After saying hello, Xiaoxue started singing to be cute.

Her voice was more like a loli, a little bit pretentious.

But men like this.

"It seems to be gone."

Although Qin Feifei was also singing, her voice was melodious and graceful, but it was really just singing.

"Thank you for the super fire from my brother"

"Thanks to Hunting Brother for the two invincible rockets!"

"Thank you, Sister Xue, for sending me three big airplanes!"

There has been a constant flow of gifts in Sister Xue's live broadcast room.

"Sister Feifei has few gifts."

"So far, we only have one rocket and two planes. Oh my god, they are all free!"

""Where are you, little brother? Feifei needs you!"

In an instant, Qin Feifei's live broadcast room was full of messages about the little brother.

Xiao Zihang saw all of this.

"The PK will end in 3 minutes, so we have time."

At this time, Xiao Zihang was charging shark fins in the backstage.

100 shark fins equal 100 yuan, and the guild price is about 50% off, or even lower.

Now if anchors want to stand out, they mostly need the guild to increase their cash flow, as well as the support of real and fake rich people.

Obviously, Qin Feifei was abandoned by the guild because of her poor cash-making ability.

"Let's top up 100,000 first."

Soon, 100,000 shark fins arrived, and Xiao Zihang immediately sent 5 super fires to Qin Feifei, worth 10,000

"Wow, 5 super hot ones, set sail! Is this rich guy so low level?"

"Thanks to the boss of Yangfanqihang for the 5 super fires."Qin Feifei saw this name and thought of Xiao Zihang.

Zihang, Yangfanqihang, is that you?

"Oh my god, there are 5 super hot ones at the beginning, the gifts have surpassed!"

"It turns out that there has been a rich man hiding in Sister Feifei's live broadcast room!"

Sister Xiaoxue, who was overtaken by the gift, panicked and thought she had won the game, but suddenly a rich man appeared

"Brothers, let's work hard together. I don't want to lose."

Once again, the local tyrants in Xiaoxue's live broadcast room gave gifts like chicken blood.

This guild PK was not an annual anchor PK, and the scale was not large. Everyone was sensible and would not give too much.

But Xiaoxue still received 20,000 gifts at once.

In just two minutes,

"The gap has widened. Will the big guys still give away gifts when Yangfanqihang arrives?"

"Yang Fan Qihang is the super rich little brother, right? He must be!"

The live broadcast room scrolled rapidly, and then a string of super hot comments swept the screen.

"Set sail and send out 20 super hot broadcasts in the Little Bunny Feifei's live broadcast room, come and watch."

The popularity soared, and Qin Feifei became a popular anchor with tens of millions of fans!

"Oh my god, 20 shots at once, so popular, 40,000 yuan, a total of 50,000 yuan!"

"Rich people, super popular free series?"

"Could it be a guild agent? Or an insider of Shark Live?"

Many new viewers did not believe that this rich man was genuine.

Soon, the first round of guild PK ended, and Qin Feifei won.

"Sister Feifei, Xiaoxue admits defeat."Xiaoxue surrendered helplessly, but still wanted some medical expenses to save face,"Brother Qihang, can I ask you for some medical expenses?"

In a live PK, the losing anchor asked for the reward from the winner's live broadcast room, asking for medical expenses

""Xiao Zihang gave away 100 fish balls in Xiaoxue's live broadcast room."

So, Xiao Zihang gave away 100 fish balls in the other party's live broadcast room, the cheapest ones for free.


"Hahahaha, the boss of Qihang is very unique. Do you want 100 fish balls?"

"I am dying of laughter. Stop pretending. You are the super rich brother. You are here to help Sister Feifei tonight, right?"

There is a 5-minute break in the first round of PK.

Looking at the ID of Yangfanqihang, Qin Feifei's heart was filled with countless emotions.

All the little things that happened with Xiao Zihang during the day appeared in front of her.

"My guild is PKing, why are you here?"

Qin Feifei smiled slightly, like a beautiful rose blooming in a bush of flowers.

This sentence made the viewers in the live broadcast room suddenly get goosebumps.

"Damn, why do I suddenly feel itchy?"

"The sour smell of love? The tone of the little rabbit is not right, not right!!"

The singles felt sour as if they had eaten a lemon.

Seeing that Xiao Zihang's ID did not respond, Qin Feifei asked sunny and brightly:"Okay, okay, rich brother, you have given so many gifts, do you want to listen to singing or watch dancing?"

There was still no answer in the live broadcast room.

Suddenly, a message appeared in the live broadcast room, facing the entire Shark Live

"Congratulations on setting sail and opening a Super King account in the Little Bunny Feifei live broadcast room!"

A Super King account costs 180,000 yuan in the first month!

The subsequent monthly renewal amount is 120,000 yuan!


"Oh my god, Super Emperor, set sail and open Super Emperor! Welcome to Super Emperor!"

"He is so rich and inhumane, he is indeed a super rich little brother! Super emperor is awesome!"

I opened the super emperor just to let you see my barrage at a glance.

Then, Xiao Zihang sent a barrage exclusive to the super emperor, which was clearly visible.


This is his request. He doesn't want you to dance or sing, just smile.

You are beautiful when you smile.

This is how the rich man picks up girls.


Qin Feifei's mouth slowly drew a curve.

She smiled, the sun was shining, the spring was bright, like an angel.

The reluctance in the past and the happiness now were intertwined.

Tears accumulated and slid down the corners of her eyes.

At this moment, she had already been complaining about Xiao Zihang in her heart.

"Damn it, you are responsible for making me cry at this time."

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