunday, Xiao Zihang will ask Qin Feifei out again.

The class reunion is coming soon, so he has to buy something good. His Bandai Plaza is also waiting for him to go there.

"How can a man not have a watch?"

After using the cashback card, a string of numbers appeared in front of Xiao Zihang, visible only to him.

Amount spent: 0 yuan

"Spend 50 million in two days, maximize the benefits!"

Soon, Xiao Zihang found Qin Feifei's live broadcast room on the Shark Live page.

Little Rabbit Feifei, 600,000 popular, several times better than before.

At this time, the guild PK has not started yet, and the two anchors have not yet connected.

Qin Feifei, the clothes she was wearing were exactly the dress Xiao Zihang bought.

The makeup did not change, the beauty filter was not turned on, but the temperament was moving, and the beauty was unparalleled.

"Wow, Sister Feifei is so beautiful tonight, like a little fairy descending to earth!"

"I'm not happy at all. There's basically no chance of a guild PK tonight."

"I don't know if the super rich little brother will come over, but he should, the little rabbit said for sure."

Qin Feifei's conversion ability is really too poor, all of them are freeloaders.

Among the anchors with the same popularity, Qin Feifei's ability to make money is the last, miserable.

Time soon came to eight o'clock, and the guild PK began.

The anchors of both sides connected the microphone, and the screen was divided into two

"What kind of shit luck is it that the first PK is against Xiaoxue?"

Qin Feifei's first opponent is one of the popular anchors on Shark Live who can sing and dance, and is popular with the local tyrants.

Xiaoxue, sister, is sure to win.

"Little rabbit sister Feifei and little sister Xiaoxue are here to greet you."

(PS: This chapter has an important plot and is expected to be released on Friday)

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